»tor Firming. Saturday. May 3, 1975 t i classin&lads 26—Lane* Moil Box Morket For Sale - New 16 hole purple Martin bird house. *32.00. Call 215-2864725. For Sale - Brown Nubian nanny yearling goat, lead around with a chain. Levi Miller, Paradise R 1 Pa, 17562 A.K.C. German Shepherd Stud Service. John B. Stoltzfus, 3155 A Hahrest Dr., Ronks, Pa. 17572,1 mile N. of Grodonville Registered Hampshire and Yorkshire Boars. Can deliver. Preston Bankert, R 3, Red Lion, Pa. 717-244- 1244 Wanted - Engine for 77 Oliver, also transmission for Levitt Lawn Cruiser riding mower. Call Dover 717-292- 6361 For Sale - 2 bu. High Lisine com 5P622, 2 bu. PX446, 3 bu. PX529 $3O. per bag. All ’75 NK seeds. Reason for selling, rented land. 215-562- 8347 For Sale • 120 bales of ex cellent mixed hay, no rain. 717-626-1736 For Sale - Int. 3 section harrow ready for field. 717- 354-7186 For Sale - Slow speed. 7 horse Lister Diesel $l5O. 4 nice York-Hamp gilts, Farrow in few weeks $250 each. Amos S. Zook, Box 192, May Post Office Rd., Strasburg, Pa. For Sale - 6 ft. McCormick Deering combine with motor and bin in good condition $175. 717-656-9548 Wanted to Buy - Used wooden porcb boxes. 717-872- 7838 For Sale - 3 horse air com- Eressor, good condition, •avid Z. Beiler, Honks Rl, Pond Road, 1% miles W. of Intercourse. For Sale - Farm fresh brown eggs, special price on mediums and smalls. Jonathan S. Esh, Beside Red Caboose Lodge. Lawn and garden walk behind type tractor and attch. used slightly in good working order. Simplicity, 5 speed 7 H.P. reel mower, spin mower, sickle-bar mower, gang mowers, utility dumping trailer, plow, disc, spike tooth, planter and cultivator. Can ride while mowing. $475. complete. 301- 653-5521 Wanted - Pickup head for N.H. 717 forage harvester, also one pair 10 x 36 tractor tires. 215-323-8440 after 6 p.m. For Sale - M.D. 1 P.R. corn picker $B5O. Wis. 4 cylinder engine with starter and generator good condition $l5O. N.H. Blower with 8 in. pipe $5O. A.C. cultivators w!b. $5O. and 1000 bu. ear corn. 717-235-2032 To be sold at David Good’s sale on Wed. May 7th - 1 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine w clutch and reduction gear; 1 No. 7 McDeering mower w-7' bar and trailer regular gear. For Sale - 50’ steel tower S3OO. 717-755-8946 Moil Box Market For Sale - Purebred Shropshire rams and ewes, all ages. 717-049-3653 week days after S p.m. or all day Sat. For Sale - 1 black Angus steer approx. 375 lbs. 3120.1 yearling ewe sheep *25.00. 2 male lambs $2O. each. 717- 354-7861 For Sale -150 acre Perry Co. dairy farm complete 50 cows, and milking equip ment, 20 to 60 harvester, 8 room house asking $130,000.00 Quick possession 717-582-4598 For Sale - 3 pt. 2 row Black Hawk com planter, S.P. 11 Surge milker pump, front mount 2 row cultivator for J.D. 40 etc. I.H. 2 pt. 3-14” plow. 717-365-3767 Wanted - 2 or 3 pr. of young white king pigeons. Write or call. Clarence L. Givens, Elizabethtown, Pa. R 2, 17022 Phone 367-3682 For Sale - Farmall Super ‘‘ A” ( completely overhauled) with mounted 1- row Fertilizer boxes, for side dressing, mounted 2-row com planter all for $1775.00 302-674-3596 after 5 p.m. For Sale - Fifty used 2 x 6 x 16 Oak - 75 cents each or best offer; 300 used block 8 x 8 x 16 10 cents each. Two used lintels 3% x 7% x 9’ $7.50 each. Large amount of in sulation 3% x 24 $5O. or best offer. Two 1 horsepower, electric motors with gear reduction $5O each. Call 717- 665-3786 For Sale - Melco 3 horse compressor (sealed unit) New Holland bale thrower. Daniel S. Stoltzfus, Box 160 R 2, Honey Brook, Pa. 1 mile south of Honey Brook along Route 10 For Sale - Apache tent camper, sleeps 6, some equipment included, used 2 months. Cost $875 new, will sell for $5OO. or best offer. 717-442-4279 Wanted - Steel wheels for McCormick Deering PTO com binder and for New Idea fertilizer drill. Would buy or trade with rubber wheels. Also want a wagon loader for McCormick Deering PTO com binder. Wnte to Darnel S. Martin R.S. Rl, Box 250, Denver, Pa. 17517 Wanted - Heavy duty rear wheel weights for Ford Series 800 Tractor. 872-5724 For Sale - New Idea PTO trailer mower, good con dition $5O. 1000 feet nearly new 28” high hog fence wire. 717-548-2404 Platform scale, 600 lb. capacity $4O. Also 16 in farm bell. Call 215-267-5796 BENEFIT AUCTION - Sat. May 10 at the Lititz V.F.W. at 9:30 A.M. till ??? Books, candles, lawn chairs, games, baked goods and many more items. Proceeds going to Practical Nursing class No. 42. For Sale - New Idea 206 manure spreader; New Idea hay crusher in A-l condition. John Esh, Jr., R 3, Box 223 Quarryville, near Mt. Pleasant Church. PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Mail Box Market Wanted - A hand meat slicer. Write the price and in what condition to S.M. Stoltzfus, Box 123, 17509 Christiana, Pa. For Sale • John Deere 3 bottom 14" plow, phone 717- 354-9985. 4 yr. old acclimated mule $5OO. Darnel K, Fisher, Rl, Quarryville, Pa. behind Robert Fulton’s Birthplace. For Sale - 2 used Surge milker units complete. Isaac S. Miller, Valley Road, Christiana, Pa. 17509 Custom silo filling with Fox Self Propelled, Hay or com. 717442-8312 For Sale - A.C. Model B power units and late model crimper. Joe S. Stoltzfus, Box 204, Kinzer, Pa. 17535 Wanted - 1965 70 Hay truck wanted to buy, 300 bales or more capacity. 703-430-3913 For Sale - Ford 8 N tractor with Sauder loader, overhauled and new tires $ll5O. J.D. 2-bottom trailer plow, excellent $125. 717-442- 4279 Come to our Apple Blossom Tour! Blevins’ Fruit Farm, Stewartstown (York Co.) May 4th 2-5 p.m. Free prizes, refreshments, pony rides, etc. Rain Date - May 11. 993- 2885 Young man to live in on dairy farm. Top registered Holsteins and modern equipment. Some experience preferred. Write Box 266 A, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Wanted - Icy Ball absorption type refrigerator, Crosley Corp. any condition. In formation for Danish researchers. 872-2029 M. Walter, R 2, Lancaster, 17603 Tractor tires to be sold at David Good’s Sale on Wed. May 7. Size 13 x 628 plus tubes. Wanted - PTO belt driven pulley for 1000 RPM. Contact 717-354-7792 For Sale - No. 10A New Idea manure spreader $550. Reuben F. Esh, R 1 Gor donville at Newport Repair Shop. For Sale - Open buggy in food condition, roller earing. Samuel Kinsinger, Gordonville, Pa. at Gor donville Print Shop. Free -15 x 53 wooden chicken house for taking down and cleaning up. Clarence B. Brubaker, 500 W. Orange St. Lititz, Pa. 17543, 717-626-6253 For Sale - 325 lb. York- Hamp Sows $260. 250 lb. York- Hamp Boars $lOO, Holstein Springers priced to sell.Chambersburg 717-263- 5222 Wanted -50 qt. DeLaval milk pail. Everbear strawberry plants for sale 25 for $l.OO, House trailer - 3 bedroom. Lebanon 272-1092 For Sale - Draft horse, 16.2 hands, 7 years, Belgian and Clyde, gelding. Coggins tested, lots of snap, broke to heavy work, $550 or otter. 367-1907 FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement to 20 words, all advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over for next week's paper, no business ad vertisements accepted For Sale - Baby Chinchillas with cages, Gray $4O. Beige $5O. 717-284-2127 Wanted - Flat dump bed for truck with hoist, 14 to 16 ft. long. 301-879-3341 For Sale - Duroc 8 and 15 month old boars that were first and second at 1974 New York State Fair. Calvin H. Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge Street, Whitehall, Pa. 18052 215-7993375 For Sale - 210-ft. steel gates; 1 cattle self feeder; large roto-tiller, phone 717-733- 4516. ’ For Sale - Wood and coal cook stove, good condition, phone 717-733-1836. For Sale - Fast hitch Int. 311 3-bottom plow; Also, used disc harrow blades, 17 to 9 men, phone 717-626-8912. For Sale: Wheat for Sale. 5% cents per pound. Phone 717- 626-7665. For Sale: Farmall 340 fast hitch live PTO in excellent condition. Two 14” fast bitch plows. 2 row fast hitch com Elanter. JD 490 4-row ydraidic lift com planter. Phone 717-896-8735 after 6 p.m. For Sale: John Deere No. 246 2-row lift type com planter. Freese Brothers, Oxford, Pa. Phone 215-932-2048. For Sale - VAN NORMAN 561 Surface Grinder for grinding large material 3 phase $BOO. Harrisburg 652- 1957 For Sale - Cultivator 2 row for IHC-H $45. Buck saw for IHC-H front mount $4O. Corvair 63 2 dr. needs gear shift and battery $l5O. 2000 tobacco late $5O. 717-442-8437 For Sale - Heavy Fowls, alive of dressed 5-6 lbs. alive. Daniel K. King, 2065 Hor seshoe Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 For Sale - Ford 8N tractor, 3 point hitch, excellent con dition. Also Front end loader, fits Ford tractors, excellent condition. 301-885- 5870 after 7 p.m. For ‘ Sale - 2 Keenco Automatic Poultry feeders 1- % H\P. drive double trackhopper, l-% h.p. drive single track hopper. 550’ track ana chain, adjustable legs, used 3 yrs. 717-526-4849 Moil Box Market For Sale - Gehl 65 MX Grinder Mixer in excellent condition. 301-6586474 For Sale - Allis Chalmers 2 row 3 pt. cultivator. 717-442- 8317 For Sale -10 x5O tile stave silo. Simeon G. Stoltzfus, Jr. R 3 Quarryville, Pa. Mt. Pleasant Road. For Sale • Rototiller 80” wide heavy duty with 60 H.P. Continental motor, excellent condition. Daniel Miller, Box 190, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. For Sale - 8 10 ft. silo iron hoops, 1 Troy bilt rototiller; 1 Paoiant water softener. 717- 872-2722 Wanted to Buy - 1 or 2 ton feed mixer. Call 944-5028 after 5 For Sale - Diamond and wedding band rings. Will sell for $l5O. Cost $4OO, 267-2036 For Sale - Int. horsedrawn com planter, New Shoes, kept under cover, reasonable. 609468-5732 For Sale-2 H.P. electric seal compressor like new only used 3 month $2OO. With 60- day guarantee. Daniel U. Stoltzfus, Honey Brook Rl, Box 26, Pa. Trade-Model 40 J.D. crawler with 6’ dozer blade for good tractor with front aid loader. 215-257-9325 For Sale - Potatoes, no sprouting. Make excellent french mes, good and solid. Emanuel S. Lapp Rt. 23 at Goods Furniture North 1 mile west at Amishtown Road, first lane right. Farm on right New Holland R 1 Wanted to Buy - Good new or used vegetable and bruit juicer. Call or write 215-942- 2596, Leßoy Allgyer, Jr. Glen Moore, Pa. One 13 month s old Holstein bull out of 20,000 M, 1,000 Fat Dam $3OO. Enos K. Beiler, Rl, Strasburg, Pa. \ For Sale - Badger recon ditioned 20 ft. silo unloader. 717-299-2536 STOLTZniS WOODWORK Gap, RD2, Box 362 Along Rt. 897 Mode to Order WAGON BEDS and BALE THROWER RACKS FOR SALE - Plywood Feed Bins - Plain Pine Fence Boards - Sawed Locust Posts - Anchor Bolts - Frey Bilt Barnyard Gates - Barbed.Wire' Woven Wire and Single strand fence posts. Moil Box Market Wanted - Majestic coal cook stove for parts. Top must be 21 x 30% Inches. Please call 717-933-4318 For Sale - Cat D 8 crawler dozer 13A Series, with 13% ft. angle cable blade, good running shape. Call Adam Nolt Jr. 2154824441 For Sale - 4 bulls, 3 Holstein, 1 Angus, 400 pound average, top shape, firodbecks, Pa. 717-220-2564 For Sale - 4 Reg. Holstein Heifers due in July. Service age holstein bull Dam 19,500 irnlk as a 3 yr. old. 717-872- 8818 For Sale - John Deere 42 pull type combine, 9 ft. cut. Can be equipped to shell com. Priced to sell. Drew Shapin, 717-752-2837 For Sale - VF4 Wilconsin with clutch and reduction gear. 717-026-5678 For Sale - JD 4400 combine (diesel) w-4-row com, 13’ grain head; air conditioning; 449 hours. Excellent con dition. Telephone 215-827- 7105 at 6:30 pan. For Sale - In the Poconos. 7 room rancher on wooded lot with lake view, stone fireplace, beam ceilings, knotty pine walls. 717-646- 7742 For Sale - Furadan com insecticide. Phone 717-653- 1826 For Sale -A.C. 190 XT with loader 910 hours. A.C. 180 1250 hours. 5 purebred Angus heifers. Haven Farms, 717- 275-4272 • For Sale - 1969 Camera SS 350, 4 speed, mags, 51,000 original miles. 717-284-4404 For Sale - New Holland 280 baler with PTO thrower. 215- 944-9124 For Sale - Used 36 ft. John Deere No. 300 bale elevator, excellent condition. 717-786- 3437 For Sale - One 30 ft. pole, treated, $35.00, one 25 ft. pole $25.00. 717-656-6906
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