atr-Uoo»«t*y THE OLD '% L *0 11 J* V> VJ^^€ PI-.C. 22-28, 1975 Mi ->r the C hnxlmas bells from hill In hill U in't rl*,it s I •, * *2 it *Jo\M I I) I Robin In came n itional tml I'i * !'"■ I isl i(u irii r dl the moon Ike 2‘i L'SS I<> H 1 11 n( 1S i .' T rioh A'imji lenplh of daxs tor the wi.J ■< lii ui Imimilis (In w ui), patented Dec 2K !Kb4 f hiii|iil (Iti 21 I‘MIA Roix’i’id tin oU y<jr nt ly itj Ihr *'i ’ll. riri v ’ ;it Ihr I'm Home Minis Mohsscs ind horuv an* apt lo slick f«* iht tru \surn\„ tup Tp avoid this butter the m» I- itr k v xjp N ion v»ui pour ki ixiU am 1 « r Ont was bald OI D I ARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England V\eek begins with moderately heavy ram and warmer In midweek but snow in north and mountains, latter part ramv mm J with snow at higher elevations Greater New York-New Jersey Rainy and warmer to start, then clouds anduild someheavv ram latter part, gradual clearing then colder Middle Atlantic Coastal Continuing ram, then some clearing bv midwet k and warmer m east ram again partU sunny and cold bv Wcc ktrd Piedmont & Southeast Coastal Cloudy with some light ram through midweek rain latter part locally heavy m west with snow and wrv cold Florida. Scattered light rain to start then clearing and some frost in central ramv latter part, then dear and cold bv week's end Upstate IS Y-Toronto & Montreal. Week begins warmer, then heavv rain and snow scattered over area and colder, rainy and warmer again latter part except moderate snow in west and mountains Greater Ohio Valley: Light rain early week, snow in north and east continued ramv mixed with snow in many areas, and cold bv week s end Deep South. Clearing and mild at beginning, then ram, quite heavv in central and south, latter part unseasonably cold m central and north with scattered rain Chicago & Southern Great Lakes. /Weather conditions alternate between snow, light freezing ram and snow mixed with ram en tire week Northern Great Lakes Week starts out sunny and seasonable, then light to moderate snow in central and east, dear and warm in west latter part, cold snap east Central Great Plains: Occasional light rain to start, snow in north, light snow flumes latter part, then clearing and mild Texas-Oklahoma- Early week general clearing and mild, then light scattered rain and cooler, partly cloudy and some light rain in north latter part, then clearing and warm weekend Rocky Mountain: Partly sunny and variable to start, with light snow m north and central, week ends clear and colder than nor mal Southwest Desert: Early week clear and mild in west, cold snap in east, still clear and warm in west, but milder in east latter part Pacific Northwest. Ram and snow at first, then clearing and milder in south sunny and mild in north, cloudy in south at week's end California: Early week cloudy, with scattered showers, then cold in north and clearing in south, latter part clear and warm in south, fog and cold in north (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin, N H 03444) Old larmcr’s Kiddle Two men 101 l out of ,i bo it but onU one p.ot hi-> wel Wh\ ’ l Answe r lx low ) Ask the Old Farmer I recentlv found a rnijx (or sweet .ind sour pork that called tor mx pi exes of red haw which I had to omiT since I have no idea what it is Do xou know what re-d haw is’ R \ Sarasota I londa 7)ii )i.i.. ht rry is thi trail of the hawthorn trn Martinsburg Auction Martian burg. Fa. Dee. 8,1175 CATTLE 240. Compared with last Monday's market, slaughter cows steady to $1 lower. One Good slaughter steer at 42.75, one Standard at 35 00. Utility 22 10-31 fiO Two Choice slaughter heifers 37 25 and 37 85. Good 32 25 36 25. few Standard 27 DO -31 00 Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 22 25-24 00, one at 25 60, Cutters 20 35-22 25. Canners 17 00-20 10. Shells down to 13 00 Two Standard slaughter bullocks 25 85 and 29 00. few Utility 22 25-25 00 Few Yield Grade No 1250- 1480 lbs slaughter bulls 28 60-29 10, few Yield Grade No. 2 890-1560 lbs 23.00-27 00 Few Choice 400-470 lbs feeder steers 28 00-32.25, Good 250-750 lbs 25.50-29 25. Medium 500-850 lbs 18 GO -22.00; few Choice 350-450 lbs feeder heifers 25 50-29.00, Good 350-700 lbs 24.00-27.00. Medium 360-580 lbs 14.00- 19 50; few Good 300-415 lbs feeder bulls 21.00-27.25, few Medium 430-580 lbs 15.75- 17.25. CALVES 318. Vealers $1 to $4 hihger. Couple Prune vealers 60.00 and 65.00, Choice 53.00-62.50, Good 42.00-54.50, Standard 33.00- 44.00, Utility 120 lbs. 27.00- 30.00, 90-110 lbs. 19.50-27.00; 70-85 lbs. 18.00-24.50. Farm Here’s a good neighbor for life f J. Wilbur Sollenberger 303 Mable Avenue Bus. 717-397-3579 Res. 717-392-1900 Smoketown. PA A GOOD man to see for all your family life insurance He can provide you with a State Farm life policy de signed to fit your needs exactly And with his spe cial training and expen ence, he's qualified to help you get what you want out of life L»*e a gaad ntighktr, State farm it fhara I jSL STATE FARM LIFE fgpp INSURANCE COMPANY iMvuakNci Home Office Bloomington lUmoi* calves, holstcln bulls 100-110 lbs 25 00-29 50. HOGS 262. Barrows & Gilts uneven US No 1-3 190-245 lbs barrows & gilts 51 DO -53 40. No 2-3 185-250 lbs 51 00-53 00, No 7-4 250-285 Ibi 48 60-51 00. No 1-3 130- 170 lb-* 40 00-45 25 VS No 1-3 300 510 lbs sows 44 25-50 00. one at 52 75 Hoars 30 DO -14 00 FEEDEHIMGS47 US No 1-3 35-50 lbs feeder pigs 21 00-40 00 per head. No 1-3 50-90 lbs 39 00-50 00 per head SHEEP 3 Not enough of any one grade to establish a market STORAGE & DRYING 1 EQUIPMENT } TOPQUALI7Y LOWPRICfS | Can bf pidwd up il littery. our vtrthouw or dtfimrt lo four firm Prices Listed in Effect till Dec 31st READ GRAIN BINS Includes centerlill ventilator rool ladder, manhole. 2 ring walk in door w-auger opening & Shield Stl FOB factory fiimt JtoJkjL fact discount price 14 4 1,540 $lO6l $743 14 5 1883 1201 841 18 5 3.182 1704 1192 18 7 4.314 2175 1522 21 7 5.945 2579 1805 24 7 7.863 3180 2226 27 7 10,069 3926 2742 30 7 12.574 4536 3175 36 7 18.521 6238 4366. Many more tires available up to 150 000 bu READ BULK TANKS Includes hinged loading lid, roof ladder, sturdy legs & braces, center draw hopper w-22" opening. Ton Usl TO 6 Factory D l3 Hints Cap Price Discount Price 7 2 65 $512 $358. 7 4 10 7 626. 438. 8 4 139 709 496. 8 6 19.2 868 608. 9 6 226 1223 856. 10 7 348 1612. 1128. 12 6 48 2042 1429. 12 7 54 2205. 1544. Hopper Tanks up to 334 ton capacity HUNTER BUCKET ELEVATORS All galvanized construction, PVC belting, sturdy Hi-speed cups, sealed ball bearings, inspection door. Bu /Hr. List F. 0.8. Factory .Height Capacity Price Discount Price 40 500 $2040 $1530 50 1000 2438 1828 ' 60 1500 2978. 2233 70 3000 4451. 3333' Various other sizes available up to 160 ft. high & 25,000 bu. capacity. SPECIAL NOTICE Let us show you how you can legally get up to 33 percent income tax credit, if you order your bins and equipment before Dec, 24. AUTOMATIC KIN UNLOAKHtC SYSTEMS \ V ,X'' Discount prices also available on portable elevators, continuous flow and batch driers, grain cleaners, augers, farm buildings, and many other items. MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC.r R 1 Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone (717) 866-4906,866-4555 WE SPECIALIZE IN S* j ' * ns^in B ant * service of complete gram drying, storage a d feed processing, turn key operations on a lease-purchase plan.
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