—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 7. 1975 12 Maryland Official Criticizes Maryland Secretary of Agriculture Young F. Hance recently commented that "It i« time the U.S. En vironmental Protection Agency recognized it* responsibilities in the uiage of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides." Mr. Hance's remarks came on the heels of a nationwide pesticide con troversy set off earlier this month when EPA, in an nouncing a new Pesticide Hotline system, repeated a discredited 1969 estimate of the number of deaths and injuries in the United States each year from use and misuse of fungicides, pesticides and herbicide. "It is unfortunate" Mr. Hance said, "that someone in EPA didn't check the inflated pesticide injury figures throughly. As it is, BEEF SALES MONDAY 2:30 P.M. THURSDAY 12:00 NOON Sale Order - Fat Bulls, Steers, Stockers, Beef Cows and Veal Calves. ICW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717-354-4341 Daily Market Report Phone 717-354-7281 Abe Diffenbach, Manager Field Representatives - Bob Kling 717-354-5023 Luke Eberly 215-267-6608 Convenience in the size you need. 7 power sizes in Ford Blue tractors. • 30-hp 2000 All-Purpose • 39-hp 3000 All-Purpose • 52-hp 4000 All-Purpose. • 67-hp 5000 All-Purpose and Row Crop • 83-hp 7000 All-Purpose and Row Crop • 110-hp 8600 All-Purpose and Row Crop • 135-hp 9600 All-Purpose and Row Crop • All models available with diesel engines Gasoline engines available through 5000 series Plus special models for special needs: • Low profile orchard tractors • Rugged 4-wheel drive County tractors • And a wide selection of optional equipment Come in! See the Ford Blue line-up today. i EPA four days later had to retract its statement by admitting that, as of now, there is no reliable estimate of the number of deaths and injuries caused by use and misuse of agricultural chemicals. EPA has ad mitted that the 1969 figures are highly exaggerated. "What EPA was saying was; ‘Estimates of the number of farm workers made ill every year from misuse of pesticides range in the hundreds of thousands, Hundreds of these workers died. “EPA would be perfor ming a public service," Mr. Hance stated, "if instead of using such scare tactics it would endeavour to educate the public to the importance of perticides, herbicides and fungicides and the necessity for employing them If you have fat cattle or need feeders . . . THINK NEW HOLLAND LANCASTER TRACTOR, Take Flory Mill Exit off 283 and go V* mile toward East Petersburg. THE NEW HOME OF THE FRIENDLY PEOPLE 1655 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone (717) 569-7063 EPA Action properly. "At almost the very same time EPA was distributing nationally a radio tape using the discredited 1969 scare figures," he added, "we were in Washington testifying before both the House and Senate Com mittees on agriculture. In our testimony we made the following statement, based on proven experience: "We have had a pesticide registration law in Maryland for many years and have had an application and use law since 1969. "During the enforcement of those laws there have been no instances of related deaths except in cases where poisons were ingested in suicidal attempts. Similarly, ANCIENT ONE General Grant Tree, situated in the Grant Grove section of Sequoia and Kings Canvon National Parks, is more than 3.000 vears old. stands more than 287 feet high, and is estimated to weigh more than I 1 tons MILK There s plentv of nutrition to think about when vou re drinking milk Each eight ounces of milk contains about eight grams of protein plus calcium and vitamins FORD INC. there is no evidence of injury of Illness of fanners or farm workers. "Alarmist and unfounded statements are a form of harassment", Mr. Hancc observed. "EPA and a number of federal and state regulatory agencies, would be more effective by working together in a genuine spirit of cooperation. Throughout the country we have seen a tremendous cooperative effort by all concerned to upgrade the education program for the safe use, storage and disposal of pesticide and related productions. "These chemical products are important tools in the production of food and fiber. With wise use and care, they enable agriculture to provide for the needs of this country and the world," Mr. Hance concluded. Youth Calendar Monday, June 9 Meeting of the Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Jersey 4-H Club at the home of Kenneth Eshleman, Elizabethtown R 1 - 7:30 p.m. Jolly Cateresr 4-H Club meeting from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harold Fry. Tuesday, June 10 4-H Horse Club County Coggins Test at the Fred Bussel farm at Manheim R 1 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. All horses must be tested. Friday, June 13 4-H Dairy Goat Club meeting at the farm of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mentzer, R 2, New Holland, 7:30 p.m. WOULDN’T YOU LIKE BETTER MILKING? No More Guess Work /_ with Dari-Kool Bou-Matic VISI-CLAW The Claw that shows when milk flow 2 - Prevents over m - Large Capacity Prevents Flooding No Back Washitij Teat ends which c cross contammati Large Claw Stabi Vacuum at Teat All These Features to Prevent the causi Mastitis BOU-MATIC PIPELINES & MILKING PARLORS DARI-KOOL - BULK TANKS June v>‘ W \ daim COLEBROOK ROAD TRY A CLASSIFIED AD VISIBL MILKI CHECK OUR PRICES ON RECONDITIONED TANKS. CARL I. SHIRK RDS, LEBANON, PA PHONE 274-1436
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