Ayrshire show I Continued from Page IS) Martin, Dennis Lamar, Stevens. Jr. Year Heifer 1. Seidel, D M. & Knight. G. 3rd, Richland; 2 Maulfair, Dale E., Jonestown; 3. Maulfair, Dale E., Jonestown; 4 Kline, William & Wilda, Mars; 5 Hemlcy, Heather & Shawn, Lebanon. Youth Class, Jr. Yr, Heifer 1. Hemley, Heather & Shawn, Lebanon. Sr, Year Heifer 1. Henley, William C., Cochranville; 2. Kline, William & Wilda, Mars; 3. Scenic View Farm, Clarksburg; 4. Maulfair, Brenda L., Jonestown; 5. Locust Lane Farm, Owego. Youth Class Sr. Yr. Heifer 1. Henley, William C., Cochranville; 2. Scenic View Farm, Clarksburg; 3. Maulfair, Brenda L., Jonestown; 4. Stewart, Debra, Owego; 5. Gerhart, David S., Reinholds. Reserve Jr. Champion Female 1. Henley, Kennard E., 3rd, Cochranville. NELSON WEAVER & SON Box 152-R2 Lititz, PA 49% SOYBEAN MEAL BULK or BAGGED PHONE 717-626-8538 IKINCI ★Pollution, odour and fly control AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT king hyorauuc power ltd ★Nutrient conservation WOODSTOCK ONTARIO ★No daily spreading, agitation or liquid handling ★No freezing problems ★Handles liquids, solids and bedding ★ Economical yearly storage ★ Manure is processed and becomes a product for use in crop production ★ Manure can be handled with conventional equipment Junior Get of Sire 1. Kline, William & Wilda. Mars; 2. Maulfair, Dale E , Jonestown. 3 or 4 Dry Cow 1. Rader, Debroah; 2 Anabournc Ayrshircs; 3 Henley, Kennard E 3rd; 4 Lyons, Richard M. Youth Class 3 or 4 Dry Cow 1 Henley, Sharon Lynne 5 or Over Dry Cow 1. Thomas, Warren K ; 2. Maulfair. Dale E ; 3 Homestead Acres; 4. Homestead Acres; 5 Ocker, John E ft Family. 2 and Under 3 Heifer 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 2. Ocker, Pattie Kay; 3. Delaware Valley College; 4. Henley, Sharon Lynne; 5. Martin, Doreen. Youth Class 2 to 3 Yr. Cow 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 2. Ocker, Pattie Kay; 3. Martin, Doreen; 4. Stewart, Debra. 3 and Under 4 Cow 1. Henley, Sharon Lynne; 2. Ana bourne Ayrshires; 3. Maulfair, Dale E.; 4. Henley, William C.; 5. Ocker, John E. & Family. ■Wi ■■■h ■■■h ■■■'i □Ejnn ★Move manure away from the barn AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER 1. Henley, Sharon Lynne; 2 Maulfair, Dale K, 3 Scenic View Form; 4. C'.erhart, Jay R 4 and Under 5 Cow 1 Henley, Sharon Lynne; 2 Ockcr. William; 3. Thomas, Warren K.; 4 Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 5 Maulfair, Diane M 1. Ockcr, William; 2 Maulfair, Diane M. S and Over Cow 1 Henley, Kennard E 3rd; 2 Kline, William fcWilda; 3 Anabourne Ayrshires; 4. Maulfair, Dale E.; 5. Ocker, Pattic Kay. Youth Class Sand Over Cow 1. Maulfair, Dale E.; 2, Ocker, Pattie Kay. Championship Udder 1. Ana bourne Ayrshires Sr. Female Champion 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd Sr. Female Reserve Champion 1. Kline, William & Wilda Female Grand Champion 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd. Female Reserve Grand Champion 1. Kline, William & Wilda. Youth Class, Champion 1. Henley, Sharon Lynne. Youth Class, Reserve Champion 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd. Youth Class, County Group of 5 1. Henley, Sharon Lynne. Ayrshire Youth Class County Group of 5 2. Maulfair, Diane M. Ayrshire, Open Get of Sire 2. Henley, William C.; 3, Homestead Acres; 4. r'- idability Junction US 1 & 41 Avondale, PA 215-268-8238 CHAPMAN STORE RD2, Wescosville, PA 215-395-3381 Youth Class. 3 to 4 Yr, Cow Youth Class 4tosYr. Co* There's a STA-RITE pipeline system to fit any stan chion barn or milking parlor... and to fit any budget, too. The heart of this system is the STA-RITE Full- Control milkhouse panel. It’s compact, efficient, low cost, and convenient. Handles up to 8 milkers, yet can be switched from milk to wash in seconds for fast, thorough cleaning. Factory assembled and tested for easiest installation, most dependable operation ... Ready to use... simply connect pipeline and plug in! LANCASTER SUPPLY 1027 Dillerville Road Lancaster, PA 717-397-4761 Kennard Henley Mi and his sister Show this week. According to Web- Sharon Lynne exhibited the grand ster, Ayrshire is spelled correctly on champion and reserve grand Kennard's prize, champion Ayrshires at the Farm Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 5, Maulfair, Dale E. Ayrshire, Dairy Herd 1. Thomas, Warren K.; 2. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 3, Henley, Sharon Lynne; 4. Ocker, John E. & Family, Ayrshire, Best 3 Females 1. Henley, Sharon Lynne; 2. Ocker, John E. & Family; 3. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd. Ayrshire, Produce of Dam 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 2. Henley, Sharon Lynne; 4. PIPELINE SYSTEM TEMPLE SUPPLY N. sth St. Highway Temple, PA 215-929-5264 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 10,1976 Ocker, Pattie Kay; 5. Potato Stewart, Wendy. Ayrshire, County Herd 1. Henley, Kennard E. 3rd; 2. Kline, William & Wilda. Tt o ♦ * HARRISBURG - Nor 9nl d ! p&ys to get thampton County’s 4-H potato judging team cap- PmnMnn huftt <?°m h tured the championship in Emotion blocks out logic. If the potato G^g^and f! 3 n C > he s identification Contest held at rnniinfj ™r Sl i k v man - the 60th Farm Shew. The h , a team scored 1331 out of a heavy toll of mind and body. possible 1500 poil)ts . Xeam members were Keith Wuchter, Blair Hower, Gwen Hower, and John Becker, all of Northampton. STA-RITE fast... efficient... milk handling! YORK WEST STORE 26 West Market Street York, PA 717-792-2674 judges win The contest’s high in dividual judge was Mark Lichtenwalner, of Macungie, Lehigh County. He scored 450 out of a possible 500 points. The second place team came from Lehigh County and Carbon County judges were third. Some time after hiring George Allen to coach the Washington Redskins, the owner of the dub, Edward Bennett Williams, was quoted as saying: “We gave George an unlimited budget and he exceeded it!” THERE'S A FETTER THAT'S BETTER FOR YOUR APPLICATION Compact Mini-Diesels Ranging from IVz H.P. to 20 HP. HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE Fetter Diesels Sales & Service Ph. 215-445-6272 or 717-354-7469 RD 2 New Holland, PA 19
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