1 ft—Lancaster Fermliy Showing Ayrshires is The Henley children are all smiles Farm Show again this year. The three over their success in the show ring, showmen are, from left Sharon Lynn, Their Ayrshires won top prizes at the Kennard 111, and William. IMPORTANT MEETINGS COMING . .. LAST CHANCE TO ATTEND LANCASTER COUNTY COURSES - DAIRY CATTLE SEMINAR - JANUARY 12TH JANUARY 12TH THRU 16TH THRU 161 H WITHER FIRE HALL QUARRYVILLE FIRE HALL East State St. Witmer, PA Quarryviile, PA 7.30 to 10:00 P.M. 12:30 to 3:00 P.M. JANUARY 26TH , < » nsists of 1. Breeding Problems THRU 30TH a. How to check and treat them b. Proper use of Hormones CENTERPORT 2. Mastitis a. Causes GRANGE HALL b. Early detection “ c. Control and prevention Centerport, PA 3, Digestive problems 12:30 to 3:00 P.M. 4. Calf problems 5. infections, diseases and preventative medicine For additional information, cost etc. mail attached coupon to ANIMAL MEDIC INC. P.O. BOX 575 MANCHESTER, PA 17345 OR CALL COLLECT (717) 266-5611 I am possibly interested in taking the course please send me more information. NAME ADDRESS TOWN STATE ZIP f Check if you would like a free copy of our new catalog lurdav. Jan 10. 1976 By DIKTKR KRIKfI HAH HISHUHO - The Hcnlcy.i of Cochranvlllc were victorious again in exhibiting their Ayrshire* nt the Knrm Show this week. Winning at major shows and county fairs has become a tradition with the Henleys. who own and operate Tower View Farm in Chester County Kennard Henley 111 was the family’s top ribbon catcher this year, as he won the senior and grand championship banners, and also premier exhibitor honors. Ahked how he liked showing, the 14-year-old student from Octoraro High School replied: “We went to 34 fairs last year and had 25 grands most of them at major shows, even national with a record like that, I really like showing." His sister, Sharon, 17, is also a successful showman and fitter. At this year’s Bicentennial Farm Show, she captured five first places. Rounding out the trio of young Ayrshire en thusiasts is 10-year-old William, who reportedly was at the lead end of a halter at age two. He has been making regular trips to the Farm Show since 1973. SPERRY NEW HOLLAND HAYBINEMOWER CONDITIONERS +7-ft, 9-ft. and 12 ft. models to choose from! +Full lateral flotation lets the header hug the ground! +lntermeshing, high-speed rolls practically eliminate plugging! +Both rolls are rubber, to treat the crop with leaf-saving gentleness! L. H. Brubaker C. E. Wiiey & Son, Inc. 350 Strasburg Pike 101 S Lime St Lancaster Quarryville 397-5179 786-2895 Stoniey A. Klopp, Inc. Bernville Pa 215-488-1500 215 488-1510 Albert i. Noss RO2 Oley Pa 215-987-6257 their bag The story of Tower View Ayrshlrcs is somewhat unusual because it runs contrary to two very com mon trends P or one thing, the farm decreased in acreage from 200 to 21 today. The Henleys were milking 80 head five years ago, but only 20 today Furthermore, up until 20 years ago the family had a mixed herd of Ayr shlrcs and Holsteins, the latter of which were shoved out about 20 years ago. Speaking on behalf of his father’s management practices, young Kennard claimed the Holsteins “weren’t milking too good and wouldn’t breed back as well.’’ His reasons for preferring Ayrshires include milking ability, good disposition, less reproduc tive problems, and success in the show ring. He said the fun of showing is one big reason why the family decided to do things on a smaller scale. They can now devote more time to the show circuit, he explained. Sharon sums up her show ring fever in these words: “You get to see many dif ferent places, see a lot of country and meet lots of people.” Her head nodded in agreement as her brother More farmers buy Sperry New Holland Haybine mower-conditioners than any other kind! Free Finance: Hay Equipment - To June 1,1976 Forage Equipment - To Sept. 1,1976 Winter Buyers Dividend Now In Effect. Shollenberger Form Supplies 4th & Pine Sts Hamburg Pa Roy A. Brubaker 700 Woodcrest Ave Lititz Pa 626-7766 chimed in will) "Just to with cows la a pleasure, you work with them more at shows than you do at home." The family had 14 head at the Show and won 17 out of 20 classes. All three of the Henley children belong to the Manor 4-H club, where Kennard serves as president and William Is news reporter. Sharon is a recent recipient of the Keystone Farmer Degree, was voted the outstanding FFA Ayrshire youth in the state (the first girl to ever win it) and is president and chapter sweetheart of her FFA chapter. In addition, she presides over Penn sylvania’s Ayrshire Youth Association. Following are results of the Open and Youth Ayrshire Show. 1. Henley, Kennard E 3rd, Cochranville; 2. Ocker, John E. 3rd, Shippensburg; 3. Maulfair, Diane M., Jonestown; 4. Kline, William & Wilda, Mars. Youth Class, Heifer Call 1, Henley, Kennard E. 3rd, Cochranville; 2. Maulfair, Diane M., Jonestown; 3. [Continued on Page 19] 215-562-2005 Heifer Calf I. G. Ag Sales Silverdale PA 18962 215-257-5136 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S Railroad Ave New Holland 354-4191 Kermit K. Kistler Lynnport, PA 215-298-3270
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