star Farming, Saturday. May 24. 1975 iSiHillteil flds —Uncj 32 Mail Box Market For Sale - German Shepherd puppies |B.OO. FREE-one female German Shepherd, one year old. Phone 428-3871. For Sale • Full size Stratolounger low back, like new. Call 384-7216. For Sale - Wisconsin engine four cylinder 32 h.p. with clutch. Also 25-40 lb. pigs. Wanted - Hot air furnace for house that has 3 rooms that does not require electricity to operate. Also for sale - windmill to pump water, size 40 ft. tower 8 ft. wheel in working order. Titus H. Nolt, East Earl RDI, Pa. Box 215, 17519 near C.E. Sauder Feed Mill. Experienced adult strawberry pickers starting first week in June. Write 2148 State Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601. For Sale - 5 ton straw $35.00 per ton; 300 bushel ear corn $2.60 per bushel. 717-229-2096. For Sale • 8 Angus steers about 600 lbs. acclimated, ideal for pasture. 717-687- 6377. Wanted - Small bulk milk tank, 200 gallon or less. 717- 244-7400. For Sale - International 2 point Pitman mower; In ternational 816 mower conditioner, cut about 35 acres; Farmhand wheel rake on steel; Farmec 36 ft. elevator. 717-464-2068. Fox Super D. Harvester, direct cut, 2 & 3 row heads and pickup, 2 Grove wagons and ffl Blower. 717-782-&54. For Sale -18 feeder pigs 717- 838-1898. SPECIAL HERD SALE Jgfl MAY 27,197? TUESDAY, 8 P.M. D.S.T. Gordon Fritz Farm, Smoketown, PA Rt. 340, 5 miles East of Lan caster, 5 miles West of Intercourse. William McLellan Holstein Dispersal out of Ver mont. 17 Purebred Cows & Grades. All hope raised cows. There will be 50 head of fresh cows, springing and Fall cows, Summer cows and Ist calf Heifers. These cows were never pushed and will improve every day you have them. There are two 12 yr. old cows in this herd that are the backbone of this herd. 8 open Heifers ready to breed this Fall out of a top herd of cows. 4 top Heifers, calves out of this herd from 1 week to 8 weeks old. Dams milking 70-100 lbs. 18 are Registered. Sires include: Shaw Crete Dunloggen Fayne, Arjay Goncel Burke Lad, Glenafton Rag Apple Design Lad, (was the sire of this herd); Pennstate Star Man, Skokie Champion, Lone Ranch Ideal Kate Ward, Harmony Crest Ivan Connie, Citation Chambric Marshall, Tidy Burke Forty Niner, Blythe-Bum Chief Demonstrator, Skokie Celebrity, Blythe Bum Aggy Lin. Two cows due in July, last year made 16,335 and 14,400 of milk. Two Holstein bulls out of 40 cow herd. Herd average 15,300 milk, 602 fat. 1 Bull’s Dam made in 305 days 20,659 milk and 924 fat with 4.5 test and in 365 days 22,710 milk and 1012 fat. The Dam was a purebred. Anyone in need of good cattle that will milk now or calve throughout the Summer should spend a few hours in Smoketown on May 27. Sale by: GORDON W. FRITZ 717-393-0930 Terms - Cash or Good Check night of sale. Auctioneers - Frank and Paul Snyder Mail Box Market For Sale - Fox self propelled Harvester pickup & 2 com heads. 3 forage wagons with roots. Blower, 11600. 717-684- 5202 after 5 p.m. For Sale - 36 ft. John Deere bale elevator, good condition 717-628-6164. Wanted • 5,000 top quality Penn Bell tobacco plants, week of May 26th 717-949- 3529. Wanted • Would like to purchase used stainless steel milk bucket and strainer 717- 626-0160. Wanted • Goats, any size or sex. Also Wanted - Pasture for horses in Denver or Ephrata area. 717-733-7192. For Sale - 75 G.P.M. transfer pump, large cattle self feeder 717-733A516. For Sale - 1970 Ford F 750 truck, 212 wheel base, PS, Air Brakes, 30,000 lbs. gross weight, 391 engine, 215-267- 6858. For Sale • Mushroom compost, organic mulch fertilizer. Dump truck load delivered, Lancaster Co., 3 cu yds $25, 6 cu. yds. $4O, Berks Co. Mushroom Co., 215-445-5164 or 445-4410. Wanted - Person to cut and bale 10 acres of hay in Bird in Hand, 717-656-2446. For Sale - Allis Chalmers 780 forage harvester, 2 row coin head & 6 ft. pickup head. Excellent conditiqn. $llOO.OO 717-677-6371. For Sale - AQHA Filly, $750; Vz Limosine bull calf, $3OO. Also Wanted - 4 Harness loom & milk separator, 215- 489-9015. PHONE 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191 Moil Box Morket For Sale - 656 Farmall wide front, 3 pt. hitch, 84,750; Super MTA Diesel, $1,750; Super M. Farmall $1,425.717- 538-1639. For Sale - 4 acres alfalfa, Lititz area, 717-626-1293. For Sale - Wood stove, good for a cabin, 717-548-2862. For Sale - One purebred Yorkshire boar, service age, 275 lbs., $2OO, 215-693-5907. For Sale -12 h.p. hydrostatic wheel horse with plow & cultivator, $BOO, 717-665-6288. For Sale • Patz 20 ft. silo unloader. Good condition. $ll5O. 215-267-2459. For Sale -10 acres of alfalfa for haylage, good stand, 717- 733-7869. is s \ A 0 TILLAGE, NO-m PLANTING SYSTEM WITH A.C. 600 SERIES PLAI NO-TIL PLANTERS NOW IN STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. GRINDER Mlxers with waiver of FINANCE TILL OCT. 1. ALSO MANURE SPREADERS. FREE FINANCE TILL NOV. 1. ALLISCHALMERS and SIMPLICITY LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT TILLER 3 & 5 H.P. SPECIAL ★ 1 WEEK ONLY $249 For 3 H.P SEE US AT ROOTS AUCTION TUESDAY PARTS and SERVICE % FOR YOUR LAWN & GARDEN NEEDS. © * vw SALES AND SERVICE - PARTS AND EQUIPMENT «P 3 l. H. BRUBAKER, Inc. 350 Strasburg Pike Ij Su'u*i/ o \/'u' o lSu o i/ o ]/ o i/ 0 1/ 0 1/ o ]/ O IS Mail Box Market For Sale - J.D. 24T baler with No. 2 ejector & chute for wagon, includes bale of twine, nearly full, $1,350; 16 ft. Mow Elevator, new $l5O, Gettysburg, 717-359-7467. For Sale - AKC Reg. Newfoundland female, 5 mo. old, reasonable, 717-6264)152. For Sale - J.D. 24T Baler with No. 2 ejector, excellent condition, priced to sell, Raymond B. Nolt, 717-933- 4887. For Sale -1 Holstein heifer, soon to freshen. Also, New Idea grass mower with crimper power take off shaft, $95. 717-733-7793. Wanted to Buy - Small herd of Holstein cows, as many as 27. Good grade or Registered. 717-6264)323. IS tS L. H. For Sale - 1970 Opel Cpe, 4 spd, radio, new radials. new clutch, new brake lining, new fuel pump, good con dition, 30 miles per gallon, 57,000 miles, $1,095, 717-665- 3728. For Sale - 10 Registered fringing Heifers, 717-733- For Sale- 5 bags of seed com 2 Pioneer 3368, 3 Trojan TXSII7A, TXS 122 A and TXII9A. 1-5 gal. can of Lasso, $70.00. Reuben M. Zimmerman, RDI, Mohnton, Pa. 19540. For Sale - New John Deere 3800 forage Harvester with V pickup head, never used, new warranty cheaper than from dealers. Also 2 row corn head 30” for same. 215- 689-5540. tS IS iS iS BRUBAKER, SPERW 36 N.H. Crop Chopper (good cond.) 460 N.H. Haybme 469 N.H. Haybme Super 69 N.H Baler PTO 78 N.H. Baler 68 N.H. Baler with Engine 37 I.H. Baler with Engine 717 N.H. Forage Harvester - 9 knife with 1-row cornhead Sauder loader with manure fork and pan Several used tank spreaders - N H. & Starlme 331 N.H. Spreader Fast Hitch I.H. 2 Row Cornplanter 4-row J.D. Corn Planter 310 Hesston S.P. Mower Conditioner 18 ft. Bnllion Transport Harrow CONTACT: 808 GANTZ HOME 653-5020 OFFICE —397-5179 OR 687-6002 Ph. 397-5179 Mail Box Market tS IS Inc. NEW HOLLAND USED EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZED SPER/?V=y=r\EW HOLLAND Moil Box Market For Sale - One wagon gear with wooden wheels, extra sturdy build or would sell wheels separate. Aaron S. Esh, Quarryvllle KD3, Box 15, Pa. 17SM, 1 mile North of Quarryvllle. For Sale • Massey Harris 22 tractor 3 pt. hitch and mounted cultivators, good condition. Call evenings 684- 5510. For Sale - A.C. 2-row unit com planter with fiberglass fertilizer hoppers, 3 pt. hitch, good condition, $250. 717-548- 2559. Wanted - Good breeding stock Gilts and Young Sows, bred or open. 717-733-2584. For Sale - Sawed locust posts, Moses B. Click, RDI, willow Street, Pa. 17584. IS iS \ \ Lancaster, Pa.
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