classi ftedais Moil Sox Market For Sale -16 bale good baler twine $27.25; one old lime drill $6.00. Amos B. Martin, Ephrata RD3, Pa. 215-445- 6885. For Sale - Rear end (Roto- Hoe) rototiller, almost new. 717-284-2691. For Sale - 128 Acre farm, approx. 2S acres woodland, large home and small cot tage, barn and out buildings, hunter’s paradise, low taxes in Columbia County. 717-784- 3506. ATTENTION The Spring Grove 4-H Mustangs Open Spring Horse Show will be held June 8,1975 at 9:30 A.M. Sharp at R. Ranch-O, West of Jefferson, PA on the Smoketown Road, the Raymond Rodgers Farm (not the Hollandia Valley Farm as previously stated). For more in formation, call 717-225- 4127. “Note the change of Show Place”. There will be 30 classes with 6 place ribbons. 6 Champion and Reserved Cham pion divisions. Lancaster Farming 1 Year - Only *3.00 52 Issues - Less than 6' per week SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: Name □ Enclosed is $3 for 1 yr. [52 issues] gift subscription. □ Enclosed is $6 for 2yr 1104 issues] gift subscription. □ Send a gift card with my name on it to the above. Sign the card: PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO LANCASTER FARMING Mail Box Market Wanted - 6 or 8 can cooler. Write stating condition and price to Jonas K. Smucker, Strasburg RDI, Box 181 A, 17579 Horse drawn machinery- McCormick Dee ring 2 horse riding cultivator, 7 ft. cut ground driven Osborne Grain Binder, 6 ft. Mc- Cormick horse mower. Myron H. Leighow, RD3, Danville, Pa. 717-437-2917. For Sale - Parts for New Holland 76 baler, canvasses, «•"£!£ SSfi* plrta ’ For Sale - Pulley and gear box for TD9, T 9, TD6, T 6 crawler tractor. Stpehen L. Stoltzfus, East Eby Road, Leola, Pa. 17540. For Sale - 3 Simmental Heifer calves, 3 Registered Ayrshire Heifer Calves; Gehl F.H. 83 harvester, like new. 717-225-3616. Wanted to Buy - Livestock rack for an 8 foot pickup truck. Call Shellsville 717- 469-2897. For Sale - Oliver 207 hay rake used 2 years, like new. Priced reasonable. Charles Swarts RD2, Sunbury, Pa. 17801, 717-286-0903. SUBSCRIBE TO Or, if you prefer - 2 years ’6.00 P.O. BOX 266, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-219 Moil Box Market Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement to 20 words, all advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week's paper, no business ad vertisements accepted For Sale - Family Guernsey cow; black heifer 1 year old; McCormick Deering horse drawn cultivator. Enos N. Zimmerman, Ephrata RD2, y* Mile Nortn of Far mersville along North Farmersvilie Road. For Sale - High quality com silage for sale. 717-569-0675. I WANT TO SUBSCRIBE. Name Address City □ Enclosed is $3 for 1 yr. {52 issues] □ Enclosed is $6 for 2 yrs. [lO4 issues] I first saw Lancaster Farming; □ In a friend’s home □ In a Agribusiness office □ In a County Agent or other government office □ Other [Where] FREE I I IA | For Sale - 6-can Int. milk cooler, Wilson Bums, 717- 927-6364. For Sale - Good used Quakermade Nests, cheap, we will deliver, 717-668-3359. Wanted - Person to cut and bale 10 acres of hay in Bird in Hand, 717-656-2446. For Sale - 3000 Ford with snow plow, used 40 hours, 569-1008. For Sale - Milk Porter Sputnik, complete, $650.00, excellent condition, 717-394- 9052. Myers Hay Conditioner for sale, good condition $2OO. Ralph A. Shellhamer, 717- 386-4435. Mail Box Market For Sale - Wagon running Sear 6 in. steel wheels $lOO.OO ames Z. Horst, East Earl RDI, Pa. 17519. For Sale • Silo unloader 16 to 20’ 4 years old, new 5 H. P. motor $225.00 total enclose. 215-445-6409. For Sale • 1 bu. Doeblers 89X seed com $28.00. Benuel S. King, Belmont Road, Ronks, Pa. Ist. farm West of 896. For Sale - New Holland Super 66 Baler in good condition $150.00. Levi F. Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 49, Kirk wood, Pa. 17536. East of Union on Street Road. For Sale - Dodge power wagon with 500 gal. stainless steel John Blue pump and sprayer with 40 ft. hydraulic booms. 301-472-2312. For Sale - Int. No. 251 2 row 3PTH corn planter with fertilizer attachment, ex cellent condition, Int. No. 9 6 ft. cut grass mower on steel. 215-767-6048. For Sale - McCormick PTO com binder with long and short carrier, also John Deere 10 foot PTO grain binder. 717-354-6511. For Sale - New Holland bale chute with hitch attachment $15.00. Jonas 6. King, RDI Morgantown, Pa. For Sale - New Holland 352 Grinder-Mixer, 1 yr. old, good condition. Phone Carlisle 258-6414. For Sale - New Holland trailer type grass mower Model No. 454647, good condition. Call 215-932-4769. For Sale - Standardised carriage horse. Suitable for elderly. Alvin Ringler, Narvon RDI, Pa. 286-9176. For Sale - One Star, 21 can milk cooler, excellent condition. Also, milk cans. Call or write. J.A. Linebaugh, RDI, Ab botstown, Pa. 17301. Call 717- 624-8840. For Sale - ARC Reg. Keeshond pups, 6 weeks. Benuel M. Fisher, RD2, New Holland, Pa. Peter's Road. For Sale - 58 acres of first cutting alfalfa for haylage. 717-653-5415. For Sale - Spirited standard bred horse, traffic sale, 12 years old. Isaac Nolt, RDI, New Holland, % mile North of Good’s Furniture. Uncjitf r Farming, Saturday. May 24,1975—31 Moil Box Market Wanted - CORN CRIB - metal mesh type; C.J. Myers. Rt. 2, Box 52, Pur celiville, Va. 22132, 703-338- For Sale - 12 hole 60 bu. round hog feeder. John Z. Stoltzfus, Gap RDI, along Rt. 772. For Sale - Oswalt Bunker Silo Unloader, mounted on a Farmall H Tractor. Very good condition. $lBOO.OO. Boice's Grandview Farm, 717-833-5548. For Sale - International 4- row cultivators for 460, 504, or 560 tractors. 717-243-4688. For Sale - Rhubarb by the pound. Call to order Mt. Joy Area. 717-653-1504. For Sale - 2 row Hershey tobacco planter, very good condition. 717-898-7061. Wanted - Honey bee swarms. Leroy Eberly, Leola, Pa. 717- 656-6131. For Sale - Baby seat and strap for bicycle, new condition. 717-872-7300. For Sale - 1000 bu. of High Protein Soybeans, can grind. 717-426-3286. For Sale - 2 ponys or will trade for horse. Honey bees wanted in Drumore area. 717-548-2587. Wanted - 2 LP gas heaters for farrowing house. Sun flower type preferred. Also grates for Weil Me Lein neater. 6W 28 series D, 31 in. long. Write to John Z. Burkholder, Kutztown RDI, Box 234, Pa. 19530. For Sale - 25” Toro self propelled reel type lawn mower, runs good. 786-3695. Wanted - Female Eskimo spitz pup. David Blank, R 2 Newville, Pa. BIG UPSTATE NIGHT AUCTION of Cottle, Equipment and 225 A. Farm At the Austin Farm, just off Rte. 14, North of Trout Run and Williamsport, at Grover. TUESDAY EVE., JUNE 3rd at 5:30 SHARP!! 62 good cattle (Reg. and p.b. Ayrshires and 5 Holsteins) - 34 cows - 2 bulls (2 yr. old and calf out of a “Betty” son and a 17,371 m. dam) - balance younger hfrs. A good herd here, representing leading sires such as “Betty”, Count, Commander, Leader, Pride, Lloyd Royal, etc. 35 ampules semen and tank. 3 w.f.e. tractors and full and large line of machinery, mostly new or just like new!! (2 Case - 870 Agri-King & 830 D Comfort-King & Oliver 88), Gehl 440 Haybine, Case 330 ejector-baler, Oliver 830 Chopper w-2-row corn and pickup heads. Badger 54 Blower, AC Com bine, IH Picker, Oliver 4-row planter (new!), Case trans. Disc, Wagons, Plows, Drags, NH 36’ Elevator, Hawk-bilt 145LH Spreader, Sprayer, new 12T. Big Dutchman Feed Bin, 15T. fert., 13 bales twine, dairy equipment, many, many small tools selling first, so come early!! IH 1966 % T. Pickup. ALSO NOTE: A very good level 225 A. farm at auction -140 A. well cultivated w-strips, ditches, and tile. 2 good houses and 3 bams, 3 concrete silos (two 16 x5O - one 12 x 40), 50 tie stalls, well-located out a long lane. Mr. Austin has accepted a position with U. of Illinois and must sell. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. Austin, Owners. For full list mailed you, or any info re: personal property or real estate, call or write Rumsey Sales, Bath, NY (607-776- 3478). Mail Box Market For Sale • John Deer 780 self propelled 11 ft, mower conditioner in good con dition. 301-239-7221, For Sale - 7 Angus heifers, 400 lbs., good quality. 215- 678-9326. For Sale - Two Tennessee walking horses; 1 black gentle Registered Gelding, 6 yrs. old; 1 Grey 6 yr old mare, best offer, call after 4 p.m. at Terre Hill 215445- 5372. For Sale - Full hydraulic highway mower like new, Tox-O-Wik grain dryer, Lo- Boy Farmall Cub with mower. 215-777-0052. Donald Balthaser, RD6, Sinking Spring, Pa. 19608. For Sale • 52 feeder pigs. 3 ton first cutting hay, no rain. Samuel Moyer, 1 mile South of Ono. 8654917. For Sale - Registered 2 year old Angus bull, good herd sire. Prospect: Ideal for breeding dairy heifers. Twin Dam Farm, Stouchsburg, Pa. 215-5894862. For Sale - 2 new 5 ton Grove wagons, 6 ply tires with 8x16x7% bale bodies, 4xB oak stringers. 215-678-9717. For Sale -15 Holstein heifers due Sept.-Jan. Stephen E. Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 73, Bird in-Hand, Pa. 17505. For Sale • 1955 Chevrolet, 6 cylinder, 3 speed stick shift, good rubber, body fair condition, $50.00. In ternational Super 98 fencer, good condition, $45.00 John Brubaker, Seven Valleys, Pa. 717-229-2050. For Sale - Rare McCormick Deering tractor, Model 0-12, engine seized otherwise complete. $3OO. Oliver motor for Super 55 tractor. $l5O. 717-486-7789.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers