—Uncarter Farming Saturday. Oct. 25. 197! 16 1000 horses at One thousand horses took part in this week’s Penn National Horse Show in Harrisburg. Riders took their mounts through various exercises in preparation for events which had a total purse of over $45,000 at stake. Power Distributor Increases Capacity • Two Machines in One • Lowest Cost Combination • Quick Change-Over Stop In Today for Free Catalog. YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. I. G.'s AG. SALES RD2 Farmersville Ephrata PA Rt 113 Box 200 Silverdale PA 717 354 4271 215 257-5135 ROY 0. CHRISTMAN LANDIS BROTHBRS INC 2JS sSSK® I9S26 1305 Manhe,m P,ke 215 562 7218 or 215 488 1904 Lancaster PA 717 393 3906 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. HENRY S. LAPP Honey Brook PA RDI Cams Gap PA 17527 JI3I 717 442 8134 ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. CARL L. SHIRK 22 26 Henry Avenue New Berlmville PA 5 Colebrook Road Lebanon PA 215 367 2169 717 274-1436 GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE M. E. SNAVELY Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville PA 455 South Cedar Street Lititz PA 717 786 7318 717 626-8144 W * AV J R STAR SILO INC M. S. YEARSLEY & SON RD4 Myerstown PA 114 E Market St 737 866 5709 West Chester PA 19380 215-696-2990 Proceeds from the eight-day event go to the Harrisburg Kiwanis Club in support of youth programs. The Penn National is the largest indoor spor ting event staged in Pennsylvania and one of North America's finest equestrian shows. Penn By Dieter Krleg HARRISBURG - During the last several decades, when scores of thousands of farmers left the land, most of the horses went too. Men and horses were replaced by machines to a large degree. The farmers who stayed behind have for the most part evolved into a new breed of agriculturalists who had no choice but to become more productive, more ef ficient, and more businesslike. And the horses of today are also quite dif ferent from their ancestors of generations ago. What the modem horse is and what it can do could be seen this past week at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show which took place at the Farm Show Building. Granted, the high-spirited, graceful animals are a far cry from their rural cousins some of which are still hard at work on Penn sylvania farms but they are nevertheless a “branch of a tree” which has its roots in royal horse stables, military academies, and farms. This year’s horse show in Harrisburg drew close to 1,000 horses and 700 riders. Sponsored annually by the Kiwanis Youth Foundation of Harrisburg, the event offered $45,000 in prize money to riders who came from all over the United States and several foreign countries. Proceeds of the event go to the Kiwanis Youth Foundation, with more than $250,000 having gone to that organization in the past 17 years. The bams, which most readers of Lancaster Far ming associate with dairy and beef cattle, sheep, hogs, and heavily muscled Belgian work horses, were com pletely taken over by the extremely refined, almost fragile Thoroughbreds, and their equally well-bred cousins. While the horses might not have been groomed any better than the best show cows seen at dairy and beef shows, their exhibitors were. Dressed in immaculate riding attire, owners presented themselves and their mounts with unabashed pride. The Pennsylvania National Horse Show, which incidentally celebrated its 30th season here last week, is recognized as the largest indoor equestrian event in North America, and ranks as Pennsylvania’s largest in ternational sporting event. Known for short as the “Penn National,” the event annually attracts such world-famous equestrians as Michele McEvoy, Rodney Jenkins, Tony D’Ambrosio, and Benue Traung. ERTH-R TE SOIL CONDIT ONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCK, INC. RDI, Gap, PA 17527 Phone 717 442 4171 National Miss McEvoy, from I<agrangevUle, N.Y. won the Pennsylvania Big Jump competition here last year to become the first woman to ever have done so. She is also the runner-up of the world’s women championship riders. A $2,000 purse was at stake. This year the opening Jumping prize money for the show is $ll,OOO, according to Harry G. Banzhoff, president of the show and the Pennsylvania National Horse Show Association. Many of the country’s top riders appeared at the show, which opened last Saturday and continues through tonight. Among the top equestrians is Rodney Jenkins of Orange, Va. He was last year’s leading rider BEEFALO HYBRID CATTLE BEEFALO - IT’S GREAT - Rapid gams on grass and roughage - 55-65 lb. Births - up to 1100 lb. yearling - Test data show 62 percent carcass dress out * We stock and distribute Pureblood Beefalo Semen and Half-Blood Beefalo heifers and bulls. - Visit our farm and see our animals. BEEFALO N & J 4270 Quakerbridge Road Princeton, N J 08540 609-896-0336 Member World Beefalo Association Wouldn't it be easier to call your Surge dealer? Lancaster Co. Brandt s Farm Groff Equipment Supply, InC. 2 W State St 601 E High St Ouarryville. Pa Elizabethtown, Pa Ph 717-786-7225 Ph. 717-367-1221 Lester B, 801 l RDI, Lititz, Pa Ph. 717-626-6198 H. Daniel Wenger & Bro, Inc. RDI, Hamburg, PA Phone (215) 488-6574 Longocre Electrical Svc. Inc. Bally, PA Phone (215) 845-2261 here and recently captured the $30,000 American Gold Cup aboard “Idle Dice” in Philadelphia. One of the foreign entries in open jumping was Kevin Bacon, from Australia the first rider from the "Land Down Under” to ever appear in a Penn National. Another of the show’s top features was the "Prix des States,” which brings together the leading Junior riders from New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut! New Jersey, Michigan and Tennessee. A $l,OOO prize was at stake, with several thousand spectators wat ching the event in the large arena. I Continued on Rate 26) Glenn E. Hurst RD2, East Earl, Pa Ph. 215-445-6865 Berks Co.
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