—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 14, 1975 14 The Berks County Dairy Princess Contest will be held June 21st at the Berkshire Mall. Dairy Week will be celebrated from June 16th through June 21st with numerous educational displays throughout the Mall. Saturday will be climaxed with the Miller Family appearing on stage at 7:00 P.M. and the crowning of this year’s Dairy Princess at 8:00 P.M. Contestants in this year’s pageant include: Gail Hamm is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hamm. She is a student at Kutztown Area High School. Gail is quite active in 4-H and Church Activities. Special interest include working with patients at Hamburg State School. (Picture unavailable) Ann Marie Hetrick is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hetrick. She is a student at Oley Valley High School. Ann Marie is active in Church and Campfire Girls. Debbie Lutz is the | anlmal'medicTlnc I • P.O.Boxs7s,Manchester.PA 17345 Phone(7l7) 266-5611 Z Ji '7 We Salute the ? 1 WE SALUTE All the men and women on our nation’s farms during NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH. We think it’s time we all pause and consider - how could our nation survive without you 7 The answer is obvious - noway - noway indeed! We here at ANIMAL MEDIC wish to offer our thanks and good wishes for a job well done and for your future success - we are proud of you - WE SALUTE YOU! SAVE NOW WITH THIS AD! 1 SUPERIOR MASTITIS TREATMENT (Food Niters) • Each 10 cc syringe contains 100.000 units procaine penicillin G 200 mg Quantity Amount • Dihydrostreptomycin base, 1500 mg Sulfamethazine and Hydrocortisone • Acetate 20 mg 72 hour milk withholding • Per Dozen Regular $l2 00 (NOW WITH THIS AD) $7.99/Doz. j SUPERIOR DRY COW TREATMENT (Food Niters) • Each 25 cc syringe contains 100.000 units of Procaine Penicillin G, 500 2 mg of Neomycin Sulfate and 50 mg of Chlorabutanol • Per Dozen Regular $lO 94 (NOW WITH THIS AD) $7.95/Doz. : SULMYCIN H W/SYRINGE (Anchor) • 72 hour milk withholding • Per 10D cc Regular $3 95 (NOW WITH THIS AD) $2.99 each i CALF SCOUR MEDIC XTRA BOLUSES (Animal Medic) • Works on SCOURS and PNEUMONIA" The only calf scour bolus SOLD ON A • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE""" • Per Jar of 50 Regular $l6 95 I PYRENONE DAIRY AEROSOL (HESS & CLARK) • One (1) second of spray treats 1000 cu ft of space For rapid control of • flies on cattle and milk rooms • Large 36 oz Regular $8 95 TERMS Take time to read directions with all products before using them Sale ends June 30 1975 Quantities limited All prices NET CASH with order Minimum order $25 00 sent prepaid Present this ad to your participating ANIMAL MEDIC dealer or order direct if not available locally. Mr Dealer This ad, when completed by your customer and returned to Animal Medic, Inc is redeemable for • a special discount on equivalent amount of merchandise S NAME RED & BOX NO CITY • □ Check if you desire a copy of our new catalog • I 4"i.il' 1- »'• ul - J «-fc.».*•> Berks Co* Dairy Princess Contest Ann Marie Hetrick daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lutz. Debbie attends Kutztown Area High School. She is active in Church and 4- H club. Of special interest to Debbie is acting and Drama Club. June Trezler is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Trezler. She is a student at Kutztown Area High School. June is very active in Church and 4-H activities. Her special in terests are in sports. Sharon Troutman is the Maim Dairy Farmer (NOW WITH THIS AD) $12.95 each (NOW WITH THIS AD) S 6 95 each daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Troutman. She is a graduate of Conrad Weiser Area High School. Sharon is active in 4-H, Grange, Church and the Holstein Assoc. She is a member of the National Honor Society. She hopes to enter nursing school this fall. Cathy Yanos is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yanos. She is a graduate of Daniel Boone High School. Cathy is active in 4-H, Grange, Church, Totals STATE Debbie Lutz £I June Ann Trezler School activities. She is also a member of the National Honor Society. Cathy- plans to attend Nursing school this fall. CHEESE More Americans are turning into cheese lovers The average American today eats about 14 pounds of cheese a year That’s two and a half times what he ate 35 years ago Still, it’s only half of what a Frenchman or Italian cats HOME GARDENS Brussels sprouts are the least popular of the common vegetables with home and community gar deners The\ also cause gardeners more problems than am vegetable except winter squash Tomatoes are by far the most popular vegetable for home gar dens followed bv string beans onions and cucumbers Power Distributor Increases Capacity • Two Machines in One • Lowest Cost Combination • Quick Change-Over Stop In Today for Free Catalog. YOU CAN COUNT ON US AGRI-EQUIP. DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. R D #2. Farmersville, Ephrata PA L ast Mam Street, Honey Brook, PA 717-354-4271 215-273-3131 *)• I. SNAVEIY GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE 455 South Cedar Street Lititz PA • Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville PA 717-626-8144 717-786-7318 HENRY EaU ' l ’' '•*£• LANDIS BROTHERS 22 26 Henry Avenue New Berlmville PA 1305 Manheim Plke P 0 Box 4g4 215-367-2169 Lancaster PA 717-393-3906 TLW.7527 WEAVER STAR SILO INC. 717 .„ 2 , 13 , RD4. S .» PA “c"LL S "“ub=».n p. ROY 0. CHRISTMAN 717-274-1436 RDI (Shartlesville) Hamburg, PA 19526 215-562-7218 or 215-488-1904 Sharon Troutman Use the Farm Calendar To Publicize Your Meetings. authorized rD SERVICE CENTER \WIrMI WISCONSIN & . \2SSf; BRIGGS-3TRATTON \ ENGINES j Wise. VH4D 30 H.P. ENGINES FOR LIMESTONE TRAILER AMOS 1. FISHER R DJI, Box 108 Bird-m-Hand, Pa. 17505 jma* k *am*j» Cathy Yanos
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