14—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 6. 1975 conta to $3.89 per buihtl; milk up 28 cents to $8.47 per cwt.; nogs were up 91.90 to $98.00 per cwt.; com wax up 23 cents to $2.95 per bu.; and xoybesns were up 52 cents to $9.60 per bu. Prices paid by farmers (or goods and services increased by a point since last month and by 14 points since last year at this time. In terms of Krcentsges, they are one if of one percent and eight percent, respectively. The August 15 Index of Prices Received by Penn sylvania fanners was vir- Farm outlook 1J 1 and eggs during the month tomatoes offset higher prices ~„n A for wheat, milk, hogs, corn, USD * soybeans, Upland cotton, bulletin: Wheat was up 66 you* 4iU Matvei t* <t iian" fWEAVER r* I I otp Am :i mm> I | PI .^INCJ *‘»%s«ey/3sl" R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866 5708 3|i THINK COLD AND GET LOW, LOW PRICES ON BULK DELIVERY OF AGWAY TOP—GRADE PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE Until Sept 30 Only Here’s an opportunity no bulk user of permanent anti-freeze will want to miss. This once a year quality discount sale CONTACT US FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND PRICES BEFORE YOU ORDER. Call Agway Petroleum today. And bring down the cost of winter. AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. s \ | agway) Dillerville Rd., Lancaster Ph. 717-397-4954 To be continued next week tually unchanged from mid- July, according to the Crop Reporting Service. BARBER OIL CO. (texaco) Fuel Chief HEATING OIL 1 0)1 HIDING (ObIPMINT AIR CONDITIONING MOUNT JOY. PA Fh. liSi-JUKI Last fall, when I heard the news from the midwest that supplies of seed corn were going to be short, I knew prices wijuld start climbing I asked my Stanford dealer about it, and he told me that the smartest thing for me to do was - to order my NK corn early He told me that the people at Stanford shared my concern about higher prices and they did something about it They authorized my dealer to give me price protection on my early NK order That meant that if the price of seed corn went up, I would pay the lower early-order price That sounded like more than a fair deal to me, so I ordered early And you know what? The price went up later, saving me $2 50 a bag That's one of the reasons I’m going back to my Stanford-NK dealer now Another reason is the big yield poten tial of Northrup-Kmg hybrids NK corn took more than 80 first-place N C G A state championships in the last six years Higher price* for corn, wheat, barley, hay, hogs, •laughter cowa, milk, milk cows, and eggs were offset by lower prices for oats, apples, cattle, sheep and lambs, and most poultry products. The Index was three percent above a year earlier. /voco FARM WHITT VOCO II IS THE PROVEN WHITEWASH THAT IS NATURALLY ADHESIVE. Voco II is NOT A LIME whitewash. Voco II win not flake or scale off. Voco II dries while. APPUEDBY: RICHARD R. FORRY 2020HorsesnoeRoad Lancaster, PA Phone 717-397-0035 We are also equipped to serve you with modern equipment in all your areas of crop spraying *_* To me, that’s convincing proof that NK hybrids are exactly what we need to get those high-profit yields from our corn acreage My choice this year is NK’sPX76—the Here's how to get bigger savings l next great hybrid for my area For two • Order before October 15, years, it has been the most consistent and save a buck a bag high yielder m NK trials across the mid- • Order 10 bags or more Atlantic region You might need a mid- for quantity discount season corn on yourfarm, like PXSOA for • Pay early and save even more gram or silage —or PX 20, an early corn see YOUR STANFORD I with excellent standability, early spring SEED, NK DEALER NOW! vigor and fast dry-down early-pay discount deal t I like doing business with people who Tllf //TJurnon mrn Tfl are always there with the kind of help I -yi tmnrmvy t itu uw. can really use That’s why I’m staying v -'' with my Stanford dealer and NK corn New, higher EARLY ORDER, EARLY PAY DEAL P.O. Box 366, Buffalo, New York 14240 P.O. Box 230, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 r
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