ebanon County observes Farm-City week Nov. 21-27 L In Lebanon County Farm-City Week, being lasrvad November 21-27, is Lime to call attention to the ct that “(arming la crybody'a buatneaa." As a mlc industry, agriculture lids the key to the The New Plan that’s on the UP and UP... at the Friendly First YOU EARN 5% COMPOUNDED DAILY TO YIELD 5.2% ANNUALLY. Interest is paid from day of deposit to day of withdrawal. NO MINIMUM needed for deposits or withdrawals. No withdrawal notice and no penalty for early withdrawal. Save-automatically by monthly transfer from your check ing account ... or call to transfer money to your checking account. STATEMENT SAVINGS the new, nice ‘n easy way to earn the new high interest rate at _tne Friendly First. Stop at any office to open your account today. NOW AVAILABLE FOR BUSINESS INVESTMENTS TOO ~ike First (Btonk ofr StaoAbun^, THE BANK THAT ALWAYS STRASBURG EAST KING STREET WILLOW STREET 6*7-1611 LANCASTER 464-3421 „ 397-4732 development of other in dustries. In the past 10 years farm production has climbed 20 percent, while the number o( acres (armed has actually decreased about 6 percent. Consumers can get a first hand look at how the farmer HAD NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING ACCOUNTS does it by visiting one or more of the farms which arc participating in a farm visit open house on Sunday, November 23rd from I -.00 to 5:00 p.m. The open house farms are ail family operated, working farms BUCK 2*4-4175 MEMBER F 0 I C producing the major products of this area. The public is invited to visit the following farms: Farm No. 1 - Harold Wampler & Sons Dairy Farm (85 cows, 50 heifers, free stall bam with milking parlor) Hours -1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Turn North off Route 322 on Mt. Pleasant Road, 1 mile West of Fon tana. Farm No. 2 - Mountain Stream Farm Dairy Farm (ISO acres, 80 milk cows, 40 CLICK'S Distributor for ROOFING & SPOUTING BAKED ENAMEL TIN ROOFS Colors; Turquoise, Red, White ALSO BAKED ALUMINUM Colors: Green, White, Tan, Red. FULL SERVICE DEALER SALES & INSTALLATION SAMUIL B. CLICK R.D.I, Kinzer, PA Ph.(717)442-4921 Please call before 7 A.M. or after 6 P.M. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Nov. 22.1975 heifers, stanchion bam with pipeline milker) Hours -1 -.00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Located on the road between Fredericksburg and Nor thern Lebanon high school (about V« mile West of Fredericksburg) Farm No. 3 - Kenneth Blatt Hog and Dairy Farm (150 acres. Hogs from 1 day old to fattening. 40 milk cows, 20 heifers) Hours -1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1 Mile East of Jonestown on the Greble Road. (Greble Road runs from fireman's park Jonestown). Farm No. 4 - Vernon Balmer Tobacco and Dairy Far, (100 acres, 20 milk cows, 12 heifers. Tobacco can be seen in shed). Hours - 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m Milking Time • 5:00 p.tn. 2 miles West of Relstville on Prescott Road. Farm No. 5 - J. Gyde Bowman Beef and Hog Farm (100 acres. Fattens 150 to 200 steers and 1,400 hogs per year) Hours - 1:00 pjn. to 5:00 p.m. Mi mile North of Relstville on Route 501. Farm No. 6 - Femdale Farms Dairy Farm (300 acres, 75 milk cows, 50 heifers, stanchion barn - pipeline milker) Frank Heist & Sons. Hours -1:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. Milking time 4:30 pm. 2 miles Southeast of Lebanon just off Route 897 on Fox Road. Farm No. 7 - John Hart man Dairy Farm (100 acres, 55 milk cows, 50 heifers, milking parlor) Hours -1:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. Vk miles South of Schaefferstown on Route SOL NOTE: Organized groups may tour Grimes Poultry Processing, Inc. By Ap pointment. Contact Mark Lines - 885-22153. 23
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