Tips to Keep Your Garden If your lawn and garden tractor won't start, it's usually easier and quicker to find the cause by a systematic troubleshooting procedure than by a hit-and miss search. Lawn and garden equip ment specialists at Massey- Ferguson Inc., point out that any spark-ignition engine - including single-cylinder versions - has three requirements for proper operation: 1. Fuel supply to the combustion chamber. 2. A spark to ignite the fuel. 3. Adequate compression. First, check for fuel in the tank. Although the need for LASSO ATRAZINE Apply Sutan Atrazine 18-6-G, with our Gandy disk-mounted granular applicator. Spray Sutan & Atrazine or liquid nitrogen with our sprayer. Furadan and Dyfonate for root worm control. Buytrac 118 for weeds in Alfalfa. JONAS S. EBERSOL IV2 miles North of Bird-in-Hand on Stumptown Road. Hy 1 5 1624 *4 TF Q 5 Regular I m 21.95 I g 225 AMP Lincoln Arc Welder 113 95 !l»« P^^ihetfing TSC^i^TCC fuel is obvious, this very fact often makes it easy to overlook. If the tank docs contain fuel, make sure the fuel is of the proper kind. Regular grade, leaded gasoline is the preferred choice, but, if it is unavailable, you can use non-lcaded or low-lead gasoline. It's also a good idea to buy your gasoline in relatively small quantities (not more than 30-days supply). Thus, you’ll be sure of having fresh gasoline with the correct volatility for the season. Make sure that the fuel shut-off valve is open, and Subject to Stock on Hand TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. 2217 Lincoln Highway East Lancaster, PA 17601 (717-393-3149> TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC that the vent hole In the goa cap haa not become plugged. Next, take note of the cranking apeed. If the starter aeema to have dif ficulty in turning the engine normally, check the crank case oil level to eniurc adequate lubrication. If the oil level is checked periodically as recom mended in your service manual, the oil level should not have become low enough to cause starting difficulty. However, so little time is required for this quick check that it pays to make certain. Slow cranking can also result from loose or corroded connections between battery cable and starting motor - even though the battery itself is adequately charged. If a poor connection is suspected, remove nut, use a wire brush to thoroughly clean binding post, nut, and connector on end of battery cable, and reinstall con nector, making sure that the nut is drawn up snugly. Start your check of the ignition system by removing the spark plug and examine it carefully. Its appearance can be the tip-off to possible ignition-system difficulties. 1116 gap between the elec trodes should be about equal to the thickness of a dime. If the electrodes are burned, or if the porcelain insulator at POWER PROPELLED 22-INCH MOWER G7B-14 3.56 2399 H7B-14 2.77 24 69 G7B-15 2.60 24 49 H7B-I5 2.13 24 69 171M5 3.11 25 99 Tractor Running Smoothly the firing end of the plug la cracked, wet, or coated with wet carbon, the plug ahould be replaced. Before reinstalling the old plug or installing a new plug, temporarily bend the outer electrode away from the center electrode to produce a gap of about ft inch. Connect the high-tension wire to the spark plug and lay the plug flat on the metal of the engine. Then crank the engine to see if a spark jumps the gap between the plug electrodes. If no spark, or only a weak spark occurs, something is wrong in the ignition system, such as dirty contacts or faulty condensor or ignition coil. If on the other hand, a fat, blue spark jumps the gap, reset the gap spacing to the thickness of a dime, squirt a spoonful of gasoline through the spark-plug hole and reinstall the plug. High-tension lead from coil to spark plug must be securely in place. Because the rubber insulating cover usually hides the connector, press the connector into place to make sure it has not vibrated loose. Crank the engine with the starter to see if it will start on the fuel squirted directly into the cylinder. If the engine does not start, the TSC TSC TSC TSC IS TRACTOR 5 SUPPLY a CO. * PRICES GOOD THROUGH MAY 31st. Reg. $154.48 NOW Wide "78" Design 4 Ply Polyester Ultra Ride II Tires -*20.79“ Full 4 ply construction tor*" strength and smooth rid ing. Great value l TSC TSC TSC ISO T,l 139" (44 1830) Sir"*’ 30,000 Mile Guarantee 5-24-75 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 24,1975 difficulty ia probably due to lack of compression which can be caused by a faulty head gasket, a valve stuck or broken, or incorrect valve timing. In any case, correcting these difficulties is usually a job for your dealer’s serviceman. If the engine starts, but runs only a few seconds before slowing down and stopping, fuel is not reaching the engine. To check out this possibility, disconnect the fuel supply line at the car buretor. If there is not a full How of fuel from the line, it should be removed and cleaned, along with the fuel tank, if necessary, to remove the obstruction. If there is a full flow of fuel from the line, reinstall it on the carburetor. If the engine still does not start, fuel probably isn’t getting through the car buretor. Again, correcting this is usually a job for your dealer’s serviceman. In addition to fuel, adequate air must be available to the carburetor to provide the correct air fuel ratio. Remove the air cleaner cover and check to see if the element has become so clogged that the necessary amount of air can no longer pass through it. If the engine can be started with the air cleaner removed, but not with it in place, the air cleaner should be serviced. Do not operate the engine for an extended period with the air cleaner removed. Reprime and start the Strong, Silent 336 Baler makes less noise while it bales more hay A quick glance reveals clean, uncluttered styling. But good looks of the 336 Baler goes much more than skin deep. The striking absence of chain spells quiet operation and low maintenance. The exclusive equal-angle hitch (optional) reduces power line vibration and chatter and smooths out corners. The V-belt-dnven pickup and feeding auger, roller-mounted plungerhead, and gear-driven knotter run quietly and require minimum maintenance. The 61-mch-wide pickup with 80 teeth, giant 289-square-inch feed opening, and 80 30-mch-long plungerhead strokes per minute set today’s capacity standards. Stop in and see the 336 now. (/) O Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 717 393 3906 Adamstown Equipment Inc. Mohnton. RD2, Pa 19540 Inear Adamstownl 215 484 4391 M. S. Yearsley . , , sons Neuhous es, Inc. 215 696 2990 717 235 1306 engine. Then when it starts to slow down, gradually close the choke, or use your hand to partically close off the air inlet to the car buretor. If the engine con tinues to run while you are thus choking it, the air-fuel mixture normally entering the engine is too lean. This can be due to im proper carburetor ad justment, a partially clogged carburetor jet orifice, or a severe air leak that may be at the carburetor throttle .shaft, in the inlet manifold. COMPLETE FARM PAINTING WE USE BRUNING QUALITY PAINT AND IT DOES STAY ON!!' AERIAL LADDER EQUIPMENT: * Modern and Efficient Method * Reasonable Prices * Spray On and Brush In Method * Sandblasting if Necessary FOR FREE ESTIMATES WRITE: DANIEL S. ESH (C RALPH MILLER) SPRAY-ON AND BRUSH-IN PAINTER BOX 350 A. RONKS, PA 17572 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 717 354 4191 Pikeville Equipment Inc. Oyster Dale {load Oley RD#2, PA 215 987 6277 13
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