—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 13, 1975 R#<J ( | itot# 42 Reel Estate BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE, NEW YORK AREA FARM: Approximately 130 acres, house, 2 good wells, large barn, beautiful stream, surveyed • $59,000.00 terms 7 5 percent mortgage (ex cellent buy) LEISURE AIR. INC. Box 8, Dundee, New York 14837 Phone: 607-243-7724 607-243*7285 YATES COUNTY 450 acres with 330 tillable highly productive acres. Main barn with tie stall operation. Other barns and two good house. Will sell bare or with stock, tools, equipment and crops. ALSO 130 productive acres with small dairy set up. Im mediate possession here. Real estate only. Call anytime 607-243-7410 or write Stocking, Broker, Dundee, N.Y. 14837. EXCELLENT S.E. MINNESOTA FARMS We have a good selection of S.E. Minnesota Farms, both medium size and large Units, some of which are the Best In The Area, with excellent terms. It has been my Privilege to Sell Several Nice Units to People from Your area in the past. I would certainly enjoy Showing You some of these Fine Farms We now have For Sale for Fall 1975 or Spring 1976 Possession. You can be Sure that when viewing these Farms with Us all facts, soil types, etc. concerning the Property will be presented to you, from the Best obtained sources. I will personally help You obtain any information You desire about the property or the area. Whether You become a Buyer of one of these Fine Units or not, I am sure We will become Friends. Please contact Me in advance If coming to Minnesota. I would enjoy visiting with You!! ROY MONTGOMERY REALTY Plainview, Minnesota 55964 Ph: 507-534-2315 225 A rich soil, 36x172 barn, 65 stalls; 34x100 Heifer barn, 25 stalls; 38x72 imp. shed, 5 car garage and shop, 2 silos, 4 unit DeLaval pipeline milker, beaut. 12 room home. Also V/z story home, both w-conveniences. All bldgs, are in ex. cond. 300 A 100 stalls, milking parlor, 2 silos, iiq. manure system, 5 bdr. home, comp, line of modem machinery, 85 cows, 57 heifers $225,000. 183 A Limestone, beef and hogs, frame bldgs, ex owner financing, 155 A Immaculate home, new bam, creek, a very lovely farm only $129,000. 88A Limestone, 47 st-rj) mod. dairy, lovely home. Price reduced, Hur SvJu this one. 303 A Limestone Modem 100 cow dairy, pipeline, silos, nice double home, real opportunity. 205 A modem 40 cow bam, silo, creek, nice home, good buy at $135,000. 61 A level, good house and bam, stream, near town, only $75,000 for quick sale. 137 A 38 stalls, nice home, cows and equipment. Don’t miss this one. 150 A Modem hog and beef, 2 silos, feed lot, bunk feeders, 11 room brick home, stream. Take a look. 11l A Level limestone 38 stalls, frame bldgs. Owner financing. A real producer. Hurry. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball, PA 717-354-4536 Reel Estate 208 acre modem hog farm, farrow to finish. 4,000 head annually. Harold Fries, P.O. Box 149. Bedford. Pa. 15522. 814-823-9223. 120 ACRES, more or less 1824 original, 1853 addition. 2'a story stone farmhouse, stone fpl. in living room & kitchen. 3 BR, bath & attic. Bank barn, com crib, im plement shed, small bam & outbuildings, 3 streams, pond, fenced pasture land. Approx. 100 acres tillable. 3 BR tenant house, good condition. Close to Reading, Hamburg & Allentown. SI 75.000. WILLIAM J. STRACHAN REALTOR ROW 1 Fleetwood PA 19522 I 215 917 3300 Perry County Ikesbnrg Real nice 126 Acre feneral or horse arm, asking 1140,000. Colombia County 80 Acre general farm $94,500. 70 Acre Dairy farm $72,000. 70 Acre general farm $lll,OOO. 105 Acre general farm, stone house. Lancaster County 112 Acre general farm, stream, stone house, $170,000. Lebanon County 116 Acre limestone farm, large Har vestore silo, all tillable. Berks County 128 Acre Limestone farm, complete dairy setup, old stone house, large stream. All of this and more $330,000. Northumberland Co. Nice horse or steer farm, 56 acres $55,000. Sunbury RD3, 115 Acre Beef, Hog or Horse farm $120,000. Sunbury RD3, 100 Acre Hog, Beef or Horse farm $85,000. WITWERREAL ESTATE 717-733-4138 Ephrata, Pa. Mail Box Market For Sale - Barsoy Barley, Abe Wheat, both cleaned and treated from certified seed, will deliver. 717-285-5895. Free for removing 20 x 40 good condition chicken house. Also Peach Bottom slate all sizes 50 cents; Also nice old pine and chestnut boards for sale. 717-548-2800 or 548-2801. For Sale - 10 knive New Holland 770 harvester, 3 oil space heaters. 717-354-9467. Do you need excellent home for your extra Nubian- Toggenbury or Alpine doe kid - Send details to Acres del Anne, Rl, Muncy, Pa. 17756. For Sale - 4 Cocker Spaniel 2 males - 2 females - 2 black, 1 white, 1 tan. 2 mo. 529-2561. For Sale - stone ground corn meal. Gideon Beiler, Hor seshoe Road, Leola, Pa. Mail Box Morktf Wanted ■ Cob for Allis Chalmers Gleaner E com bine. John Bower, Mon toursvllle R 2, Pa. 717-433- 3630. For Sale - 1 row pull type Oliver com picker, good working condition, priced right. 717-853-5902. Wanted - Coal or wood burning furnace for use in cellar. 717-672-9480. Wm. Rcnno, Rt. 5 Danville, Pa. For Sale - Antique Colum bian pot belly stove in A-l condition. 215-267-5796. For Sale - Red Coat seed wheat, cleaned and treated from last year certified, also Rye seed. Martin M. Shirk, Rl, Narvon, Pa. 445-8568. For Sale - Rye for cover crop. Call after 8 p.m. 944- Wanted to Buy - Suffolk Ram. 717-464-2430. Wanted - Flail chopper with blower. Call collect 717-225- 1045 or write Box 419, Rl, Spring Grove, Pa. 17362. Wanted Delivered - High Moisture ear com, enough to fill a 14 z 35 silo. Phone 717- 942-6344. For Sale - Livestock rack for 6 ft. pickup truck, $20.00. Also Allis Chalmers No. 35 pull type com picker $45.00. Also want to buy a 50 ft. endless rubber belt. 717-469- 2897. For Sale - 4 polled Hereford cows with 5 months old calves, cows are rebred and in beautiful condition. 201- 236-2268. For Sale - 8000 tobacco lath. Dies plow. 717-768-8116. For Sale - 5 Holstein cows good milkers, 5 Holstein Heifers will be fresh soon, home raised. Curtiss Candy Breeding. 215-589-2406. For Sale - 49,000 BTU Em pire gas floor furnace will heat small house, ideal for hunting camp, floor grill included, good shape $4O. 717-665-7402. For Sale - Grain binder complete $5O. Good Case horse drawn mower $65. Emery Paddock, R 2 Box 172, Connellsville, Pa. 15425. For Sale - 500 Babcock yearling hens, 40 cents each. Allen Newswanger, R 3, New Holland. PH: 354-5696. AKC Alaskian Malamute pups for sale. Eli K. Glick, R 3, Quarryville, Pa. 1 mile West of Georgetown, Pa. ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. New Berlinville, PA 19545 Phone (215) 367-2169 ★ TILLAGE EQUIPMENT IN STOCK FOR FALL ★ 470 Disc Harrow, 15 ft 710 Plow, 5 Bot, 16” 711 350 Disc Harrow, 9’l" 710 Plow, 4 Bot., 18" ■ fcfc 500 Disc Harrow, 12’5” 510 Plow, 4 Bot., 16” ■■■ 500 Disc Harrow, 10'9” 510 Plow, 4 Bot., 18” ■■■ |2| 45 Vlbra Cult., 12’ 450 Plow, 3 Bot, 16” 401 Harrows 440 Plow, 3 Bot, 16” \\\ir 111 710 Plow. 5 Bot, 20” 760 Offset Disc Harrow 14 ft. 770 Offset Disc Harrow 10’9” ★ USED EQUIPMENT ★ J.D 38 with 2 Row Head & Myers Silver Cloud Sprayer PlC^up (2) Farmall Super H I H 460 Utility Farmall Cub with Cult & Plow N I Haybine Cub Low Boy with 60” Mower ERB & HENRY IS HEADQUARTERS FOR: DE LAVAL EMC BEAN VIGON SPREADERS BUILER-JAMESWAY TRY US FOR INTERNATIONAL PARTS Moil Box Morkat For Sale - 3 pt. hitch 6 ft. Sunmastcr rotary chopper. Case 3 pt. hitch 2 bottom plow. Saudcr D 2 fast hitch loader. 717-442-4279. For Sale - Blizzard 500 en silage cutler w-shredder bars, w-2 sets of pipe, $B5. PH: 898-7066. For Sale - Hasten 3 beater Forage Wagon w-roof. Heavy duty line gear, $2250. George McDonald, Rising Sun, Md. PH: 301-858-5023. For Sale - Black Labs, 4 AKC females, ages 3 years and 1 year. Proven producers with 8 per litter - 1-3 chocolates. $40.00 each. Phone 299-5032. For Sale - 4 Springing Holstein heifers. Wanted used galvanized or steel window sash approx. 32 x 48 Gideon King, Meeting House Road, Rl, Gap, Pa. 17527. 1 mi. Northwest of White Horse. For Sale - Wisconsin engine, VF4 with starter in real good condition, no clutch, $165.00. Billy Renoll, Glen Rock, R 2, Box 358, Pa. Ph: 717-235-2032. For Sale - Approx. 10 acres Pioneer com. York, Zion View area. Phone 266-2091. Wanted - Used round com crib. 717-286-7943. For Sale - Dry shelled com - Dry ear com - oats - oat straw. 717-925-2044. Columbia Co. For Sale - (1) Shallow well water pump, $40.00 (1) Wood saw outfit with saw, $50.00 Russell Herbster, Calvin, Pa. 16622. Home Baked Goods for sale - Orders taken for restaurants etc. Vintage Rd. Bakeshop, Box 334 A, Rl, Christiana, Pa. 17509. ANY wants to buy good productive cows, close up and fresh or springers we have the kind you want and will deliver them to your farm on order. Simply call us on the telephone and explain to us what you want and we will select the cows for you and arrange delivery in the next day or two. Cash or credit. Call us on the phone collect for further details. I. GREENBERG and SON Route 206 Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Phone 609-267-1101 65 Years of Experience No other cattle company can match this record Moil Box Marker For Sale-CHURCH PEWS -25 oak in good condition. Mt. Rock BrcUicm in Christ Church. R 3, Shlppcnsburff, Pa. 17257. Call (717 ) 532-5473 or 532-6710. For Sale - Lota of nice ear corn, $BO.OO per ton at the farm, Ph; 626-7192. For Sale - 1930 Rco Speed wagen licensed, inspected, in good running order, one owner, panel body, used as a farm market truck, $1200.00 Ore Valley Fruit and Vegetable Farm, R. E. Markey, R 3, York, Pa. 17402. Wanted - Buy - Used Jamesway Silo unloader with or without motor. PH: 944-9276. For Sale - 30 Acres good standing corn. Mt. Joy area. $250.00 per acre. PH: 285- 5024. For Sale - J.D. “A” for parts and plower & motor for water softener. Also wanted Gravity box, Wheelrake & post hole digger. PH: 284- 2424. For Sale -1% year old coon dog ready for training, also 1 beagle dog. 665-4614. For Sale - John Deere H on rubber $6OO. Brass bed $3OOO. 717-588-6691. For Sale - 2500 tobacco lath $75, sawed locust posts $2.50 each, 1963 Corvair 3 speed $l5O. Phone 442-8437. For Sale - John Deere 48 manure loader. Stephen A. Martin, 717-423-6339. For Sale - 2-36 in. Airomatic fans. Bottled gas, cast iron boiler, 120,000 BTU capacity, with circulator and 110 linear ft. 4” fins, with IV* pipe. Levi L. Beiler, R 3, Bo& 83, Quarryville, Pa. 17566. and
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