16— Uncutor Farmlnf, Saturday, June 7. 1975 Peanut Butter Has Variety Peanut butter ia more than a sandwich spread, and now la the time to discover how much more than a sandwich spread it is. Extension specialists at The Penn sylvania State University suggest using peanut butter with appetizers, soups, main dishes, vegetable dishes, sauces, dressings, breads, cakes, pies, cookies, desserts, (rostlngs, and confectionary delights. In addition to that old standby, peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, you can make creative dishes with peanut butter. Beans and peanut butter together mean a doubly protein-rich luncheon dish. Stir peanut butter into cold baked beans and heat, or serve as is. Heap into toasted Call Your HUSKEE-BILT MAN! Huskee Gives You More! • Full 6x6" Poles • American made steel or aluminum • Spacious Doors • Factory Assembled Trui • Top grade lumber throughout • Have heights to 19' Aiao Ask About Our.. CONTROLLED BWJRONMHfT BIMJNIK A Thrtva Cantor control ad anvfconmant buMog maana haavtor haabhiar animate, raducad labor and toad coato and abnoat no manura handing or ador. Thay pay for Ihamaatvaa In no Ibna! YOUR HUSKEE-BILT MAN Is Mervin Miller of Uses hot dog buns, If you like, and garnish with pickle relish. For an appetizer, stir crisp bacon crumbles and mashed banana into peanut butter and serve on brown bread or crackers. To make a peanutty milk shake add two tablespoons of peanut butter and one teaspoon of sugar or honey to a cup of reconstituted nonfat dry milk, and shake well. Biscuits and muffins are delicious when you moke them with peanut butter. Put some peanut butter in biscuits in place of part of the fat. Peanut butter muffins call for one-third cup peanut butter, worked into two cups of flour. Reduce the fat called for in your recipe by one-hald, according to the Extension specialists. I > \ RD2, Keener Road, Lititz, Penna. Phone 626-5204 One of the entrants in last Saturday night's tractor pull competition at the Buck Track, in Southern Lancaster County. Buck Tractor Pull Results Buck Tractor Pullers held a competition last Saturday night, May 31, at the track in Buck. Winning drivers in that competition, their ad dresses, tractors and distances are listed below. 12,00 Mb. Super Stock 1 - Michael Wright, New Freedom, Pa., I.H. 1066, 268’8”; 2 • Thomas Bedgar, Freeland, Md., I.H. 806, 212’10”; 3 - Amos Stauffer, Ephrata, Pa., DEUTZ 8006, 158’4”. 5,000-Super Stock 1 - Curtis Stoltz, Lebanon, Pa., Leyland 384, Full Pull; 2 - Charles Welsh, Gap, Pa., Case 800, 269’11”; 3 - Dale Smoker, Cochranville, Pa., A.C. 180, 260’5”. 9,000-lb. Super Stock 1 - Michael Wright, New Freedom, Pa., I.H. 1066, 271*10”; 2 - Thomas Savage, Damascus, Md., J.D. 4010, 222’0”; 3 - Thomas Bedgar, Freeland, Md., I.H. 806, 207’4”. 7,000-lb. Modified 1 - Glenn Darnell, Laytonsville, Md., Cockshutt 40-2-427 Chevys, 272’8”; 2 - Lester Landis, Lititz, Pa., The invitation, “Come over for a bowl of soup,” is one of the big things in today’s entertainment scene. Started last winter, it is continuing throughout the year because it is a casual way of entertaining; it’s less expensive than many other foods, and it’s homey and friendly. Most popular soups are those which are chowder or chowder-like-thick, rich, creamy with milk or cheese because they are filling and satisfying, thus taking the place of a main dish. Massey 55-2-440 Dodges, 258’5”; 3 - Richard Zim merman, Mt. Joy, Pa. Cockshutt 40-2-440 Dodges, 235*6”. 7,000-lb. Super Stock 1 - Thomas Savage, Damascus, Md., J.D. 4010, Full Pull; 2 - Marlin Brubaker, Quarryville, Pa., A.C. D-21,266’4”; 3 - Charles Welsh, Gap, Pa., Case 800, 198’0”. 5,000-lb. Modified Rained out 9,000-lb. Open Rained out. _ Our next pull will be June? - Pa. Class B - 7:00 p.m. To save money and improve milk production Feed Dairy Special 40XX The key to efficiency in any dairy feeding program is getting maximum performance out of homegrown grains and roughages while keeping out-of-pocket feed costs down. That’s why Vigortone developed Dairy Special 40XX for use in legume hay or haylage rations. This potent pre-mix contains abundant phosphorus to balance off the high calcium content of these roughages and provides proper levels of other major minerals, trace minerals and vitamins. Legume programs are well balanced with Dairy Special 40XX, and the need for supplemental protein is much less. Best of all, your cows soon respond to their full bred-m potential to produce milk. VMOMONE 50 branch offices - 3500 dealers - 3 manufacturing plants PRE-MIXES H. Melvin Charles Washington Boro PA 717 684-5783 Pottstown Farm & Home Center Franklin & Laurel Sts 215-323-6400 James Stutzman Sons Kutztown RD3, PA 215-683-7198 also Schwenksville RDI. Box 80. PA 215-287-7315 r*» ’ , It wai one* thought that a nacklac* mad* of a**da from a plant calltd Job’* T*ara could cur* oor* throat and diphtheria. PLEASE CONTACT: Harnish Bros. Oxford, PA 215-932-8999 vjl * vprr Dairy Special 50XX for the dry cow Proper nutrition for the dry cow is just as important as for the producing cow. It’s during this period that the stage is set for the level of production she will have throughout the lactation period. Vigortone’s Dairy Special 50XX is properly suited to fortify high roughage rations of dry cows and keep them in excellent condition right up to freshening. See your Vigortone dealer soon Your Vigortone dealer has several * products and programs to promote better milk production and help you save money. See him soon. Learn why more dairymen are feeding Vigortone especially now. Marlin J. Geesaman RD2 Newport, PA 717-582-4598 Amos L Nissley Dover ROl.Dela 19901 or Write Box '266 H c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper Utitz, PA 17543 Ron Hershey RD2 Box 388 A Gap PA 717-442-8573
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