Dairy Princess Entrants Sought It'a dairy princess time again, and this year as every year dairy princess com mittees arc seeking qualified candidates. To make the job of getting contestants Just a little easier, we're reprinting the entry form below. It must be signed by both the applicant and a parent or guardian, and can be sent directly to the person responsible for the entries in the contestant’s county. Winners in local contests or24 fs*t , wW*(24-<oot jnddel Shown - ln l*nath» of 32T«r ■ 50 fiat. All 24-fool wide buddings h*ya «n entry ' doorin each end. Sea char! on back of this abaci lor more apaclfication*. Buift*in vanUistfon system keeps building dry and - provides fresh airfor animal health. Unique sir flow system pulls sir in at root ridge And, circulates it over the top of the animals, through the ftft, ahd out. Note that design of roof system eliminates the need for any massive bulkheads that could restrict air flow. See Our Sow Castle on Display at; E. M. HERR will compete in the Penn sylvania Dairy Princess Contest in Harrisburg on September 23 and 24. To be eligible, a contestant must: 1. Live in Pennsylvania. 2. Be a daughter of a dairy farmer, a dairy farm manager, herdsman, or dairy farm owner during the current year, or the con testant be the owner of more than one dairy animal prior to May 1, 1975. - » * t 3. Have completed her Junior year of High School and will not reach her 21st birthday by December 31 of the year of the contest. 4. She must be single and never married. 5. Have her parent’s or guardian's consent. 6. Former local winners are not eligible. 7. Each state contest entry must be the winner of the local county(s) contest. , \ <. Farrowing stalls and nursery areas are equipped with aluminum T-slats In the floor, front and ear. Individual slats are 1” across the top ahd 1” high, with 3/8” spacing between slats. EQUIPMENT, INC. rdi Name Address Parent's or Guardian's Name Address Applicant s Age Height High School College Major Course Plans alter School Membership in youth groups, school and community affairs, etc Years family in dairying Breed Parent's or Guardian's Signature MAIL ENTRIES TO BERKS CO. Mrs. Donald Meyers R.D. 2 Kempton, Pa. 19529 Contest: June 21 Entries Due: May 25 LANCASTER CO. Mrs. Robert E. Gregory R.D. 1, Box 122 Lititz, Pa. 17542 Contest: June 21 Entries Due: June 1 CHESTER CO. Mrs. Joel C. Brown R.D. 1, Box 77 Oxford, Pa. 19363 Contest: June 21 Entries Due; June 1 am cum—.. economical, plug-up-and-go total farrowing environment g-f , f«frowrt»3-fln Ifv automatic water cup, . r ;>' Hippie weiererl* optional in piece of water cup.SteH sides ere adjustable*® etee of sow. Nursery feeder* , are provided Ipr pigs. ' $ Color I \ es 1 fffi t ’cSl Look at a few of the features we build into our structures. Lancaster Farminf, Saturday, May 24,1975 (Please tvpe or print) Birth Date LEBANON CO. Patricia Krall Lebanon Co. Ext. Svc. 400 S. Eighth St. Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Contest: June 28 Entries Due: June 1 DAUPHIN CO. Mrs. Paul Miller R.D. 4, Box 543 Linglestown, Pa. Contest: June 20 Entries Due: June 1 YORK CO. Mrs. Sarah Eisenhart R.D. 1 Thomasville, Pa. Contest June 28 Entries Due: June 2 rafffo Ml 717-464-3321 . County Birth Dale Color Hair Number of Cows Applicant's Signature §l>TfeeN6wi? Wasbbasket By Bobbie Hill As of May 1, 1975, the cur rent government regulations re quinng that all children s sleep wear sizes 0-6 X be flame re tardant was expanded 10 in Jude sizes 7 to 14 Manufacturers have been re quircd since July 29, 1973, ti treat children’s night garmenl sizes 0-6 X Also the Consumer Produi Safety Commission in Washing ton, D C is considering wheth er a new general wearing ap parel standard is required tha would be more stringent thai the existing one It would cove all sizes of dresses, shirts, pants nightgowns robes and pajamas All of which indicates that thi homemaker must be preparei to ask herself “How will launder the family things with out impairing the flame retarc ant finish'’” Tests conducted by the Homi Economics Department of Cali forma State University, North ridge, reported that the phos phate detergent used passed th 50-wash criteria established b the government Soap and non-phosphate carbonate detei gent failed When laundry aids were use with the phosphate deterger for brightness and stain rc moval, Borateem Plus, a bleac substitute, did not interfei with the flame retardant finis through 50 launderings The phosphate detergent an chlorine bleach failed after 3' washings (For a free copy o “How to care for flame-retard ant sleepwear” write U S Borax, Consumer Affairs Dep NM, PO. Box 75128, San ford Station, Los Angeles, C 90075 1 Dogwoods Need Protection Dogwoods planted in hom landscapes should hav protection from direc winds, say Extension 01 namental horticulturists £ The Pennsylvania Stat University. Dogwoods do m grow well when set out in th wide open spaces of a law area. A good location woul be as a part of the plai border or near the house, t another structure wher they are more protected. 19
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