Mall Box Market Mali Box Market Wanted • Manure loader with hydraulic bucket to fit Oliver 550. Alio 3 pt. 2-row cultivator and liquid tank ipreader. PH: 6657809. Help Wanted • Boy for dairy farm. Aucto. feeding, pipeline milkerx. Full time or part time after school Reinholda Area 215-267-2791. For Sale - McCormick Deering No. 9 grass mower f bar, like new condition. Call 445-4946 or come see at Robert Galligans, Box 215. East end of Weaverland Road. For Sale - To highest bidder - 1 - 20 ft. by 200 ft. frame boiler house. Must be dismantled and removed. J. Warren Shearer, 426 W. Penn Ave., Wemersville, Pa. 19565, 215-678-9943. For Sale - New Holland belt drive blower $200.00 Two S' * ;r unloading wagona on Deere running gears, $4OO. each. All in excellent condition. Nichol Bros., Landenberg, Pa. 215-255- 4835. Wanted - Parts for Colum bian Wood and Coal Range. No. 8-22-6. Contact im mediately. 717-687-0198. , For Sale - Allis Chalmers B & C and CA parts, 1965 CMC cabover cab and chassie will take 12-18 ft. body. Call 684- 6828. For Sale - Guinea pigs, going obt of business. 1% mile west of Bowmansville on School Road, watch for sign. Eugene Weaver, Denver Rl, Fa. 17517. Wanted - Rubber wheels for Ontairo Grain Drill. 215-536- 9672. For Sale - Dl4 L Allis Chalmers tractor with cultvs. M.F. 90 tractor; Also 3 pt. carrier. All in good condition. 367-2033. Wanted • 2 wooden nail kegs with opening diameter of 12”. 717-665-3806. 7H285 WOODBINE PEARL COMET EX (90) GM 1516004 USDA SUMMARY (May 75) 160 Dau. 45 Herds Preg. Diff. +632M —.OB per. +IIF Repeat. 83 per.: Dollar Difi +s43 COMET daughters are well balanced cattle with great depth of fore rib and excellent width. Well above average fore udders with tremendous height and width in rear. We will be at the Penna. All American From Sept. 22nd to the 27th. Stop by and visit with us as we will have all the latest information on select bulls and an ample supply of semen on hand. Good sound field com for sale. Call 215678-9326 also Bxl6 pontoon boat. For Sale - 3V4 ton com $65.00 per ton, 717-6652128. For Sale - AKC Cocker Spaniel Puppies, blonde and partly colored. Call after 4 p.m. 717-6657175. Clearance Sale - Hydrants, roofing, poets, disc, dollies, tanks,lumber, fans, motors, push trucks, barrows, sinks, shaft, mulcher disk, mixer. 717-653-4264. For Sale - McCurdy bin wagon 187 bu. with 8 ton running gear, used 1 season. 2159324208. For Sale - Whirlpool 2-door gas refrigerator: (2) gas space heaters; gas water heater. John Z. Lapp, Centerville Rd., Rl, Gor donville, Pa. 17529. Stud Service - Nubian Buck, service proven, no horns. 717-76M695. Wanted to Buy - Old pictures, old picture frames, reasonable. Also old iron fence, wooden arbor with seats. Call 717-569-2579. » For Sale • 9 head young registered Angus cows, ; calves by side. Rebred to : Excellent bulls. Ed E. * Rishel. 1600 Pennsylvania • Ave., York, Pa. 17404 PH: 717-764-4586, For Sale - Two Little Giant 250 bu. Galvanized Gravity Boxes w-AC wide track running gears. A-l Con dition. PH: 301-357-4281. For Sale - John Deere Drill on Steel. Good Condition. Call 354-6861. For Sale - Window glass 16 x 24” double strength. Glass can be cut smaller. PH: 215- 286-9158. For Sale -1200 - 50 lb. paper & burlap potato bags. Also 80 & 100 lb. bags. All like new. Free delivery. (1) 215-589- 4702. Mail Box Market Help Wanted • Married man for farm near York. To drive cattle truck & tend stock. Good house with all con* venlences available. Apply; Gutman Farms, Jefferson, Pa, 17311 PH: 717-229-2059. Closed Saturdays. For Sale - Roller bearing top fair condition. 717-733- For Rent • House North of Quarryvllle, 2 bedrooms, living room, den and kitchen, security deposit, references, $lBO per month. 717-872-6131. For Sale-N.H. 818SPChev. 348 2 row w-pickup $2500. N.H. 880 PTO 540 2 row w pickup new knives. $3OOO. 201-362-8811. Wanted • Steel wheels for New Holland Super 66 or will trade rubber for steel. Isaac K. Stoltzfus, Quarryville R 2, Pa. For Sale - Summer Ram bo and Smokehouse apples; Potatoes, wholesale and retail. Jonas S. Ebersol, Box 461, Vh miles north of Bird in Hand on Stumptown Rd. For Sale - M. C. Chopper. 656-7013. £or Sale - M.C. rotary scythe w-Wisconsin engine, new knives, engine used less than 50 hrs.; Oliver 99 gas tractor, PTO, live hyd., nett pulley and lights, very good con dition. Amos L. Fisher, Rl, Box 108, Bird in Hand, Pa. 17505 For Sale - 2 year old reg. Holstein bull with records on dam, guaranteed breeder, grice $4OO. Jonathan B. King, 1, Box 116 A, Gap, Pa, 1% mile north of Gap on Amish Rd. For Sale - John Deere 237 2- row mounted picker, $lBOO. No. 5 rear-mounted shelter, $650. Both Excellent Con dition. Also Huskey grain bin without running gear, $175. PH: 717-548-2366. 7H676 ST. CROIXCO VEEDiCTION RON VG (85) 1515118 USDA SUMMARY (May 75) 71 Dau. 50 Herds Pred.Diff. +1761M —.lB per +36F Repeat. 80 per; Dollar Diff. s+l24 RON is + in strength, + in rear udders, + in udder quality and support, + in feet and legs and is an easy calver. *nem COUNSEL Box 46, RD2, CochranviHe, PA 19330 FIELDMEN: DICK BROWN, 717-656-8626 AARON B. STOLTZFUS, 717-442-4704 Mail Box Market For Sale - 1996 Ford truck with 16 ft. grain body $4OO. Also 20 DeLaval magnetic stall cocks. Rising Sun, Md. 3018568325. Wanted - 970 Case Agri King with power shift 1973 or 1974 model. 7178658747. For Sale - John Deere Model 18, 1 row pull type corn picker, good condition $1395.00 717-729-7117. Wanted • Compressor motor for egg cooler or complete cooler. 717-354-0338. For Sale - Heavy duty bat tery charger, up to 39 volts, 40 amp. single phase like new condition $5O. Halifax 896-3042. For Sale - Parker 26’ Al dump, tires good, overall condition excellent $5BOO. Also wet line for PTO 910 or PTO 9513-913 with new tank and hook-up $450. 717-649- 5260. For Sale - One corn bead for New Holland chopper 1880 or 880-cuts three 30 inch rows, in good condition. Call Kilby’s, Inc. 301-6566000. For Sale - No. 7 McDeering Silo with web reduction unit one set of knives Amos L. Ebersol, R 2, Narvon, Pa. 17555 For Sale - Aluminum Awning for use along doorway. White w-Black trim like new - $35.00. Phone 717-393-1460. Evenings. For Sale - Int. 444 D. Tractor w-wagon loader. Good Rubber 1200 hours. Ex cellent Condition. Phone 215- 589-2397. For Sale - (2) Self unloading wagons with roofs; 806 Gem Box, Heavy duty Chassies, telescoping tongues. 14 feet long. Phone 717-935-5375. For Sale - (5) ton ear com $75.00 a ton. Elevator available for loading unto Sept. 21, River Hill Rd. near Pequea. Phone 717-872- 7679. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 13.1975^ Moil Box Market For Sale • 1H No. 40 Blower. 1H Com binder loader. Parte for John Deere, Model B. Phone 717-3548666. For Sale - AC PTO blower w -80 ft. of pipe, 3 Grove forage wagons with 3 beaters'and 10 ton gears. 717-464-4089. For Sale - Reg. Holstein bull, 3 yrs. old, son of Astronaut, out of 11 yr. old with record of 14,000 M, phone 717-933- 8628. For Sale - Bred Holstein heifers, to freshen Sept. & Oct., phone 717-9338279. For Sale - Used 605-B Ver meer round baler. See our .Vermeer exhibit at the Solanco Fair. Triple H Farms, phone 717-548-2640. For Sale - Used Badger self unload forage wagon, 3 beaters, adjustable tongue, rear unload attachment, Ph. 717-626-5420. For Sale- Fox Forage wagon with 3rd beater & roof, ready to go, 215-269-3442. For Sale - One large Holstein cow, good record $700; J.D. 24 disc, $225; 13 ft. truck bed $75; Home made farm wagon, $5O; phone 717-569- 0700. For Sale - Bamsol seed Barley, phone lititz, 717-626- 7665. For Sale - Complete hitch for FannallC, like new; weaved wire ideal for corncrib. WANTED - 1 fender for farmall C, phone 717-656- 6801. For Sale • Used 6-quart Dehumidifier, in good condition. Also 116 automatic waterers for rapid Chin chillas and so forth, hoses and everything included, phone, 717-949-3590. For Sale - Int. 706 gas with wide front end, completely over hauled, 717-933-8713. For Sale - Top Buggy for sale. Call 717-733-7335 Wanted - Good used Ford one row com picker. Call 717-838- 3336. For Sale -10 holstein steers. Weighing between 600 & 700 lbs. Also, good dry ear com. Call 215-267-7908. For Sale - 2 used cylinders for Sauder manure loader. Phone 717-733-7335. For Sale - 6 can milk cooler, T-33 front opening. Also, apples. Call 717-665-3055. For Sale - International 240 Utility Tractor. Good con dition. Call evenings, 717-868- 3302. For Sale - 40 acres standing com. Call 717-733-7643. For Sale - com for sale. 24 acre. Newmanstown Area. Call 717-949-6826. For Sale - Feeder cattle charolais and Simmental Cross Heifers, Steers or Bulls. Also ear com. 717-273- 2331. For Sale - New Holland No. 450 Grass Mower. Oliver Raydez trailer plows. Mc- Cormick Deering PTO Com Binder. Cultipacker, 2 bushel timothy seed. 1 round metal hog feeder. Holstein bull breeding age. PH: 717-786- 3618. For Sale -10 acres of com for silage. $l5O. per acre. Located NW of Annville. Call 717-838-6783. For Sale - Good heavy New York Oats, 1100 bu. bulk loads. $1.65 per bu. PH: 215- 445-5037. For Sale - 3 year old American Saddlefared broke to tingle harness, call after 5 pjn., 717-6564W8. For Sale - 12 acres standing corn, 1 mi. West of Lititz, pbooe 717-626-7451. For Sale - Damp Hmrstooe. 25 ton balk loads. 25-50 percent savings. PH: 215- 445-5037. Wanted - 3 pt hitch for Oliver 77 or «. 717-665-7156. For Sale - Victoria Food and Vegetable strainer, a time saver for making apple sauce. 717-6564916. Job Needed - Man ex perienced with horses - looking for wort. Win try any kind of work. What have you to offer? Ask for Arthur. 215-273-2761. For Sale - 7 ft. Locust posts. Katie Fisher, Gap R 2, RL 30, Gap Hill. For Sale - Farmall M with mounted 2 MH corn picker, A-l cond. 717-933-8713. For Sale - TD Int. 340 crawler loader. Samuel F. King, Honks Rl. For Sale - Red Coat seed wheat, cleaned and treated from last year’s certified seed, harvested before rain. Harvey Hoover, Rt 1 East Earl, Pa. 17519. 215445-5734. Wanted - 90 Feeder pigs weighing between 25 and 40 lbs. Levi L. Stoltzfus, S. Groff dale Road, Leola, Rl, Pa. 717-356-6291. For Side - Ear corn $75.00 per ton at the bam. Grove self unloading silage wagon. 717- 872-5654. For Sale - Cast Iron warm air furnace with «D burner, also has grates for coal or wood. 872-7346. For Sale - Gehl chuck wagon and 550 Int. 2 row harvester. Jonestown 8654961. For Sale - Purebred Yorkshire Boar, 14 mo. old. Elam G. Lapp, R 3, BpX 371, Myerstown Pa. 17067. For Sale - Walnut wood, also Hereford-Angus Charolais 2nd calf beef cow. John M Esh, El, Box 345 A, Myer stown, Pa. 17067. For Sale - Dry com cobs $H per ton wiu load. Willi: Wenger, R 4, lititx Phon 733-6684. Wanted - No. 9 IHC silag< cutter also cast stove to] from an unusable stove State price. Apply to John M Martin, Denver El, Pa 17517. For Sale - M M Jet Star tractor with irtdepender PTO, 3 pt. hookup with c without Sauder Loader. 21! 383-7786. 43
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers