—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 22. 1975 36 Miscellaneous For Sale - 3,000 frames • 2V«” x 4” for Addressograph plates. Any reasonable oner accepted. Lancaster Far ming. Call 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191. Send check with shoe size to: BENJ. S. MILLER Rt. I, Box 431 A Paradise, Pa. 17562 Cash For Pups I need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. Real Estate Farm for Sale - 325 Acres - $6OO per acre - Franklin County Willow Hill, Pa. - Large Barn - New Im- Sent Shed • Borders on i Stream - 80 acres le Installment purchase available. Contact Jay B. Shoop, RDS, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 761-0442 or 761-2697. Wanted - Dairy farm, 150 to 200 Acres, to rent, will work on shares, by March 1976. Have own machinery and can furnish references. 301- 6584507. 310 acre farm with 1.3 miles of frontage, 3 bouses, dairy barn, silo, 255 tillable, $140,000.00, excellent terms. John C. Cronin, Broker. P.O. Box 8, Dundee, New York 14837. phone 243-7724. For Sale - Farm in Tioga County Pa. 200 acre, 160 tillable Modern 75 stall barn with feed for wintering 75 cows. Four bedroom home. Details contact owner 717- 297-2919. 208 acre modem hog farm farrow to finish, 4,000 head annually. Harold Fries, P.O. Box 149, Bedford, Pa. 15522. 814-623-9223. Reel Estate In Perry County weat of LoysviUt. 144 Acre farm. 110 acres tillable, Beautiful Mountain Stone House, 44* x 70’ Barn, 10 x 35 Silo, Im plement sheds, milk bouse, work shop, V 4 mile Shermans Creek frontage, 44 mile Township road frontage, mountain brook within 50 yds. of house, several good springs on property, land gently rolling and level Also adjoining this farm 135 acres of woodland, approx. 1 mile Shermans Creek frontage. Also good springs on this parcel By Owner Phone A.C. 717-739-3474 Or Write Edgar S. Mortoff RDI Box Z3O-A Loysvllle,Pa.l7N7 Ntttanny Valley 80 Acre Dairy Farm with 10x50 ft. Silo. 4 bedrooms, IV4 baths. Oil hot air beat. We have manymore farms in Center & Clinton Counties To those who wish to inspect, transportation will be provided. CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMANN,REALTOR Dul |7l7| 1591004 or 733-1224 For Sale - A lot at New Germantown. Perry Co., PA, Size app. 75 ft. frontage, 400 ft. deep. Small building, electric, free night light. Call 717-536-3345 after 7 p.m. Interested in renting first floor small warehouse with loading dock. 6,000 to 8,000 square feet. Located within 10 mile radius of Lancaster. Phone 717-392-8211. 206 acre Juniata County daily farm; 143 tillable, 21 pasture, 42 woodland. 35 x 48 nine room stone house, fireplaces. 45 x 90 hip roof, bank barn, cleaner, 500 gallon tank, 14 x 50 concrete stave silo, wire crib, heifer and machine sheds, creek frontage. Lowell Shearer, Honey Grove, PA. 17035, Phone; 717-734-3084 or 3462. Farm For Sale -100 A more or less, 2 large houses, new bam and implement shed, Spring of water running in the barnyard, stream through meadow, % mile road frontage. Near Red Lion, Pa. For information Call or see Howard Snyder. Red Lion. Pa. Rl, 17356 near New Bridgeville. 717-244- 1444. FARM FOR SALE Will sell 4 acres or 60 A. with new 10 room brick ranch house, full basement. Good 36x60 barn with other out buildings. 4 miles west of Dover, Del., % mile off of Rt. 8. This would make a' good horse farm. No business on Sunday. Henry D. Byler, RD6, Box 86 Dover, Del. 19901 • 180 acre farm located off exit'3l of interstate 81 in Pine Grove Twp $BOO per acre • UAG Superette Market in Northern Berks County • 2 6 Acres with 26 x 32' A frame near Lake Wyn nonah Call STROUT REALTY (215) 562-2521 Farm For Salt - 110 A all tlllabla rolling farm in Scotland Co. Mo. Extra good 8 room modam hooM. Two barna. excellant watar supply, pipad to all buildings. Approximately 5000 bu. grain storage. Further information write: Box 157 RD2, Memphis. Mo. 63565. FARMS UNO RURAL HOMES SNYDER UNION NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTIES SELL - BUY THE OWEN D AGENCY B REALTORS Call: isnoi 717-374-2165 Write: 22N. Market St. Selinsgrove, PA 17870 MISSOURI FARM FOR SALE 400 acres. 240 acres row crop, balance in pasture & hay, good fencing, 4 ponds, 2 story 8 room modern house. Owner will finance up to 20 years at 6 percent. Located 6 miles east of Kirksville, Missouri just off highway No. 6. $550 ' per acre. Hawkins Agency Inc. Hobert Youngblood Box 1022 Kirksville, Mo. Ph. 816-665-7721 ; NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY tlB4 A farm, 110 cropland, 30 pasture with streams, above average productivity, hard road, grain, steer ▲ feeding, rooster operation. 9 room brick home, modem X kitchen and bath, hot water heat. Never failing spring 7 water. 2 bams 36 z 76,35 z 54.3 sheds 30 z 76,30 z 36,20 T z 36. Garage, cattle shed 22 z 58. Grain house 20 z 48, T over 6000 bu. com storage. Home and farm buildings ? maintained and painted. For appointment Call 717-758-2953. EXCItING OPPORTUNITY To step right in on this growing business. Tractor t Snowmobile Sales & Service in prime area. Close to Ephrata, Lancaster County. Complete with a home. H is a once in a lifetime deal for an ambitions man. Move right in & go to work. Call for full details & terms. Old Heritage Inc. Realtors PH: 354-4071 ON THE HOUSE UPSTATE NEW YORK BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES AREA 175 acres, 145 tillable, 46 ties, 3 silos, 7 room home, full basement. Asking $100,000.00. 300 acres, free stalls, milking parlor, 2 homes. $150,000.00 509 acres, 104 free stalls, milking parlor, extra barn, 2 silos, shop, 2 homes. Could be split into 2 farms. $300,000.00 112 acres, barn, silo, 4 bedroom home. $60,000.00 84 acres, level, large 9 room home 2 barns. $60,000.00. i. R. ALLEN REALTOR Dundee, N.Y. 607-292-3180 14837 Rani Estate Laocuttr County 83 A. in Manor Twp., Brick and Stone Farm House. (1) large bam plus two others. Currently used for com, suitable for cash crops, tomatoes Ic tobacco. High development Sotential. Already oned R-l Sewer « water for development is nearby. 10 Mi. from Lancaster, PA, but right outside of Columbia, Pa. Make offer. Price: >270,000 Southern Yak Co. 49 A. good farm land, 40 tillable, limestone soil, Vh story house w-2 car garage, 90’ z 50’ barn, roan frontage on 3 sides. Currently steer and hog operation, suitable for general farming, cash crops. Development possibility Price: >98,000 HURST-REED SIDERIO INC. Realtors 202 Butler Ave. Lancaster, PA. PH; 717-299-6361 R«ol Cttat* JEFFERSON COUNTY, NEW YORK 240 acrw, 200 tillable lop land, 50 stanchions, new barn cleaner, X x 70 Hanrastore, 14 x 40 silo, needs bulk tank. 40 stanchion heifer barn. Remodeled 4 bedroom, 1 ft beth home with oil beet end garage. 1138,000.00 Send For Free Catalog FARM SPECIALIST REALTY me Aneiul Strut Watertown, N.Y. 13601 315-782-2270 COLUMBIA COUNTY 80 Acre general farm $94,500. . 70 Acre general farm $lll,OOO. 106 Acre general farm, stone bouse. LEBANON COUNTY' 116 Acre limestone farm, large Harvesters silo, all tillable. BERKSCOUNTY 128 Acre Limestone farm, complete dairy setup, old stone bouse, large stream. All of this and more $330,000. NORTHUMBERLAND CO. 128 Acre Beef or General farm, 8 room brick house, frame bank barn. 110 acre tillable. $128,000. Nice horse or steer farm, 56 acres $55,000. Sunbury RO3, 115 Acre Beef, Hog or Horse farm $120,000. Sunbury RD3, 100 Acre Hog, Beef or Horse farm $85,000. WHINER REAL ESTATE 717-733-4138 MINNESOTA FARMS FOR SALE 136 Acres: Consisbng of a very food 4 bedr. home in A-l condition throuihout, good 40 x 72 dairy barn w-40 stanchions plus calf pens, milk room (milking equipment stays), adjacent 50 x 48 leanto covering a cemented yard w-bunk feeder and auger. 2 silos; 55 x 18 and 30 x 12 w-unloaders. Good machine shed, garage, and other outbuildings All situated on top producing soil. All bl. except building site. Winona Co. 280 Acres: Crop. Beef (plus excellent trailhorse nding business). Farm w-over 200 acres bl. plus pasture very fine 4 bedr. home. 36 x 72 horse barn. 2nd barn, hog house, other buildings This is a good producing unit for crops and cattle plus if interested in a going Trail Ride business. 25 head of well broke horses and tack may be purchased with this unit Priced right with good terms. Winona Co. 160 Acres; Has an excellent 38 stanchion Grade A Dairy barn adjacent silo, cattle barn, pole building, granery, other out buildings, modern 3 bedr. home, double garage. Approx. 80 acres of good bl. land, balance pasture & woods. Located on hard surface road. Contract available. ROY MONTGOMERY REALTY PLAiNVIEW, MINNESOTA 55964 Ph: 507-534-2315 Big Acreage 770 acres, northern Pa.. 3 bams. 4 houses, stabline for over 200 dairy cattle, 4 silos, 2 harvestores, 180 ft. of bunk feeders, pipe line milker and bulk tank. The houses will delight you. A Big Opportunity. Central Pennsylvania 375 acres, very productive, bam 40 z 210, hay bam 40 z 90, loose housing 40 z 80, machine shed. 24 z 40,2 siols, milk house and a lovely 4 bedroom home. Excellent buildings, EzceUent Value. 188 acres, 75 stalls, 4 silos, bunk feeder, bam cleaner, pipe line, 1000 gal. tank. A beautiful brick 12 room and 3 bath home. 112 acres adjoining the above farm, 2 miles of frontage. 11l acre dairy farm, Perry County. 130 acre dairy farm on the Maryland border. 130 acre dairy farm, Bradford County ~ For Information on Farms Call CLARENCE LYONS. REALTOR 717-569-9675 R«ol IINN
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