12—Lancaster Farming Saturday. May 24. 1975 Cattlemen Being "If you have top quality cattle you are In the driver's seat today." says Lloyd D, Miller, executive secretary of the American Angus Association. "Premiums are being paid for high quality all down the line from the registered cattle producer through the dressed beef market. Rewarding those who have stuck to quality Tiller Users! If the tiller you’ve been using has its revolv ing blades in FRONT and NO power to the wheels (see TORTURE!’ above), you won’t ever be happy with it again once you try the TROY-BILT® Roto Tiller-Power Composter which has its revolving blades in the REAR and POWER DRIVEN WHEELS and is SO EASY to use you guide it with just ONE HAND! (see JOY!’ above). You do NOT have to walk behind it, leaving footprints! It does NOT shake you half to death! It leaves NO wheelmarks! There's NO unbearable tangling! The TROY-BILT® is now in its 14th great year. SO, if you want tilling to be a JOY in stead of TORTURE from now on, please mail the coupon below or a postcard right now for the whole story of this wonderfully different and better design in tillers! OFF-SEASON SAV INGS now in effect for a limited time. TROY-BILT® Roto Tiller-Power Composters 102nd St. & 9th Ave., Troy, N.Y. 12180 TROY-BILT® Roto Tiller-Power Composters Dept. 54425 102nd St. I> 9th Ave,, Troy, N.Y. 12180 Please send the whole wonderful story of TROY BILT® Roto Tillers including prices and OFF-SEA SON-SAVINGS now in effect for a limited time. (Please Print Clearly) Miss Address | City State Zip j BUCK TRACTOR TONIGHT, SATUIMy, MAY cattle production through a period when much of the emphasis was in the opposite direction." "Economic conditions change," Miller pointed out, "and the rapid price in creases that brought us $5l finished cattle the first week in May were definitely stimulated by a shortage of finished beef. But we can’t Phone Track (717) 284-2139 or 626-6790 Paid for Quality overlook the fact that during this same periods it waan't Just well finished British breed (mostly Angus and Angus cross) steers that were bringing top prices. Choice and Prime feeder steers commanded strong premiums over Good grade feeders, and registered Angus breeders who have size, quality and growth rate bred into their herds, were also selling bulls and replacement heifers at excellent prices,” Miller emphasized. At the close of trading the first week in May, Choice 600 to 700 pound carcasses in New York brought (80 to (81.50 per cwt., while Good grade carcasses weighing from 500-to 800 pounds were quoted on the USDA wire at (67 to (76 per cwt. On the Midwest market Choice 500- to 600 pound yield grade 3 carcasses were quoted at (79, while Good 500-to 600 pound carcasses yield grade 3 were selling to (70.75. In the live trade, Choice 900-1,100-pound slaughter steers were selling from (47 tp (50 in Kansas City, while Good 900 to 1,100-pound steers went in a range from (41 to (46.50. This demand for quality was also reflected in the feeder cattle market. Choice 600 to 700-pound feeder steers sold in (35 to (39 range, while Good grade feeder steers of the same weight were bringing from (26 to (35. The registered Angus business has yet to fully respond to these price up turns. Although as one person pointed out, “Some registered Angus breeders have hardly been aware that there is a recession in the cattle business.” For example in March, the last full month when figures were available on Angus auction sales around the country, the average of all bulls sold in production sales was $BB7. Several sales this spring are averaging well over $l,OOO PULLS 24U, 7 R.M. ADMISSION Adults - *3.00 12 & Under - *1.50 5 & Under ■ FREE BUCK TRACTOR PULLS LOCATED ON RT. 272 10 MILES SOUTH OF LANCASTER per head on bulls. Produc tion tested bulls seem to be in particularly good demand. At the Missouri all-breeds production tested sale, for example, 49 Angus bulls averaged (1,033. "So the demand for top quality registered Angus bulls is growing at a time when many of the exotic cattle are simply not drawing bids above com mercial feeder prices,” Lloyd Miller points our. “Angus breeders should reach out and grab this opportunity to sell harder than they ever have before. Now is the time to switch many commercial cattlemen bade to Angus bulls, and develope a nucleus of long THE GUTTER CLEANER LAS • • • AN OVER 7 POUNDS OF STEEL PER FOOT . . . Patz Patented Links &. Chain preside the heart, the strength, the backbone of e\er> Patz Barn (.leaner One-piece HOOK-N -FYE construction of each link presides a thoroughly dependable chain that takes sprockets, corners and clesations smoothly, ef ficiently svith minimum posscr, and ssithout pins or nsets. An ossner reports, 'Not a single Patz Link to replace in oser 14 sears of sets ice.” Yes, 'quality' is your only bargain in a Barn Cleaner PATZ IS FIRST . . . IST With angled Hites to permit complete cleaning and easier litter remosal \cith less power requirements. IST With corner wheel assemblies that omit time losses of cemented-in posts. IST With endless chain, pitless-typc Barn Cleaner that elimi nates the use of extra motors and power units IST With an automatic chain tightener, preseremg the Barn Cleaner Cham IST With a full 1 2-mch thick wear plate on each flite for gutter protection pOTZ MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT BALLY BEDFORD BENCE FARM EQUIPMENT CAMP HILL ELLIOTTSBURG HAMBURG HONEY BROOK KIRKWOOD LEBANON range customers," he em phasized. Miller also pointed out that 1975 is a good time to im prove the quality of in dividual registered herds. "With utility and com mercial cows selling for a high of (25 per cwt., the cost of culling animals from the herd and replacing them with heifers from top producing cows, or cows from another herd, is not nearly so high as it was a year or two ago. And prices of registered cattle may bottom out in 1975, offering bargains that will not be available again for a number of years." “The Important thing we should remember is that quality pays. There are certainly times, like the past few years, when price spread between high and low quality cattle is narrow indeed. But in the long run, LONGACRE ELECTRIC 845-2261 623-8601 LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 CARL BAER 582-2648 H DANIEL WENI 488-6574 273-9730 LANDIS & ESBENSHAI 786-4158 272-0871 »i we are seeing today, a cattleman can count on being compensated for quality production," Miller concluded. XXX Remove Bulb Tops Topi of narclaai, tulips and other spring flowering bulbs should not be removed until they have matured or turned yellow. Removing them earlier prevents the bulbs from storing up food for next year's flowers, reminds J. Robert Nuss, Extension ornamental horticulturist at The Pennsylvania State University. As soon as the bulb leaves dry down, remove them and plant annuals over the top of the bubls. Petunias, marigolds and similar bedding plants can be used to continue having color in your garden. McfILLISTERVILLE CLAIR SANER & SON 463-2234 MILLERSBURG LEO LANDIS 692-4647 MILTON LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 NEWVILLE FRED B. McGILLURAY 776-7312 PIPERSVILLE JOSEPH MOYER 776-8675 STREET. MD WALTER WEBSTER 452-8521 THOMASVILLE KENNETH LSPAHR 225-1064 Break-Out”
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