—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec 20, 1975 12 Leesport Auction Leeaport, PA December 11, 1*75 CATTLE 271. Supply In cluded 76 percent feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday's market, slaughter steers uneven. Slaughter cows 50c to 75c lower. Few Choice slaughter HOG PRODUCERS! Get Top Price for New Holland Sold m sorted lots the auction way See them weighed and sold and pick up your check SALE EVERY MONDAY 9:00 A.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-334-7288 Abe Diffenbach. Manager OH FONDEST I FOR n VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 16 ALL Hi SINCEREST THANKS H FOR you PA LESTER RONKS, PA PHONE 687-6712 LANCASTER COUNTY’S ONLY DEALER SPECIALIZING IN SPRAYER SALES & SERVICE steers 47.00-48.00, Good 41.50- 45.00, Standard 33.25-41.00, few Utility 25.00-28.00. Few Choice slaughter heifers 38.00-41.50, Good 32.0tM7.00, few Standard 26.00-27.25. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22.50- 24.10, few 25.35-27.50, Cutters A. SINGER 21.00- Conner* 16.50- 20.75. Few Choice slaughter bullock* 37.25-42.75, few Standard 26.00-28.75, few Utility 18.25-25.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1225-1585 Ibe. slaughter bulls 28.75-32.00, couple Yield Grade No. 2, 1040 and 1520 lb*. 24.00 and 24.75. Choice 350485 lbs. feeder steers 33.00-30.50, individual at 41.00, Good 300- 800 lb*. 28.00-34.75, Medium 350-900 lbs. 23.50-28.50. Few Choice 900-590 lbs. feeder heifers 28.50-27.00, Medium and Good 350-730 lbs. 23.00- 26.00. Few Choice 500-830 lbs. feeder bulls 33.50-36.50, few Good 500400 lbs. 24.50-28.50, few Medium 500-400 lbs. 16.00- CALVES 156. Vealers about steady. Few Choice vealers 52.00-59.00, Good 45.00- Standard 35.00- 45.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 27.00- 90-110 lbs. 23.00- 28.00, 7045 lbs. 18.50-23.00. HOGS 249. Barrows and gilts 25 cents to 50 cents lower. US No. 1-4 200-235 lbs. Belleville Belleville, PA December 10,1975 CATTLE 239. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows $1.50 lower. One Good slaughter steer 39.10, Standard 31.75- 36.50, Utility 26.6061.85. Few Utility slaughter heifers 27.00-29.40. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 21.50-24.40, one at 24.80, Cutters 19.80-21.80, Canners 17.50-19.70, Shells down to 15.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1275-1700 lbs. slaughter bulls 26.40-29.50. CALVES 222. Vealers grading Utility 83 lower. Few Choice vealers 50.00-68.00, Good 39.00-50.00, few Standard 33.00-39.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 23.00-29.50, 70-85 lbs. 19.00-22.50. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 24.00-32.50; few holstein heifers 100-115 lbs. 25.00- 40.00. HOGS 211. Barrows & Gilts $1.50 lower. US No. 1-2 200- 230 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.50- 52.50, No. 1-3 195-230 lbs. 50,70-51.50, No. 2-3 200-220 lbs. 50.50-51.00. US No. 1-3 350-500 lbs, sows 42,2548.25, No. 2-3 350-650 lbs. 39.50- 42.50. Few Boars 30.00-30.50. FEEDER PIGS 462. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 23.50-38.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 36.00-50.00. EVERY FRIDAY FEEDER CATTLE 12 NOON Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. barrows and gilts 52.0043.35, No. 24 200-245 lb*. 51.60- 52.50, No. 2-4 250-285 Iba. 50.0041.50, No. 14 140-185 lbs. 42.0040.00. US No. 14 300400 lbs. sows 42.00-46.00, some up to 50.00, No. 24 450- 600 lbs. 38.00-42.00. Boars 200- 350 lbs. 38.00-43.00, 350400 lbs. 35.0048.00. FEEDER PIGS 140. US No. 14 2045 lbs. feeder pigs 23.0040.00 per head, No. 14 35-50 lbs. 37.00-49.00 per head. SHEEP 9. Few Good 5040 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs at 35.00. Slaughter ewes 11.50-21.00. L. H. Brubaker C. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. 350 Strasburg Pike 101 S Lime St oni C c?l e n Quarryville 397 5179 786-2895 Stanley A. Kiopp, Inc. Shollenberger Bernville Pa Form Supplies 215 488-1500 4th 4 Pme Sts Hamburg Pa 215-488-1510 215-562-2005 Albert J. Moss Roy A. Brubaker Kermit K. Kistler ROZOley Pa 700WoodcrestAve Lynnport, PA 215-987-6257 Lititz Pa 215-298-3270 626-7766 <-At Christmas, eB let us lift up our eyes to the glorious heavens let us open our hearts to the holy message of hope, joy and peace everlasting. Lv\slvwas pUss'\V\JS May the joys and blessings of Christmas abide with you. MERVIN MILLER RD2, LITITZ, PA .1 % V * I. G. Ag Sales Silverdale PA 18962 215-257-5136 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S Railroad Ave New Holland 354-4191
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