yt i6S .frO .QbniJeg .w imirt n tlacpeJ 72—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Oct. 25. 1975 Tax office offers handouts ' Tax benefits arc available to many Pennsylvania taxpayers who suffered property losses as a result of flooding which occured Friday, September 26, 1975, according to David L. Kantner, Schuylkill County Extension Agent. Special provisions of the tax law enable taxpayers located in many Penn sylvania counties, declared disaster areas by President Gerald Ford on September 27, 1975, to deduct disaster related casualty losses on either the current year’s return or that of the SPECIAL FEEDER CALF SALES CLEAN UP SALE OCT. 31 - 7:30 P.M. South Branch Stockyards Moorefield, W. VA. PH: 304-538-6050 COMPLETE DISPERSAL SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1975 11:30 A.M. Right on Rt. 467,7 miles from Leßaysville, PA or 7 miles from Rome, PA. 3 miles Northeast of Bradford School, Bradford Co. Arrows. 44 HOLSTEINS 44 40 Mature Cows 3 Started Heifers and Service Bull. A young dairy, many Ist calf Heifers and majority of dairy to freshen this Fall. Some just fresh. Interstate charts J.D 2520 Diesel Tractor w-cab, PS, PB and 412 J.D. loader 1200 hrs , N.H. Super 717 2-row chopper w pickup head, 1 yr. old; M.F. No. 12 baler and thrower; N.H 479 Haybme (new); Hasten unloading box on A.C. wagon, M F unloading box on N.H wagon (new; Gehl hooper blower, M.F. Transport disk, 2 kicker wagons; Mulkev 32 ft hay and grain elevator; J.D. 1240 plateless 4-row planter; Van Brunt 13 disk drill; J.D. rake, N H 173 bu. spreader with hyd. gate; Pittsburgh 12 ft harrow, etc., etc. 1972 Dodge Power Wagon, W2OO, 4 wheel Drive, new tires, new Flat bed and racks, 37,000 miles. Scamper folddown camper for pickup, sleeps 4, refrig: i ator, stove, and heat. App. >i' 4000 bales very good early cut hay; 16 x5O ft. corn i ‘ge, 14 x 40’ grass and clover silage, 3 acres extra »od picking corn, 2 Van Dale unloaders (1 a Magn Ur.’ • sal 240 ft SS pipeline and washer with 4 units; Unr il 6 unit pump, Sunset 475 gal. tank, etc. REAL ESTATE AT 3:00 P.M, 315 * .re farm, 125 tillable and a lot of good woods and nun ting land, creek runs through, good access to both sides of Rt 476,37 stall barn, 12 calf stalls and 30 x 67 shea, 2 concrete silos, nice setting, good location. Terrru —lO percent down day of sale, 45 day closing. Contact Auctioneer for further details and financing. Terms on Personal Property - Cash or good check same day Jim Adriance, Auctioneer Montrose, PA 717-278-1574 preceding year by filing an amended return, Form 1040 X, according to James T. Rideoutte, IRS Philadelphia District Director. The counties are: Adams, Berks, Bradford, Centre, Clinton, Cloumbia, Cum berland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Lackawana, Lancaster, Lebanon, and Luzerne. Also, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Potter, Schuylkill, Snyder, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Union, Wayne, Wyoming, and York. Rideoutte said the law MACHINERY MILK EQUIPMENT Lunch DALE AND VIRGINIA ALLIS Owners damaged property, take an inventory of all damaged covers losses ot business and loss property, attempt to property, as well as personal locate receipts for the property, and extends to property and obtain, if taxpayers who use either possible, independent fiscal-year or caldcndcr- property appraisals. This year basis to file their tax will greatly facilitate return. Nonbusincss losses casualty loss processing. arc limited to the amount Taxpayers who need help over $lOO for each casualty, in preparing returns or in he added. making a claim for refund Rideouttc suggested that can visit a disaster TRIPLE SHIRE HOLSTEIN SALE PRODUCTION MONDAY, OCTOBER 27,1975 STARTING AT11:00 AM. Located in Cumberland County, IVi miles west of Newville, Pa., along Route 641. 80 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS CERTIFIED ACCREDITED ELIGIBLE FOR INTERSTATE PREGNANCY CHECKED 70 Cows and heifers, majority from 2 to 6 yrs. old. Nearly all fresh or due from August thru November. 10 First Calf Heifer either fresh or close. Many popular sires with daughters selling. 10 by Kingpin, 5 Astronauts, 6 Lucky Typeblazers, 2 Ivanhoes, others by Ivanhoe Star, A.l. Chief, Fleetridge Monitor, Shalimar Magnet, etc. The Kingpins are in their prime, with records from 14,000 to over 16,000 milk, 600 fat to 675 fat. D.H.I. Records. Anyone needing fresh cows with popular breeding, this is your opportunity. Lunch - Tent - Catalogs JOHN F. STAMY 111, Owner RD2, Newville, PA 17241 Phone 717-776-5030 Ralph Horst, V. Art Kling, Aucts. Fred Naugle, Pedigrees R 7, Box 37 Carlisle, PA 17013 PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE Lebanon Co. Farm Real Estate Thursday, Oct. 30, 1975 Situated On The North East Corner in the Boroufh of Cornwall along Tice Lane Lebanon Co., Pa. 115 - Acre Farm Real Estate* Farm Consists of approx 92 A Cropland, Limestone soil in high state of cultivation Balance in pasture with stream 2700 ft 8 inch and 6 inch Borough Water line along Township road with 8 building lots approved for residental use Improvements thereon. 2% story, 12 room frame dwell ing Presently used for 2 family living. 2 Kitchens, 2 baths 2 oil fired hot air furnaces, cemented basement, attic Butch er house, smokehouse 100 ft x 50 ft Bank barn equipped with 34 comfort stalls, and steel pens Gutter cleaner Tile milk house with 500 gal bulk milk tank Io’xso’ concrete silo 12’ x 50’ concrete stove silo Corn and Implement storage shed 2 story garage, and tool shed To be offered in 2 tracts or as whole tract #1 Approx 80 acres with farm buildings Tract #2 Approx 35 acres with road frontage on 2 sides Inspection at Yonr Convenience Sale to Commence at 1:31 P M. Anct.-Eari S. Bnffenmeyer Attorney C.V. Henry 111 taxpayers take the following steps before amending their tax returns: photograph all Conditions By Richard B. Bucher Owner. assistance office or call u IRS taxpayers service number in Harrisburg at 783- 8700 or In other areas • 800- 462-4000 (Toll Free). The IRS District Office is located at 600 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Telephone: 215-597-4245. ABSOLUTE AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES PERSONAL SAT NOV. 1 PROPERTY 10:30 A.M. OHi., niiw. real esjate 1;00 p _ M _ Located in the Borough of Honey Brook off Route 322 turn North on Chestnut Street 3 blocks to Water Street house No. 18. Chester Co. PA. Watch for sale sign on Route 322. REAL ESTATE consists of frame stucco row dwelling; w-3 bed rms; bath; living rm; dining rm; kitchen; full basement; attic; oil fired heat; elec, hot water heater; Borough water; storm windows & door; situated on lot size 18’ frontage on Water Street and 120’ deep more or less; This Real Estate is in very good condition. INSPECTION ON REAL ESTATE BY APPOINTMENT. Call Auctioneer (215) 286-5744. 15 percent Deposit time of sale. Cash or approved check. Settlement 30 days on or before. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES: Red Lion 5 pc. walnut bed rm. suite; 6 pc. Maple bed rm. suite; 5 pc. bed rm. suite; 5 pc. Maple dinette set md. table; Maple hutch; 3 pc. living rm. suite; Zenith TV; Zenith AM-FM radio; Farmsworth radio; 3 pc. wicker set; rocker; cedar chest; White elec, sewing machine; very good Lee rugs 11 x 13; 13 x 19; 9 x 10; 9 x 12; Philco refrigerator; 5 pc. breakfast set; Kenmore wringer washer; electrolux vacuum; elec, lights; book shelves; books; sm. tables; sm. elec, appliances; metal cabinet; china & glassware; pots & pans; flatware; jars qt. & pt.; pictures; mirrors; xmas deco; old trunk; hand tools; flat irons; flower pots; lawn furniture; and many, many other items not listed. TERMS: CASH ELEANORA S. BEGGS, ESTATE EARL K. WITWER, EXECUTOR CADMUS AND PATTEN, ASSOC FRED T. CADMUS 111. ATTY WILLIAM MARCH, JR. AUCTIONEER ELVERSON, PA. 286-5744 Lunch available. PUBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1975 LOCATION: Take Route 322 East from Ephrata to Hinkletown; at the East End of Hinkletown turn south past Sensenig’s Furniture Store, to first road right towards Farmersville. First house on left after EZ Manufacturing Co., Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: REAL ESTATE CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING; TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING Approximately ' icreon erected a containing on First Floor: Large Eat-in Kitchen with lots of Kitchen Cabinets; also Dining area, Living Room, Family Room, Half Bath. Second Floor con tains 4 Bedrooms, Closets, and Full Bath. Attic Storage. Cemented Basement with Cold Cellar, Oil Hot Air Heat, Gas Water Heater. Balcony. Shingle Roof. Porch. Storm Doors. 2-STORY FRAME BARN 2-Car Garage, Small Workshop, Macadam Circle Drive, Well with Pressure System, 2 Cisterns with Pressure System, Outside Fireplace, Fruit and Shade Trees. Lot size approximately 212 feet frontage and 247 feet in depth. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, FROM 12:00 NOON TO 3:00 P.M., OR BY APPOINTMENT. CALL 717-354- 7757. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers 717-733-3511 717-733-3305 Schlippert and Haddad, Attorneys l lltof's Quota Bonk ~ Leadership 1* the initiation and direction of endeavor in the pur suit of consequence. Anything else is crit icism from janitors. Royal Alcolt 2:00 P.M, 2V2-STORY FRAME SALE TIME 2:00 P.M. SALE BY EDWIN H. ZIMMERMAN New Holland RDI, Penna. 717-354-7757
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