1975 Mac CUSTOM RATES: SELECTED FARMING OPERATIONS, PENNSYLVANIA, 1975 Job com PICKING com PICKING AND SHELLING CORN COMBINING CORN DRYING 123 Percent corn) COWINING SHALL GRAINS HAY MAKING: Mooing Mooing and conditioning Raking Pick-up baling; Tolna . Mira Cut, raka, bala, and stora Larga round balar (1200-1500 lb.) Stackar-oagon (2-3 ton) SILAGE MAKING: Upright silo filling Trench silo filllng Field chopping silage - Chopper and blower with:. 1 man, 2 wagons, I tractor 2 men, 2 wagons, 2 tractors POTATO HARVESTING PLOWING, MOLDBOARD PLOW Spring, stubble sod Fall, stubble sod PLOWING, DEEP <lO Inches or more) PLOWING, DISK DISKING, Tandem With harrow or cultipacker HARROWING Spike tooth •Spring tooth CULTIVATING PLANTING CORN WITH FERTILIZER: Convent lona I-tlll planting Reduced-t ill piant Ing PLANTING SOYBEANS, WITHOUT FERTILIZER DRILLING SMALL GRAIN Without fertilizer With fertilizer With fertilizer and cl overseed PLANTING POTATOES SEEDING ALFALFA, CLOVER. ETC. ANNOUNCING McCRfICKEN’S JHARPE & GREEN MILL W. L MUMMERT CO. FEED MILL, INC. Churchviile, MD Hanover, PA Manheim, PA BEACON REPS. R. E. RUDISILL CHESTER WEIST Phone 717-854-2281 Phone 717-741-2600 Baals of Charge Mountain Sect lon HARVESTING Acra 5 10.10 S 9,15 5 9.55 Acra 13.80 12.80 13.30 Acra 13.60 13.50 13.55 Bu. .18 .19 .19 Acra 9.85 10.20 10.10 Acre Acre Acre 3.50 5.15 3.00 Bala .18 Bala .21 Bala .36 Bale 10.00 Stack 20.00 Ton Ton 2.55 2.05 18.00 25.00 Hour Hour 76.00 Acre PLOW ING AND CULT I VAT ING 6.30 6.85 6.70 7.15 9.90 6.20 4.25 4.80 Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre 3.50 5.20 3.90 3.65 4.45 3.90 Acre Acre Acre PLANTING AND DRILL 4.55 7.05 5.50 Acre Acre Acre 3.75 3.90 4.70 4.20 4.85 4.60 6.00 6.25 3.20 3.40 Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre ARE NOW DISTRIBUTORS FOR 0 NUTRENA® CLS Nutrena Controlled Release CLS liquid supplement harnesses the productive power of urea more effectively than a conventional urea-molasses liquid supplement. And you get an extra margin of safety from urea toxicity. Check some additional advantages of this research breakthrough. Nutrena Controlled Release CLS can help: • Get uniform grazing - efficient usage of available roughage. With Nutrena Controlled Release CLS available in lick-wheel feeders, cattle can help themselves to supplement as needed. There's no bunching up and waiting for a daily feed of cubes, with lost grazing lime or overgrazing within a limited area. • Get cows bred on schedule, good conception rates, and big calf crops in short calving period - because the convenience and labor saving features of feeding Nutrena Controlled Release CLS often mean an improved nutrition level. • Give cattle uniform nutrition. It's not like cube feeding where boss animals take charge. Once aggressive animals get enough liquid sup plement they leave the lick-wheel feeders. Then, even tail-enders get a fair chance at the nitrogen, vitamins, minerals and energy in the sup plement. AVAILABLE FROM THE FOLLOWING DEALERS hinery C The State Vallay Section 3.80 5.25 3.15 3.95 5.30 3.30 .35 6.00 .36 8.00 20.00 2.30 2.05 2.15 2.05 20.50 26.00 22.50 27.00 78.00 80.00 6.20 6.85 6.65 7.10 8.65 5.80 4.25 4.85 6.10 6.85 6.60 7.10 8.10 5.65 4.90 3.35 3.75 4.10 4.45 7.55 4.65 4.40 7.80 4.20 3.85 4.45 4.75 6.20 3.30 BEACON FEEDS <. ' X A /> BEACO^d Beacon Feeds. York. PA Phone 717-843-9033 BROADCAST SEEDING (On grain fields) CLEANING GRAIN SEED: With treatment Without treatment GROUND EQUIPMENT: SPRAYING FOR WEED CONTROL Excluding material SPRAYING FOR CORN BORER Including cost of material Excluding cost of material SPRAYING FOR SPITTLE BUG OR ALFALFA WEEVIL: Including cost of material Excluding cost of material SPRAYING POTATOES Including cost of material Excluding cost of material AERIAL APPLICATION (Excl . material) Fixed wing He 11 copter MOUNTAIN ustom Rates CUSTOM RATES: SELECTED FARMING OPERATIONS, PENNSYLVANIA, 1975 Job • Cut labor requirements, compared to dry feed, whether the liquid is self fed in lick-wheel feeders, top-dressed or mixed. With liquid, gravity can do your feeding and we can fill your lick-wheel feeders or storage tanks. Let us tell you more about Nutrena Controlled Release CLS. SWATARA CREEK MURPHY & FEED MILL CLOUSE FEED MILL Myerstown, PA Carlisle, PA Lancaster Farmlni. Saturday, August 9.1975—: Mountaln Section Basis of Charge S 2.15 Acre 2.70 Acre 4,75 2.60 Acre Acre 4.00 2.65 Acre Acre 7.00 4.00 Acre Acre 3.70 5.00 Acre Acre BEACON REPS. RICHARD B. KENDIG Phone 302-478-305 S The State Valley Section I 2.60 % 2.90 SPRAYING 2.60 5.85 3.40 5.60 3.25 7.00 3.60 3.25 4.35 ■1 2.65 5.40 3.20 5.20 3.00 7.00 3.80 3.30 4.50
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