—Lancaster Farmlnc, Saturday, Dec. 20, 1975 16 Quarryville Jaycees select Dale Herr as their Outstanding Young Farmer of the year Dale Herr, Solanco’s Outstanding Young Farmer award winner, tries out one of his prizes a 1976 Chevrolet pick-up truck loaned to him for one year by Duvall Chevrolet of Quarryville. Hka First ( TLotjLOr\a!l. dionfe oft Stni^Abun^ By DIETER KRIEG KIRKWOOD - A 31-year-old, conservation-minded dairyman who owns 92 milking cows and operates 505 acres was recently honored by the Quarryvllle Jaycees as that area’s outstanding young farmer. Dale Herr, one of eight finalists in the biannual event, received the coveted prize and opportunity to represent Solanco in state-wide competition, on the basis of his achievements, conservation practices, and contributions to the community. Associated with farm work for all his life, Herr received the honor under some circumstances which seem to buck a few general trends within the industry. Last year, for example, he was farming an additional 205 acres, and nine years ago, when be began farming on his own, he had 126 cows on test. Herr’s present emphasis is more on quality, rather than quantity, and he claims the move has paid off in the dairy bam. (Continued on Pan 171 r OMMERCIAL, HOME, FARM v BUILDERS INC. DESIGNERS - BUILDERS H OMES - FARM BUILDINGS -CALL OFFICE 717-786-1403 HOME— 717-786-4479 717-786-4314 717-529-2388 RD2 BOX 190 QUARRYVILLE, PA 17566 New idea’s Superpickers BIG CAPACITY A Superpicker is built to tackle any field, any yield —the biggest or the smallest—any condition of corn whether it’s ten feet tall or storm-blown, down and tangled. If you’ve ever owned one, you know how Super pickers like to be left alone How they’re about as trouble-free as a piece of machinery can be. Fact is, more farmers buy New Idea Superpickers than all other makes combined 1 Superpickei—harvests your corn fast See us today. Chances are your old picker will make the down payment We make your job a little easier Buy Now. Small down payment. Balance due Sept. 1,1976. No In terest Charge. L L ECKROTH FARM EQUIP., INC. . New Ringgold Ph 717-943 2367 N.H FLICKER & SONS INC Maxatawny Ph 215 683-7252 MILLER EQUIPMENT Bechtelsville Ph 215 845-2911 STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Klmgerstown Ph 717-648-2088 SHARTLESVILLE FARM EQUIPMENT A C. HEISEY FARM EQUIP. INC RDI Jonestown Ph 717 865 4526 STANLEY A KLOPPINC Bernville Ph 215 488 1500 UMBERGERSMILL RD4 Lebanon Montana) Ph 717 867 5161 ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel Ph 717-933-4114
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