28—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 9, 1975 Artificial FERTILIZER Help Wonted Insemination Are you tried of paying $l5O I^**** 1 to $2OO or more per ton for ■■■■ nm ■ Introducing fertilizer? Try dry poultry HELP WANTED I ‘ „ .. 6 manure fresh from the _ . . ABS Genetic broiler houses. Delivered t Experienced tenant Cnninaor and dumped on your farm in fanner for beef farm, tngineer 8 t 0 16 ton loads House, utilities, fur mm piii miles of Lancaster. You can wished plus salary. DRS buy Bto 100 tons. Next £ ar “ "ear HUM delivery in Aug. $25.00 per Breezewood, Pa. Ap- BTOITBI ton delivered. Write Box 27, plicant must be sober, lEßpgp Strasburg, Pa. 17579 honest and reliable. .... References nreferred. Damn Yoder H ci P weed App,y to P 0 Box 287 ■ ■ ■ Married man for dairy farm, New Market, Md 21774 Cochranville area. 717-529- 2701. 1 ■ liisilfl&l ®ii Try A Classified Ad it Pays! NIGHT DAIRY CATTLE SALE Coming up at our Dairy Barn, Cameron St., Bath, N.Y. THURSDAY EVE. AUGUST 14th At 7 P.M. Selling 60 interstate - tested Holsteins; One small milking dairy w-IO nice short yrlg. hfrs. and a most outstanding group of selected top Holsteins, mainly first and second calf hfrs. A really sharp group and all are fresh within two weeks or right close!! About 15 are Reg. and feature leading bloodlines. If you need milk and good sharp cattle, you need to come to Bath the 14th!! You’ll find a barnful of toppers!! Rumseys’ of Bath, N.Y. (607- 776-3478). Lancaster Farming 1 Year - Only *3.00 52 Issues - Less than 6* per week SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO Name Address □ Enclosed is $3 for 1 yr. [52 issues! gift subscription. r Send a gift card with my name on it to the above Sign the card' Please allow about 2 weeks before subscription starts PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO LANCASTER Part time or full time - women-men milkers, good pay and benefits. Call after 6 I p.m 215-827-9384. SUBSCRIBE TO P.O. BOX 266/ LITIT2, PA 17543 I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE. j Name Address □ Enclosed is $3 for 1 yr. 152 issues) I first saw Lancaster Farming: □ In a friend’s home □ In a Agribusiness office □ In a County Agent or other government office □ Other I Where) FARMING PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 li id' a-* /jr v ' ¥ * | LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue [3] Issues] 14 or Less $1 4C $3 36 15 1 50 3 60 16 1 60 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1 90 4 56 20 2 00 4 80 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 percent discount Deadline Thursday ot each weeks publication Lancaster Farming P 0 Box 266 Lititz PA Phone Lancaster 394 3047 or Lititz 626 2191 Help Wanted Wanted - 2 honest capable and progressive young men for employment on a modem 100 Reg. Holstein Cow Dairy operation. We show at state and national shows. One man needed for assisting herd sman, to work with owner, to milk regularly and for herd management work with some outside work. Also a man needed primarily for field management work with some milking required. Apply to John W. Rinehart, Rinehart Farms, Rt. 1, Littlestown, PA or Phone 301-346-7326 Dairy farm, general farm work, married man, ex perienced and references required, house and utilities provided. Call 1-302-655-0558 Opportunity for semi-retired couple, farm experience preferred, caretaker, buildings and grounds. Assist light farm work, during harvest season. All modern labor saving machinery, no livestock. Extra work available. Light housekeeping 5% day week, Separate living quarters, Chester Co. Reply stating age and experience. Replies and interview confidential. Write Box 266 U, c-o Lan caster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Full time office and store work. Apply W. L. Zimmerman & Sons Intercourse, Pa. 717-768-8291 550 Cows new dairy in tentions, 300 cows, responsible person to oversee complete operation, good equipment and automation. South of Frederick. 301-663-1595. SALESMAN NEEDED , IN SOUTHERN LANC. CO. to service customers for NA CHURS Plant Food Co. Contact: Roy L. Shertzer, RD6, Long Lane Rd., Lan caster, PA 17603, Ph.: 717- 872-7342 Help Wanted Wanted - Dairy farmer, married and experience preferred, 2-man 65 cow pipeline system. No field work, 6 day week, paid vacation, housing, $lO,OOO. salary. Phone 215-265-2933, Montgomery Co. HELP WANTED Man to be responsible for milking herd of Holsteins, 40 hr week with regular days off. Interested in husband - wife combination to milk combined total of 65 hrs. Excellent salary depending on experience, character and references. Housing provided with modern large mobile home. Close to hunting, fishing and beaches. Contact Ken Holland Route 1 Pocomoke, Md. 21851 Phone 301-957-1399 Poultry & Supplies LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317, Elizabethtown, PA Ph: (717) 367-1545 DeKalb WARREN SEX-SAL I STARTED PULLETS, 26 WEEKS SEX-SAL 2000 July 29 700 Aug. 26 HUBBARD LEGHORNS 3400 Aug. 26 earn to Fit Your Exact Needs. 961 bu. *595. 1205 bu. *645. , SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dillcrvillc Rd u,p. Mon. thru Thurs. Bto 5 open * 8 to 5 Sat. 8 to Noon Sat. 8 to Noon Business Opportunities SPPORTUfoITIES available with leading AI organization in all sections of Penna. & N.J., Great income poten tial. Write Box 266 V c-o Lane. Farm. Lititz, Pa. 17543. Poultry & Supplies For Sale - 21 week old pullets available. Also 25 ton corn silage. 717-626-8257 20 Case Per Hour Wyland Grader D6V 10-12 Case Per Hour Egomatic Candler & Grader 10,000 Used Plastic Flats, Very Reasonable. Burch Cooler Call Modern Poultry for information on other used equipment we now have available. For all your poultry needs call Jim Enck, Modern Poultry Supplies, Inc. Modern Poultry Supplies, Inc. James J. Enck 717-299-0828 717-397-5850
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