Livestock market an Dec. 12,1975 East Coast Co riot Meat Trade CAF Boston to Washington area inclusive. Compared to Tuesday’s cloae: Steer and Heifer Beef Trading active this session; demand strong, outlet broad Choice steer beef Yield Grade3”S 600-900 lbs. steady - 25 lower, good steer beef Yield Grade 3-6-800 lbs. steady; Choice heifer beef YG 3’S 5-700 lbs 1.00-2 00 lower. Bull Beef steady; cow beef steady to 50 lower. Lamb 50-55 lbs. Steady to 1.00 higher. Fresh hams 14-17 )bs. 1.50 higher, 17 lbs. up 2.00 lower, loins steady -1.00 higher, Boston Buttz steady - 50 lower, Sparenbs steady - 1.00 lower, bellies mostly steady, shoulders 1 50 lower Steer Beef Choice 6-900 lb. 77.50-78.25, late 77.25-78.25. stdy. -25 Iwr.; Choice 6-900 74.50; Good 5-600; Good 6-800 73,00- 73.50, steady; Good 74.00- 74.24 - selected loads. Heifer Beef Choice YG 3 5-700’s 75.50- 76.50, compared to Monday 1.-2.00 Iwr. Cow Beef Utlty. (Brkg.O 350-700’s 46.50-47.00 steady; Utlty. (Brkg.) 350-700’s 46.50-47.00 steady; Canner & Cutter 350- 700’s 45.00-45.50 50 lower. Bull Beef Yld. Gr. 1 & 2 500-1000’s 51.00 steady. Lamb CH & PR YG 2 & 3 50-55’s 1102.-104.00 steady -1.00 higher; 55-65’s 100.-101.00 Unhappily, when you apply convention al fertilizers, much of the phosphate is locked up through fixation in the soil. □ Up to now, this has _ _ been fought by carefully | l^rVw placing the phosphate closer to the surface and near each plant. Trouble is, this leaves your phos phorus supply "high and dry" during the heat of the summer. □ Or- tho solved this m _ « _ year 'round bene problemduringthe I I fits of fall fertiliza development of m tion with Ortho UNIPELS. A unique um UNIPELS -- the All "phospho - nitric" Ujf wl \J|Jw ■ Season Fertilizer. Chevron s Ortho TMS ORTHO CHEVRON DESIGN UNIPEL-REC US PAT OFF SMOKETOWN, PA. r’v ■ East coast carlot meats steady; 65 - UP 97.00-98 00, Choice Primal N Beef CuU-Y1d.Gr.344 Steer Hinds 120-190’s 87.00- 88 00, late 88.50; Armchucks 80-130’s 56.50-57.00; Ribs 24- 43’s 118.00-120.00; Rnds. Steer 60-95’s 88.00419.00: Full Plate 42.00-43.00; Short Plate 39.00-40.00; Briskets 51.50- 52.00; Flanks 37.00418.00. Domestic Boneless Beef-Trimmings 90 pet. visual lean 67.00- 68.00 steady; 85 pet. visual lean 65.00-66.00 steady; 50 pet. visual lean 43.00-45.00 steady. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (reg.) 8-14’s 92.25 steady: 14-17’s 89.25-90.25 steady-1.00 higher; 17-20’s 79.75-80.25 steady - 50 higher. Sho Uders 16-DN 72.00 1.50 lower. Picnics (reg.) 4-B’s 62.50- 63.50 steady; B’s & up 55.25- 55.50 steady. Boston Butts 4-B’s 79.00- 79.50 steady - 50 lower. Spareribs 1%-3’s 100.- 100.50 steady; 3-5 S 78.50 1.00 lower. Hams (skd.) 14-17’s 108.- 108.50 1.50 higher; 17-20’s 97.50 2.00 lower; 20-26’s 86.50- 87.50 2.00 lower. Bellies (skis, skin on) 10- 12’s 73.00; 12-14’s 71.00-71.25 steady -25 lower; 14-16’s 70.00-70.25 steady; 16-18’s 66.75-67.50 steady; 18-20’s 60.5(461.50 steady. CT Butts (froz. bnls.) IMs 7’s 122.50. of the phosphate you apply Pork Trmgs. TP PCT LN FR 39.50-1.00 lower, 80 PCT LN FR 59.50 2.00 lower. BNLS PIC Cushion in FR 83.00 steady. Lard: CP-DR 18.00 1.00 lower. Skd. Jowls - Fresh 34.50 3.50 lower, Frozen 33.50415.50 3.-5.00 lower. Local Grain Friday, Dec. 12 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by a number of participating local feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except ear com which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Friday, Dec. 12 are as follows: Bid+Offered-f Ear Com New 55.33 60.50 Shelled Cora 2.62 2.84 Barley 2.01 2.20 Oats Local 1.45 1.77 Western 1.98 2.04 Wheat Millers’ 2.84 3.15 Soybeans 4.27 +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the fanner delivered to the mill. Offered is the price die dealer will sell for at his mill. process makes the phosphate in UNI PELS 700% available , yet makes it resist fixation regardless of how it's applied! „i- DAnd when you plow VllUlwri downUNlPELSinthefall, P, L ROHRER & BRO., INC. ■ nftitViA ttiiifbnihKiy This Week 7000 Last Week 8100 Year Ago 5800 Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers mostly 1 00 lower. Slaughter heifers 50-1 00 lower. Cows weak to 1 00 lower. Bulls closed fully steady. Receipts about 60 percent slaughter steers 25 percent slaughter heifers balance mainly cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Load choice and prime Monday 1300 lbs. yield grade 34 49.50; hear three loads high-choice 1150-1200 lbs. 48.5049.00; choice 1050-1250 lbs. yield grade 24 45.00- 47.50; 950-1050 lbs. 44.00- 45.00; mixed good and choice 900-1300 lbs. 41.5044.50; good 36.00-42.00; load good holstems early 42.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice and prime 900-1100 lbs. yield grade 34 45.00- 45.50; couple lots 46.0046.50; choice 850-1000 lbs. yield grade 24 44.0045.00; 750-850 lbs. 41.5044.00; mixed good and choice 750-1000 lbs. 34.00- 41.50; good 30.00-35.00. COWS: Utility and com mercial 17.00-20.50; few high-dressing utility 21.00; cutter 15.00-19.50; canner 10.00-15.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1100-2200 lbs. 23.00-27.00, couple yield grade 1 28.00- 28.50. the phosphorus and oth er vital nutrients are down in the moisture zone where roots are most active in the hot, dry summer.DComesee us soon about the auction news Peoria Cattle December 11 Weekly Summary Cattle Receipts 717-299-2571 St. Louis December 11 Weekly Cattle Review; Receipts 10,800; week ago 12,300; year ago 9,200. Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, most decline on Mixed Good and Choice. Slaughter heifers 50-1 00 lower, in stances 2.00 lower on Mixed Good and Choice. Cows 1.00- 2.00 lower, instances 3.00 lower on canner and cutter compared to late last week. Bulls steady to weak. Bulk of steer and heifer supply Mixed Good and Choice YG 2-4, 900-1150 lbs. steers and 750-950 lb. Heifers with near 30 percent cows and balance largely feeder cattle. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Load and part load Choice, including Prime 1200-1250 lbs. YG 34 46.50 on Monday. Choice 950-1200 lbs. YG 24 44.0046.00. Mixed Good and Choice 850-1150 lbs. 41.00- 44.00. mostly 42.0043.00. Good 38.00-41.50. Mostly Good Holsteins 1100-1500 lbs. 35.0040.00. Standard 30.00- 32.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Load Choice and Prime 980 lbs. YG 34 45.00 on Tuesday. Choice 850-1000 lbs. YG 24 42.0044.50, closing mostly 42.0043.50. Mostly Choice 750850 lbs. 40.0042.00. Mixed Good and Choice 750-1000 lbs. ’•"•'A U. i if <J N Auction 38.00-41 50. Good 35 00-38 00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 18.00-22 00, few early 22.50-23.00. Canners and Cutter 14.00-18.00. Canner 12.00-15.00. Thin Canner 6004100 lbs. 11.00 13.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-1800 lbs 24 00-27.00. FEEDERS: Outgo this week estimated at 4100 In cluding near 3500 at Wed nesday and Thursday auctions. Feeder steers over 400 lbs. fully steady; 300-400 Ibb steers calves 1.00-3.00 lower. Feeder heifers EPPA 500 lbs. 1.00-3.00 lower; weights over 500 lbs. fully steady. Supply Mixed Good and Choice 400-700 lb. steers and 300-500 lb. heifers. Sales as of 1:30 p.m. Additional report to follow Friday morning. STEERS: Choice 400-500 lbs. 32.00-38.50; 500-600 lbs. 34.00-39.50; 600-700 lbs. 35.50 39.00; 700-900 lbs. 37.0040.00. Mixed Good and Choice 300 400 lbs. 28.00-32.00; 400500 lbs. 28.0031.75; 500600 lbs. 29.25- Two part loads Good and Choice 800907 lbs. 35.25- Good 325-700 lbs. 23.0027.75. HEIFERS: Choice 350500 lbs. 25.0030.50; 500600 lbs. 27.5031.00; 600700 lbs. 30.25- 33.00.
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