j-'/h r/re jel. ss. ofi wu Hi&se 1 gg? ~ n v ■aid at a wall la England that if a brlda drinka of it aha will rula tha houaa, if har huaband doaa, ha will. OVER ELEVEN YEARS EXPERIENCE TELLS THE STORY!! Feed, whetheryou buy it or grow it, represents on outlay of 25 to 45% of your milk check. Beacon's Free Roughage Analysis Service can help you lay the foundation for an efficient and effective feeding program for your herd. "Eyeball" analyses won't do the job. You need scientific sampling, high quality laboratory analyses of the samples, and ... most of all ... the" recommendations of skilled and,practical daily nutritionists on how to apply these analyses to benefit your herd. The Beacon Roughage Analysis Service will help you toward the three goals all- dairymen share: Higher AAilk Production, Greater Income Over Feed Cost, Improved Net Returns. There is no charge for thisvery worthwhile service. The Beacon Advisor will visit your farm, take samples of all your roughages. He'll send them to the Beacon laboratory for analysis. You'll get back a report and feeding recom mendations tailored specifically to your herd, it's production level and your roughage supply. Why not call us today? CLARK DAIRY SUPPLY Rising Sun, MD VAN-MAR FEEDS EARL SADDER, INC. Leesport, PA New Holland, PA H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. RICHARD B. KENDIG Phone 302*478-3058 Witmer, PA- _ Beacon Feeds York, PA - Phone 717-843 9033 g y I By Dieter Krieg CENTRE POINT • A standing ovation is what the crowd of 344 people gave the Rev. Philip Jones when he finished delivering his speech. Jones, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Milton, was here to address members of the Montgomery County DHI Association during their annual banquet, which was held last Satur day evening. In a dear and deliberate tone, Jones told the group that it was fanners and agriculture who founded America and made it great. An early version of the Stars and Stripes and ribbons of rod, white and blue decorated the curtain behind him. The theme for the banquet was definitely Bicentennial, as each table was decorated ." the Nation’s colors. The podium was appropriate too - an elaborately carved masterpiece in wood featuring the American eagle. Jones twisted his body slightly to look at the wooden eagle and paused briefly to admire its beauty and the strength it represented. Standing erect once again, the clergyman likened the United States to the eagle, and thought our country’s Founders were wise to have chosen the regal bird as the Nation’s symbol. Jones expressed considerable aj>j>reciation for the United States, but noted that fqr the most part, people outside our country appreciate it even more. The middle- For Higher Milk Production For Greater Income Over Feed Cost For improved Net Returns ' • W. L MUMMERY CO. TNARPE & GREEN MILL Hanover, PA Churchville, MD ROBINSON BROS. NEW FREEDOM FARM & GARDEN CO. CHESTER WEIST Phone 717-741-2600 BEACON FEEDS Speaker at DHI A banquet says: Revival of faith needed ROUGHAGE ANALYSIS INCREASES YOUR POTENTIAL Delta, PA New Freedom, PA R. E. RUDISILL Phone 717-854-2281 McCRACKEN’S FEED MILL, INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Nov. 22,1975 — aged preacher revealed he grew up in some hard times, including the Great Depression, but he and his family - like millions of others - were always able to keep going. The country remained strong.** Having travelled in foreign countries, especially Canada, Jones told the attentive audience that foreigners speak very highly of this country and what it has con tributed to the world. He noted that best selling records and some of the most moving testimonies praising the United States have come from our neighbors to the North. What concerns Jones is the lack of appreciation and pride in so many U.S. citizens. “The best birthday present we can give this country,’’ he said, “is to recommit ourselves to the principles which made this country great; we need to rededicate ourselves and our nation’s strength and a revival of faith in our Almighty God.” Farm real estate course being offered Do you want to know the basic laws about selling and transferring property? Do all deeds give you clear title to real estate? What is the meaning of the word mor tgage? What is an agreement of sale of real estate? Can oral agreements of sale be en forced? Does a lease give you unlimited use of real estate? Who should make wills? Is, title of real estate be eminent domain really legal? What rights do farmers have to water flowing in streams over their property? These and scores of other questions are answered in a correspondence course titled: Farm Law offered by the Pennsylvania State University, according to David L. Kantner, Schuylkill County Extension Agent. It discusses mainly laws on real estate which affect farmers. Anyone may get the complete course by sending four dollars to Farm Laws, Box 6000, University Park, PA 16802. Make checks payable to The Pennsylvania State University. 25
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