Strvkli Offered Services Offered Services Offered ROOFING AND SPOUTING ROOF COATING AND REPAIRS SpedaUniki JAKE BLANK . 717-354-9922 Masonry work, lay brick, fireplace, blocks and stone work on bouses and bams. Stucco and white coats and concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509, Cali driver 717-529-2992 or 717-687- 6178 BUILDER Houses, Barns & Pole Barns. Remodling, roofing, spouting, masonsry k concrete. Answering service (717) 354*7739 JohnM.Eah. Looking for work. Willing to paint farm buildings at a reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2350 i SILO REPAIRS i I * Tear Down ; I * Rebuild : I * Replaster J • * Roofs Installed I • * Extensions • ; * Distributors and Pipes • ; * White Costing • : DAVE DETWEILER I *• RD#2, Kawville, PA : • 717-776-7533 I *< iS U* \ A y ALUS*CHALME r * ' " ' .. >. We have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day. We are grateful to you, our many fine friends, for. your patronage over the ' year. While at times, we may have been strained to deliver your machine, you have been most' understanding and cooperative. It is our sincere v desire to continue serving your farm machine needs with our full line of fine equipment. Our staff of sales and service has enjoyed serving you and we all join in wishing everyone... L H. Brubaker, Inc. SC- 350 Strasburg Pike \ iS ts tS WASHING I and SPRAYING (or your Poultry Houses, Dairy Barns, etc. ill %VA*AV.Vi , .V.<V. , . , .v/.v7lv.‘K‘*' '■ Farm and Land Management Financial Planning and Budgeting Livestock and Crop Management Agland Services '^l^l || | HOWARD R GOSS 39 Center Drive Camp Hill. Pa 17011' 737-2234 737-7722 Area Code 717 AGLAND SERVICES INC, 39 Center Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 1 want to know if I can increase profits on my farm business. Please send me more information on the services that AGLAND provides to family farms and larger farms. My reply is to be con fidential with no obligation. My name and ad dress: Name . Address P.O. & State tS iS tS iS iS \ A HAPPY DAY WITH FAMILY AND FBI ENDSI Ph. 397-5179 ✓ ELMER H. LEHMAN Donegal Springs Road g RDI, Marietta. Pa. S Ph: 717-426-3276 | SI*ERWSH\BW HOLLAND \ \ iS y* ** I I Zip \ \ \ s *• \ \ » s 0- Lancaster, Pa. Custom Work Custom Corn Picking 4 row Uni-System ri*. Landisvllle Area. PH: 44M578. C«U eve. POTATO HAULERS Insulate bottom of your trailer with sprayable Urethane Foam and eliminate frozen produce and added weight due to water pickup. CONESTOGA CHEMICALS It PLASTERS, INC. 317-8724 Home: >72-2233 Custom round Baling Com fodder; Custom bedding for loafing & free stall bams. Jim Hoopes, (215) 0894068. Custom com shelling. 30" rows, Manheim to Ephrata area. Would consider large acres outside of area. 717- 626-6168. GENERAL HAULING Call Me For a Load of Sawdust GaNMorninis or Evenings. 215-273-3752 Miscellaneous Leather Horse Fly Nets For Sale These genuine leather horse fly nets are collector’s items and are being'Offered by the original manufacturer for a spinal price of $7.50 each including freight charges. Send your order to Nicholson Mfg. Company, P.O. Box 279, Dover, Pa. 17315. For Sale - Peerless Bucket - A - Day Stoves, David K Stoltzfus, 382 Newport Road Ronks, Pa. 2% miles Southeast of Pa. DRY WOOD SHAVINGS & PEANUT HULLS. DENVER WOOD PRODUCT, INC. Phone 717-354-4174 WOOD HEATERS 'SAVE 75% on Htatini Bills. Cast iron Norwegian box stoves, Franklin fireplaces, thermostat controlled, cabinet models, air light construction. An all stainless steel chimney pipe and accessories. Call 215-536-1336 1104 West Broad St. • Quakertown, PA 11951 J.C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Ter mite Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying, Free Estimated, 1278 Loop Road-, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717- 397-3722. Columbia cookstove, cast iron, ready for use. Phone 215-593-5754 Atglen Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in litter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 3 p.m. 215-229-0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. UncMtter Farming. Saturday. Nov. 22, 1975 Saturday Sampler Classifieds for the Household Goods Printed Pattern • Ortho Pedic J : Box Springs * • and Mattresses : • Double Sets $llO.OO | 1 Extra Firm $135.00 ; ; Other Sizes Available ’ : call * I BARR’S AUCTION | I & EXCHANGE i Rt. 322 just east of new Rt. 222 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-4510 '••••••••••••••••••••••A*# Sewing Machines Demonstration & Showroom models. Portable or Cabinet. Used machines also fro, $25 & up. Truck load of sayings direct from warehouse. Why Sty from $3OO to $BOO when ere are savings of $lOO to $3OO for you? Financing available. Local outlet for necessary service. PH: 393- 3460. Miscellaneous For Sale - 700 Anderson Oven-Ready Turkey boxes, 10 lb. size. 20 cents each. Martin Daubert, Pine Grove, Phone 717-345-8251. Sawdust & Shavings Ed Vogt, Medford, NJ 609-654-7489 Shenandoah Wood and Coal Stoves, Fire Grate. The Maximum Security Lock, without Key-Dialor. HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS RDI, Marietta, Pa. Ph. 717-426-3286 Cff//»V«V/»»«V/. , .V»V«V«V»V«V»V»V«W I RUBBER STAMPS I Vi S Make To Order fi :|: Ink Pads Available £ Write or call after 6 PM. :| Gary Hess | •£ 451 N. Georie St. $■ Millersville, PA S 717-672-6245 Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS V* mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road Hardwood Roof l7c sq. ft. Oak Fence Boards 1" x 6” - 8 thru 16 ft, 10c In. ft. Hardwood Lumber: 2x4's. 14c Lineal ft. - 2x6’5............20c Lineal ft. 2xB’s .26c Lineal ft. 2xlO's 50c Lineal Ft. 2xl2’s 60c Lineal ft. Railroad Ties - Untreated 6x6xB’ - $4.32ea. 6xBxB’ 5.76 ea. Slab Wood & Kindling -10 c cu. ft. Bark Mulch -20 c cu. ft. Sa_wdust - sVzc cu. ft. 5 percent Discount on all orders over 500 bd ft. 10 percent Discount on all orders over 3000 bd ft WALTER H. WEABER SONS INC. RD4 Lebanon, Pa. Phone 717-867-2212 Farm Woman Printed Pattern 9487: Half Sizes lO'/z. 1254.14/ 2 .16/ z , W/ 2 . Size 14/z (bust 37) takes 2% yards.4s-inch fabric. ONE DOLLAR tor each pat tern add 25 cents each toi first-class mail and special handling. Send to 170 News paper Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St. New York, N. Y. 10011 Crochet with Squares $l.OO Crocheting a Wardrobe ... SI.OC Instant Sewing Book SI.OC Instant Fashion Book $l.OC' Fashions to Saw! (F/W) Th 1976 Naadlecraft Catalog Designer Collection mi Book of 16 Quilts #1 ... Museum Quilt Book #2 . IS Quilts for Today #3 . Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs . 12 Prize Afghans #l2 . Complete Afghans #l4 . ~SI.OC Complete Gift Book $l.Ol Instant Crochet Book SI,OC Easy Art of Flower Crochet $1 .(X Easy Art of Hairpin Crochet $1 .(X Easy Art of Needlepoint .. SI,OC Easy Art of Ripple Crochet SI M Nifty Fifty Quilts $1 .<X Saw + Knit. Plaaaa add 25 cants for aach Book tar poataga and handling. Miscellaneous 35 •5C •SC. ,5C ■5( SI.2S
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