c onservation Program Payments Announced ’ennsylvania farmers will eligible for $2,390,000 in servation ,aid under the ms of ' the 1975 ■{cultural Conservation •gram i, details of whlchr released last week. Of money, some $308,200 ’ •' ' v’ .vX . .•••• • ••• . ■’ '■'.•ytty?*/-: • • • •«* / ,v Feeds with 50 grams per ton of AUREOMYCIN 8 require no withdrawal before slaughter. This lets you pack on the pounds and protect your hogs ail the way to market. AUREOMYCIN gives you good weight gains and feed efficiency. At the same time, it protects against losses from bacterial v scours, cervical abscesses and atrophic rhinitis, and helps pre vent these diseases during times of stress. Finishing is no time to ease up. Make sure your program includes AUREOMYCIN, “THE EFFICIENCY GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown, Pa. will be coming into the five county Lancaster Fanning area. Conservation practices in Lancaster County have been budgeted at $111,400, the higest figure in the state. Berks County farmers have ■ w- . »'»V» - *1 !*Xva v >, , .’I !• •'%«/ •* ~ *’ v*v//i Iv.vM .♦ /.<•> •: * -vt*.* -.*.. :: :-y x. .• «-%v-rXy;-. %v.v. v x • .. ism ■. •' Here's a good for a great finish Phone 609/692-4400 Distributors of American Cyanamid Animal Health & Feed Products BROADWAY. VA. • SELBYVILLE, DEL • LEWISBURG, OHIO • VESTAL, N. Y. • LITITZ, PA. been allocated 160,800, Chester Countians will get $43,500, Lebanon County will get $27,200 and York County has been allocated $64,300. The program funds an nounced too late to do any good for a lot of farmers who X*>Xv»X* FACTOR." It’s the perfect follow up to starter-grower programs with AUREO S. P. 250, the hog feed additive used by more pro ducers for starting their hogs than any other additive. For complete details contact any of the feed manufacturers listed below, or call or write The Fox Company. EARL SADDER, INC, New Holland, Pa. m mk have already planted their crops. Farmers must apply to their county Agricultural Stabilization and Con* aervation Service to be eligible for the payments. And they must apply before IP *:• • '< idea Trademarks American Cyanamid Company STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 17.1975 any practice is started. Hie maximum payment for any one farm may not exceed $2500 in the 1975 program year. Some practices will be eligible for approximately 50-pcrccnt cost share, which means the federal g<rr em inent and the landowner will each pay half the coat. Other projects will be eligible for 75-percent coat share, with the government picking up the larger share of the cost. Practices eligible for 75- percent coat share include terraces, diversions, planting trees or improving a stand of forest trees, and sediment, chemical or water runoff control measures. Practices which will be considered for 40 percent cost share are: establish ment or improvement of permanent vegetative cover: permanent wildlife habitats; animal waste storage, treatment and diversion facilities; ap plication of lime to legumes or grasses for soil im provement or protection; permanent open or un derground drainage systems; winter cover crops. Stripcropping be cost shared at $5 per acre, plus 50-percent for hedgerows. The development of springs or seeps for livestock water will be cost shared at 50- percent, but not to exceed $250. 4-H Reminders lancaster County 4-Hers are . reminded that the branding of 4-H steers will take place on Saturday morning May 24 with a rain date of May 31. Tags will be provided by the extension service. The equipment will be furnished but manpower is needed. The branding will begin at 8:00 ajn. Officers and Leaders of the Lancaster County 4-H are reminded that a leadership orientation meeting will be held Thursday evening May 22 at 7:30 pjn. in the Farm and Kune Colter. Training sessions will be held for officers. AH new leaders are welcome to attend. TRY A CLASSIFIED BeMen Grain Storage Tank Distinctive "Waffle Panel" exclusive with Behlen. Heavy gauge steel panels are double-corrugated for extra strength. "Eave Seal" locks wall panels to roof. Weather-tight. Sizes, 1.195 to 157.590 bu SKOAL 25% nSGOUNI NOW thru MAY 31st FREY BROS. RD#Z Qnanynfe. PA 17566 Phone |7l7] 786-2146 1717)786-1403 19
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