Public Sales Register !«<•■•*** * •• • « ** * * ***** BT, FEB. » - 1:M djd. - bile Salt of Choice #ie6ar Pip locatnd at ROl, fannawown. Pa. Salt by fatter M. Horst; John E. oti Paul E. Martin, Aoc looetr. PUBLIC AUCTION FARM EQUIPMENT WEDNESDAY, DEC. 31,1975 Located on Groan Ac e Road, 2 miles South west of Utitz. Travel W. Orange St on Rt 772 out of Lititz. First road left Watch for sale sign. ILF. 165 Diesel tractor, MJ. 175 Turbo Charge Diesel, Oliver 77 tractor with N.I. 506-2 row mounted corn picker, Allix Chalmers B with blade, 717 Soper com chopper and grass header, 4 row Ford rear mount coKhr., 4 row JIF. front mount cuittv., 494 A J.D. 4 row com planter, Farmhand too feed mixer, McKiaaick auger bin, Grove 16* chock wagon, 2 grain Una on running gear, 2-16* wagons with aides, NJL 390 manure spreader. J.D. Tl 4 heavy doty baler. Nickels® hay tedder, MJF. flail chopper. Ford parallel bar bay rake, NJL 3pt 450 mower. Nil 404 hay crasher, 4 bottom , cushion trip Oliver plow, Oliver 3 bottom trip plow, 36’ elevator with 3 H.P. motor, 24’ elevator, 2-24’ alum, grain elevators, J.D. 32 KBA disk, 28 disk harrow, 2 sec. Int spring barrow, 10* land roller, 9* cultipacker, 10’ NX fertilizer drill, Ontario 14 hole drill. Fox blower with 60’ pipe and diat-.hyd. dump trailer, water tank oo - wheels, 38’ -0” auger, 2 roar Ford culthr., 3 pt rear mount blade, 1065 % too Chevy pickup, 430 Commercial Gravely tractor mower, 640 me. trout end tractor weights, weed sprayer. Anhydrous applicator.J.D. 3 pt corn sbeQer, stationary Baffin type 2400 lb. feed mixer, 3 piston Myers hi-presanre pomp. Bee equip ment steel fence pasta, wire miac. items. Order of - 2 wagons full of small items then Farm Equipment Plenty of homemade food. Wilbur H. Hosier, Auct 717-626-5943 Harold (Abe) Shaftner 717-653-5689 MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY FROM THE CHARLES C. MYERS BLACK & WHITE HOLSTEIN FARM FRI FEB. 27 - 1:00 pjn. Production sale. Yorkshire or Duroc boars, bred gilts, 6 open gilts. Sale at Lebanon area fairgrounds. Sale by Leon, Lawrence, and Thomas Arnolds. 10:30 AJM. SALE FOR LUKE N. GOOD AND NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE SAT. FEB. 28 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment. Household Goods and Woodland located between Goodville and Churchtown, Vi mile South of Route 23 along Pool Forge Rd. Sale by Ammon S. Nolt, Leroy S. Horst and Paid W. Horst, Auctioneers. TUES. MARCH 2 • Public Sale of Livestock and Im plements by H. H. Becker, located 1W miles West of Manhelzn Auto Auction at Lancaster Junction along Warehouse Road, 3 miles South of Manheim, Pa.' Frank and_Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. TUBS. MARCH 2 - Dairy Herd and Farm Equipment sale located 5 miles East of Bowmansville Just off Maple Sechriat Sales Company, Inc. Livestock Auction Stewartatown, PA December 15,1975 CATTLE 152 Steers - High Choice and Prime $48.00 48.50; Good Choice 47.00 47.75; Good 44.00-46.50; Standard Good 40.00-43.00; Holsteins Good 35.00-37.50; Standard to Good 27.00-32.00. Heifers - High Choice and Prime absent; Good to Choice 35.00-36.50; Good 30.00- Standard Good 27.00- Holsteins Good 25.00- Standard Good 23.00- Feeder Steers - Good and Choice absent; Standard Good 30.00-32.00; Utility 25.00-28.00. Bulls - Good and Choice Commercial 37.00-38.50; Standard to Good 35.0036.50; Utility to Standard 27.00 32.00. Cows - High Yearling Commercial 24.00-25.50; tgjl Sales Report Grove Road, Mi mile east of Maple Grove Drag Strip, in Brochnock Twp., Berks Co. Sale by Reuben Zim merman; Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 6 - Dairy Herd Dispersal and Farm ament located IVi miles of Bowmansvtlle along Bowmansvllle Road,Just on Route 625, Sale by Weber’s Hatchery, Leon & Floyd Weber, owners: Leroy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 6 - Public Sale of Farm - Equipment, Household Goods by Weaver W. Nolt, located between Ephrata and Reamstown, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. Cutters 22,00-23.50; Canners Low Cutters 18.00-21.50; Shells 15.0 Q-17.50. CALVES 195 Calves - Choice and Prime 60.00 64.00; Good and Choice 50.00 55.00; Standard and Good 40.00-47,00; Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. 32.00-38.00; Utility 90-110 lbs. 25.00-28.00; Culls 5.00-17.00. HOGS 238 Hogs - U.S. No. 1 and 2,190-220 lbs. 52.0032.50; U.S. No. 1 and 3, 190-230 lbs. 51.50-51.75; U.S. No. 1 and 3, 180-250 lbs. 51.00-51.25. Sows - 250375 lbs. 43.00 45.00; 400500 lbs. 40.0042.00. Boars - 300500 lbs. 35.00 38.00. SHEEP 41 Lambs - Good to Choice 30.00-37.00; Medium ahd Good 22.00-28.00. Ewes - 6.00-14.50. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No. 1 and 2, 200-215 lbs. 52.00-52.50. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2,190-220 lbs. 51.50- 51.75. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 3,190-220 lbs. 51.00- 51.25. Holstein Dispersal Dec. 12,1975 Gordonville, Pa. Auctioneers Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider reported that 43 head of registered and grade holsteins and bred heifers averaged $B9l. The top cow with calf sold for $2430 followed by top cows selling for $lB5O-1890. One pair of mules brought $2lOO. and 1 pair of horses $1875. Ear com sold for $77. per ton. Buyers from several states and all over Pa. at tended the dispersal, eating their way through some 300 homemade pies, during the sale. PIGS MERRY CHRISTMAS! This month’s sale will be on the fourth Friday as always. We expect about 1500 pigs so don’V forget the date! DEC. 26TH FRIDAY 1:30 P.M. WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION Westminster, Md. Phone [3ol] 841-9820 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Pec 20,1975 SAT. MAR. 13 - Public Sale of Brood Sows, Cattle, Farm Implements It Household Goods. Located 3 mi. South of Bowmansvllle, 1 mi. Bast of Center Church along Turkey Hill Rd., Lancaster County, PA. Sale by John Z. Martin. Leroy S. Horst It Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers. FRI. MAR. 19 - Lam bertcrest Farms Complete Milking Herd It Open Heifer Dispersal. Located at Ulysses, PA, Potter Co. Kenneth & Jean Lambert, owners. Sale managers, D. 0. Rockwell It Associates, Troy PA. Iron Iron combines with pro tein to make hemoglobin —the red substance in the blood that carries oxygen to the cells Liver, other meats and eggs, dried beans and peas, enriched and whole grain cereals and breads, dark green leafy vegetables and molasses all cofttam iron. AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too targe. 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 RANDAL V. A LLOYD H. KLINE g KREIDER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 Auctioneers & Sales Managers SpedaAnngln: Dairy A Farm Machinery Sales, Red Estate - Pubic or Private Sale. • Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Available PUBLIC AUCTION rflrrftfr* Suite RO5 MANHEIM.PA. , PHONE [7l7] 665-5735 PROFESSIONAL • LICENSED AUCTIONEERS J. Omar Landis & J. M. Wilma “SPECIALISTS"' • AUTOMOBILES • ANTIQUES-FURNISHINGS • ESTATES • LIVESTOCK-MACHINERY • REAL- ESTATE • MAILING LIST AVAILABLE We are now listing Fall Sales. CARL OILIER 0 J. EVERETT KREIDER | Sf AUCTIONEERS ' 5 SAT. MAR. 20 - 1:00 p.m. Selling Yorkshire boars, bred guts, L open gilts, about 60 head. Sale at Lebanon area fairgrounds. Sale by Pennsylvania Yorkshire Club. SAT. MAR. 20 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Household Goods & An tiques. Located 1 ml. South of Five PointsvUle just off Route 897, Vi mi. East of Harold Good’s Feed Mill in Lancaster County, PA. Sale by Joseph M. Zimmerman. Auctioneers, Leroy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst. ••.v.v/iC'XvIW?? Auctioneer's Directory AUCTIONEERS SANGER & SENSENIG The best way to sell your Farm, Home or other property is at PUBLIC SALE If it's for sale, we can sell it. The Fast & Sure Way Lebanon, fA. 717-272-1025 Quanyvle,PA 717-716-3121 FOR COMPLETE SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDI, Rt. 322 Epbrata, PA 717-733-3511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Stevens RDL Box 561 717-732-3305 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available Ck/uAtm/w Joy fj Let os rejoice to- % gether for it is the !u time of our dear 5 Savior's birthday. K AND 63
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