Public Sales Register SAT. OCT. 25 - 10:00 a.m. - Truck*, Garage Twls, Part* SAT. OCT. 25 • 10T36 a.m. - Rothsvillc, off the new Route public Sale of Antiques It It Tire*, Household Goods It Gockley's Farm Equipment 222 exit to Route 772. Watch Classic Automobiles, Pickup Some Antique*. Located Auction. Ridge Roaa ■ Mi for Sale Sign. Albert L. along U.S.RI, 1, approx. 10 mile south of Route 897, Martin, owner. Frank and miles north of Bel Air, Md. Lancaster County, Pa. Paul Snyder, Auctioneers, and about I mile south of Rt. Terms by Jacob H. Gocklcy. 136, at Poplar Grove, in the slh District of Harforxl Co., Md. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sexton, owners. Auctioneer, Robert L. Sechriat. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD SPECIAL SHORT NOTICE DAIRY SALE FORTY (40) HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE TO BE SOLD AT THE LEESPORT MARKET t AUCTION, INC. DAIRY BARN LeesporLPA FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 1975 10:30 A.M. NOTE-THE-TIME This is a morning sale, the Herd of C. Paul Leid, Jr., consisting of 25 Head of Cows in various stages of production. We culled out those we thought were not worth saving. The best is in the herd. Balance are close springers from New York State with a total of 40 head selling. Real Good Cows. Herd is certified and ac credited. PUBLIC AUCTION 11 ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS & TRUCKS & PARTS INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT, ANTIQUES & FURNITURE The undersigned will sell on the premises located at 3647 Churchvilie Rd., Md. Rt. 22, between Aberdeen and Carsins Run (only 0.3 miles north of the Aberdeen exit of J.F.K. High way 1-95 and Md. Rt. 22) Harford county, Aberdeen, Maryland on SATURDAY, NOV. 1,1975 AT 10:00 A.M. ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS A TRUCKS TO BE SOU) AT l:OtT P.M. 1916 Paterson Touring, running condition; 1930 Dodge, 8-cyl., 4-dr., running condition; 1941 Chevrolet Coupe, running condition; 1937 Buick, 4-dr.; 1959 Edsel, 4-dr., running condition; 1938 Buick Century Coupe; 1954 Buick Skylark Conv., running condition; 1953 Packard, 4-dr.; 1930 Ford AA Panel Truck; 1920 F.W.D. Tow Truck; 1930 Leader Tractor (like Farmall A); first diesel Caterpillar Grader, many antique parts and wheels - all makes. EQUIPMENT HD 6 Crawler Front End Loader, purchased new; Ford 4000 Industrial Tractor, gas w-hyd. loader and 14 ft. Backhoe w-2 buckets; Ford F-800,2-ton Dump Truck w-good body; 1946 Chev. Dump Truck; I.H.C. Van Truck w-14 ft. body; 9N Ford Tractor w-3 pt. hitch - 2- bottom plow - mower and cultivator; Sears 12 H.P. Riding Garden Tractor w-42” Rotary Mower; 12 ft. Johnson Boat w-outboard motor; Steam Jenny; Coke machine; farm wagon, 14 ft. bed; Winchester Model 30- 30 rifle; blacksmith took - over 50 homemade; plus anvil and other items. ANTIQUE FURNITURE 2 carved walnut Victorian beds; German heavy oak china closet w-mirror center and side storage; 4 oak chests of drawers; square oak table; walnut desk; 2 oak dressers; marble top cottage chest; carved pine bed; 2 very ornate carved chairs w-lions heads and overlay; inlaid loveseat and chair; oak full bed; china closet; pictures; blankets, pots and pans; 4 steel wheels; bedroom suite - bed, dresser, vanity; large amount of new house paint; kitchen cabinet and sink, some dishes and many other items. TERMS: CASH (All items sold as is) . Not Responsible for Accidents Day of Sale Lunch Served LEONARD E. McGRADY Owner 3647 Churchvilie Road Aberdeen, Maryland William H. Amoss, Auctioneer SAT. OCT. 25 2:00 p.m. - Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Location on Skyview lane on the road leading from Brownstown to PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS SAT., Located South of Wakefield off 222 at Pilot town Rd. between Pleasant Grove and Peach Bottom, west along River View Rd. Watch for sale signs. Jelly cupboard; dutch cupboard; 2 kitchen cup boards; parlor suite; Victor victrola w-hom; bench; stool; square kitchen table; sm. tables; maple table; odd chairs; lawn chairs; oak rocker & 2 matching chairs; dresser; 2 wardrobes; 2 chifferobes; 2 blanket chests; oak bed; 2 double metal beds; goose feathered bed; cot; metal crib; coal oil stove; stove pipe; coal range: 2 space heaters; G E stove; butchering fur nace; Columbian Echo kitchen stove; Howe treadle sewing machine; wooden washing machine; wringer washer; 2 copper boilers; 2 wash boards; glass butter churn; half gal, jars; aluminum tray, pitcher & 6 tumblers; pots; pans; books; book case; 2 lamps; floor lamp; bread mixer can; apple peeler; Irg. skillet; iron griddle; shoe lath, 4 sizes; sad irons; childs swing; com sheller; grind stone; traps; bricks; platform scales; pitcher pump & trough; 4 metal sashes; sausage grinder on stand; crocks; adv. boxes; Deitz lanterns; other lanterns; blankets; coal stirs; coal bucket; metal scalding trough; walking plow; yard, lawn roller; table saw; vise; elec, grinder; trussels; Charles & buckeye incubators; washtubs; milk cans; scrapple & apple stirs; butter scales; 2 - 9 x 12 rugs; 2 sleds; table drill press; picture frames; the following wooden items: dough board, barrels, buckets, tubs, churn, wheel, staves, pulley, & pump spear; meat bench plank, locust posts, 3x3 walnut lumber 5 ft.; walnut boards; many more items too numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Aucts. Lloyd H. Kreider Randal Kline ANNUAL PUBLIC SALE To Be Held At The LINVILLE HILL CHRISTIAN DAY SCHOOL on SATURDAY, NOV. 8,1975 10:00 A.M. Location: 15 miles East of Lancaster, Pa. 2 miles South of Kinzers, on Kinzer Road. ITEMS TO BE SOLD INCLUDE Canned Goods, Baked Goods, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey, Apples, Cider, Bologna, Hot Dogs, Cabbage and etc ASSORTED HANDIWORK Fancy Pillows, Doll Cribs, Baby Quilt, etc.; Stanley Products, Extension Table. LIVESTOCK Reg. Holsteins: 8 month old “Gay” son, Heifers by “Gay” and others. Holstein Steer, Butcher Hogs, 45 Feeder Pigs, Geese. John Deere Flatbed Wagon, Corn Fodder, Truckload of Lime, J-78-15 Snow Tires and Rims, Steel Cattle Gate, Firewood. Enjoy delicious Home Made Food and Ice Cream with us while attending our Auction. All proceeds of the day will be used for the promotion of Christian Education at the School. All items will be donated. Any contributions will be greatly appreciated. SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. For more information call - Elvin Beiler 442-8126 Auctioneer - Leroy Zook Leon Kurtz SAT, OCT, 25 2:00 p.m. • Country Real Estate at Public Auction. Located 8 miles south of Miffllntown. Mr. and Mrs. George Towtnan, owners, Leng Bro's. Aucts. 1975 8, NOV. AT 10:00 A.M. Refreshments Sale by CARRIE E. SMITH mcaafr Farming. Saturday. Oct 25.1975 SAT, OCT. 25-1 P.M, Special Feeder Calf and Yearling Sale. 700 Head Hereford. Angus. Charolals & Crossbreds. Located at Aberdeen Sales Co, Inc. livestock Mkt, on Rt. 22, 6 mi. east of Bel Air, Md. via U.S. Rt. 1 or 9 ml. west of Aberdeen, Md. via U.S. Rt. 40 or 1-95 in Churchvlllc, Haraford Co., Md. Sale by Aberdeen Sales Co. Inc. SAT. OCT. 25 - 12 Noon Susquehanna County Holstein Gub Sale, Harford Fair Grounds, Harford, Pa. The Fair Grounds are IVfc miles West of 181 Exit 65. 5 miles east of Rt. 11 at Kingsley. Pa. Walter E. Brooks, Springville, Pa. Sale Chairman, Albert W. Smith, Springville. Pa. Selections and Pedigrees; M. L. Bunnell, Springville, Pa. Auctioneer. SAT. OCT, 25 - 10:30 A.M, Gockley Farm Machinery Auction. A full line of fairn machinery. Located mile STATE GRADED CALF & YEARLING SALE State Sponsored - Graded - Uniform Lots - All Beef Breeds SALE DATE; TUESDAY, OCT. 28,1975 Time: 7:00 P.M. (Cattle weighed & graded on Monday) For more information contact: FRONT ROYAL LIVESTOCK SALES, INC. Front Royat.Va. 703-635-5511 3200 FEEDERS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 TWO FEEDER CATTLE SALES IN ONE DAY (STATE GRADED • UNIFORM LOTS) 1:00 P.M. Cupler Feeder Calf Assoc. Sells 1700 Feeder Calves and Yearlings at CULPEPER AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES (3 Mi. So. of Culpeper on Rt. 29) Tel : 703-825-9188 7:00 P.M. Marshall Feeder Cattle Assoc. Sells 1500 Feeder Calves at FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE (1 Mi. E. of Marshall on Rt.Bs) Tel; 703-364-4861 louth of Routo *97, Relnholds, Lancaster Co,, PA Tsrm* by Jacob H. Gocklay. SAT. OCT. 28 - 12 Noon, Public Sale of Valuable 98 Acre Farm and Farming ament located 4 milca west of Monhcim, 3 miles South of Master* sonvillc, 1 mile West of Gantz's Mcnnonite Church, along Sunnysidc Rd., Rapho Twp,, Ijncastcr Co., Pa. Terms by Paul K. Farrcl and Esther M. Farrcl; Rufus Geib and Raymond Miller, Auctioneers. SAT. OCT. 25 2 p.m. - Public Sale of 16 acres of Real Estate located on Skyview Lane on the road leading from Brownstown to Rothsvilleoff the new Rt. 222 Exit on Rt, 772. Watch for sale sign. Sale by Albert L. Martin; Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. MON. OCT. 27 - Triple Shire Farms Holstein Production 73
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