TEST TOUR SOIL Pluses can build up and crate °£ P ' Y m ° m ,han You need, Sor srr-* EBSm- <2?'"formation on the better yields with lower ferthl" Br cos! bi " er and Ensiled o, the basis* V ° lUOb,e ° S ° ne Wn oi, calculated™ N Pl° S ° H He «" also | supply and apply ,h e organic micro nutes™"*' H ® ofeo THIS IS Ml ACTUAL.TRIPLE SUB SOIL TEST I HONE Mr. Farmer ABtRESS ROUTE t BOX 24 TOWN STRABBURC SUBMITTED BT ROtEXT EREIBCR ' 430 •ISCAVME XOAB LANCASTER PR 17401 SAMPLE MO W 4 FILLS MO 1 ACRES 40 0 UNIT I PRESENT Itt TOIL (LIS/ACRO 20 CHLORINE NONE LINE REtUIRENENT •THESE RATES SASED ON THE MORE INORGANIC FORMS SUCH AS SULFATES SUGGESTED METHOD OF APPLICATION PLOUDONN CONSENTS DEDUCT AMY STARTER USED FROM THE ASOVC APPLICATION IF YOUR SOIL IS SUiJECT TO LEACHING. NITROGEN SHOULD DC SPLIT INTO SIOEORESS AND/OR MATER APPLICATIONS SOIL TESTS ARE A MSI* FOR GOOD JUDGEMENT - NOT A SUDSinUIC IRRIGATION PRACTICES OR NOZSTORE CONDITIONS NAY ALTER NITROGEN*REOUIRERENTS CONSULT YOUR FERTILIZER SUPPLIER FOR AID IN PLANNING FERTILIZER APPLICATIONS ZN-PRW-ALL NICRO-MUTRIEHT fornulation FOR •m NAME Mr. Fantlir LAD NO 40321 Ol F'.VC NO 2TSSS 03 # SAMPLE NO 1-P4 FIELD NO ACRES 40 0 „ NUTRIENT MATERIAL LiS PER ACRE # IN-PROV-AU ZINC I 00 IH-PRUV-ALL tORON 2 00 IN-PRUV-ALL CALCIUH-COfeALT S 00 • IN-PRUV-ALL 4-2-2 1 90 NIX WITH A NINIRUN OF 90 GALLONS OF MATER PER ACRE AND APPLY AFTER IHCUfATIOH Your EEHm Dealers Are: MOMpiU FEED -SHWff 717-285-5422 LEBANON CO. Rpbert Kreider 717-569-6042 WO. LANC. CO. Raymond Weiler 717-733-4302 •Test Your Feed Test Your Ration DATE DECEMBER 17. 1974 7 2 >H SOLUBLE salts <pecccnt> 0 00 ALKALINITY INDEX ORGANIC MATTER (PERCENT> ORGANIC MITAOCEH MIT ANTE.NITROGEN AVAILABLE PHOSPHATE AVAILABLE fOTABH SULFATE SULFUt 2XHC O 91 MANGANESE IS 0 COFFER BORON IRON 14 • NACHESIOM I2QO CALCIUM SOOIUH asitmi uwc m Ralph Stoltzfus 717-859-3119 Clarence Weiler 717-866-6710 ADAMS COUNTY Robert Smith 717-528-4383 •Balance Your Ration Balance Your Minerals and Vitamins AulyaeM by tSZTUS “S” LAB, INC FILE 27438 03 PA V7B7S At J*hm'i Conwr Oh hNiNili S 5 LovehMl. BOH? lex STS PhMe SOS^STACn XNFORRATtON PROM DATA SHEET CORN 25 0 TONS 10 TON CATTLE ' 40- 20- 50 NONE SUGGESTED APPLICATION' (LBS/ACRE> 100 TOTAL NITNOCEH NONE ACTUAL PHOSPHATE 20 ACTUAL POTASH 20 ACTUAL SOLFtfft <SULFATE) 5 ACTUAL 2IHC% ROHE ACTUAL MANGANESE HOKE HOME 10 ACTUAL NAGHESIUM NONE CYFSUN NONE ELEMENTAL SULFUR Bair's Mill Wrightsville, PA 717-252-3114 „ PERM. JUNIATA, UHlOg t SHYDEE ftrv<; Norman Brouse 717-524-5454 fwn LAO HQ 40321 01 CROP HELD COOL ftOHUftC VALUE ttSlOUt VALUE ACTUAI COFFER ACTUAL BORON ACTUAL IRON CHESTER CO. Richard Breckbill 215-932-3307 HWKCp, Maryland agriculture voices opposition to new law II ANNAPOLIS. Md , u Repreientativei of r rocmbcrß of Conffr*a« Maryland .PJ the Home of Renr**<>n on^re * B to permit the tative., their ,froS ff *"' °°n» to intorfer in the Department* of AmlStSf P^SS 1 *° *** eapandecf SSS? 1, eV^ day aff,llr » of and Natural ReJS,™ authority of the SrSrS American citizen*. He, too, prevailed nSTST&! ****• SSiK tb * vi *w th«t Congressional deW.fi™ . _ Maryland haa effective laws limit the\ShS rf t£ Ptul - of to Army Corps ^ tand “** water t aassur- "* ft-saarin: vfT* counter-productive and v * grlcu Jture Secretary, Recent federal lerialatii* duplicate already effective Ji? un , g J*' Hance - em (Puhllc "« ScTi S!!i tbat with . broadened the SS £*“««• He pointed oS *«to department authority. The oon?K ““f fcTdndgS* ? a « ricul tore aridity now issued new nSS “ d RUing. which couSfbf four actlve Soil Con regulations within 30 “ rvat i°" 8 Districts, i for dredging andfStag that orth required three iSf*! J™ 1 does not need the encroach of the i 2 ,ontbs °r longer, with the , government to make jWsksSS TT^ SrZsxtssr tftpttss As** * w a=t».SW5 SSf * *H«ct important' farm *i tuatlon “d. from a At a meeting and cut back food gT evioM study 0 f national Capitol, on {^ act }«>- H c said S£ ** y P™*****, sday, November 6, a JJJJP, Law 404 virtually SJ^? y *^* re <* the representing Maryland aut borize3tfae Corps’ district permits required agricultural int?re.lt,.? * n B ineer to make WtS v* 1 unnecessary delays pressed to ScS deci »ion S affecting untered - McC. Mathias “at hi* ojf J?* meetln g concluded Glenn Beall, Jr or "J * g«eral agreement Congressman Paul oif a ! ural Resources rSL. , tb , e state’s (D., 3rd Dirt.) andrtlff Secretary, James B. fruiter* delegation, officials representing IS out be does S SSI? *"* g the think that it was the intent of odu «d corrective “!** ures > would further coordinate their efforts in a —I ®°ve to accelerate ap- I propriate legislative action. I A spokesman forth* farm I ffn Up „ Said tbat It is I conceded that the I iw « Environmental I S?^H. on which I less than sym- I , and understanding f agriculture’s problems Tis largely to blame for the narrow, bureaucratic in torpretation of Public Lav JS- He said that EPA bad obtained a court order forcing the corps to im plement the new regulations. “3i VUfmtMU ISava -n ■ V w*vyi f ' inf I BSTOWN - p A 17067 _ CALL COUtCT 71T..X- UiKMUr Farming, swum... th- 22. m*~l 5
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