7l 7 —,, _ 7 T 1 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 3,1975—25 Moil Box Morkst Moil Box Morkst Moil Box Morkst Moll Box Morkst ■ ■ i?np s«in . .inhmnn dv« For Sale - Goulds Jet pump, Wanted • Implement! for For Sale - Damp Limestone Moll ® ox Morkat Moil Box Morkst nurkcr used 1 season fits shallow well; 24* corn Farmall Model A tractor. In bulk lota of 25 ton, 25 •SO ■. .. „71 ... .. _ . ... - mv tvoe aoraver with elevator, Jonas S. Ebcraol, Please state type, condition, percent savings, delivered to Wanted; Wanted: Custom hauling & ffins mis o?f anv 12 volt m,lc » north of B,rd - ln ' & price. Donald Young, Box your farm. Also - Wanted - condition. spreading of liquid manure. Hand on Slumptown Rd. 66, Sayloraburg, Pa. 18353. drv earcom, phone 215445- CaU 215-267-5624 after 6 p.m. man^c trartnrtlr M For Sale • Beef. Halves or 71 m 46 7 . 5; ! For Sale: 2 Holstein cows travel! CaU “fz-eeSSd. W fi&fttans Field RMd lS S x quarters, cut to your For Sale - Vegetable & For Sale - FarmaU cub with mUklna 55 lbs. each. 24 ft —— EK e g rSv'uJdtubes 1165 00 specifications. Farm price flower plants, now ready, plow, cultivators and wheel Klng-vjvK clcvator.JD24 For Sale - Belt driven New SABMwSn Ready in about 2 wks. Reiff's Greenhouse. 1 ml. welgfiU. phone 717-733-3651. dUc 30 Con coni sUcaac. 1968 Holland wrn sheUer, In each 215-869-9267. Freezer-ready. 717-529-2984. north of Leola traf/lc light, OldsmobUc StaUon Wagon, tematlonal hammer mIU, c.u . H„, tnn 7’ - —~———- r — Rt. 772. 717-656-9766. For Sale • 3 pt. hitch adaptor Phone 717-569-0070. good condition, $225 each, S* l * _Hesston_ 7 For sale - Old antique barn f or Wanted - Pulley for phone after 6 p.m. 717626- SfiSSlr siding In good condition. 1 x For Sale - Silo gooseneck for AC-Dl7, phone 215-4456976. For Sale: Rouwi Ducklings. &747. Crimpy w-PTO.Both.like 12 x length. Elam 20’silo, $45. 215-4456816. CaU 717-733-7809. new. Christian K. MiUer, Huyard, 1 ml. ffarthof New ____________ p n . c.u i kra m rfi«r ■' - For Sale-Sheep ewes, spring B ox£.R. D - 1. Strasburg, Holland on Huyard Rd. For Sale - Sauder hlgh-lift SbuUt “ ’ For Sale: Duct work &aU lambs and 3 yr. old purebr^ Pa. 17579. manure loader, 2 vrs. old, repuut » fittings for warm air fur- Hampshire ram, 717626- Z — „ ... TTI'L For Sale -30 veal stalls & like new; Sauder D loader w- For sale; International 450 nice, Uke new,Jsoo.3j)lece 7652. For Sale - Saddletool box. chains, used 3 mo., $lO each hydraulic dump; 1-row tractor WFE. front end bathroom outfit, $125. 50 - Reading type, will fit any full 0 r best offer; 1950 Int. dump riershey transplanter; J.D. Diesel. International 2A hay gallon hot water heater. $4O. Sale:' Two ooraolrte size old 354- Lowboy, best offer. 215-777- KBA 24 blade disc harrow, conditioner. Call 215-460- CaU Schaefferstown, 717-949- Rite Way milker units. CaU 0473 after 5 p.m. 8867. 2154456802. 6325 3749. 717659-1971. 4 SERVICE IS SUNDAY MAY Itlii j ♦ MEETING, , M|| ♦ Conducted M * k '’ 3/4-lon bale, ... Ilm. ,nd libor X X 1 ♦ byl.H, NEW INTERNATIONAL' LcaJ \< ♦ Service 241BIGROLL BALER n * IIWII u i ♦ Personnel Tuesday, May 13, 8 P.M. REFRIGERATOR ! W Plan now to attend and learn about the New Concept in Mu !, * Haymaking with the I.H. Big Roll Baler. dwE AN 'r* ' M p-ih 4 ♦ New equipment on Stock Used Equipment on Stock /k fl •ft Bs[ I. < Skid Loaders - 32008 & 33008 F Super M hOPIfll/. I 1 Ks— A L Mpt" 11 A 430 I Balers w/Engme Drive F Super C w/Loader fftwlMy (jytAAWJ i Mfl • Ikr 3 -.- ill i ( I Ira a! 11 < 4& 6 row Cornplanters I.H 540 Plow -4F i, m» w i - T 1 !' 500 Disk Harrows 22 ft Fibra Shank Cultivator MrpSjjß 22 ft. Vibra Shank 9 ft Cultipacker w Mm MM : Tli ♦ 450 & 710 Plows'Auto 700 5 Bot 16” Plow Auto C T il U |i 11 &12 ft Cultipackers (2) IH 311 Plows - 3 Bot /I U 1 |<S£ 1 \\ Ml ii ♦ Bale King Wagons • 1H F 656 Gas Tractor (T // I j BPHBB |l i John Bean Sprayers IH 400 Planter 6 flow w/lnsecbcide A, 1 it ♦ Lely Fert Spreaders 3pt -Oliver 4 Bot Plow /Lrjff JmMiJWMiy Hitch & Trailer Ferguson 20 w/Loader fj i— a 490 Disk Harrow 25 ft F1456D Tractor v ..... • 1 4366D-4WD Tractor (Just Received) (2) 1 H 6 Row Plate Planters *************** .m, iaa/ au Dill a 710 5 Bot 20" Plow (Just Received) (1) IH 4 Row 56 Planter SAVE 40% ON ELECTRIC BILL A F 1066 D tractor (I) IH 4 Row 400 Cyclo Planter' Used Rebuilt Weaverlme Cart and Charger (Guaranteed) $1075.00 CALL. DICK Be we Have * INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Announces A Full Line of v-^s* REAR TRACTOR TIRES SIZES 20.8 x 38 & 24.5 x 32 ON HAND SHOP TOOLS Fully Guaranteed C. B. HOOBER & SON Ji INTERCOURSE, PENNA. 768-8231 WE ARE NOW AN AUTHORIZED UPS STATION IW ■ C&& IH I' RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE GIRTON Farm Mi Cooling Tanks 20% ON ALL NEW GIRTON PRICED TO SELL GOOD USED BULK MILK TANKS 1 - 600 gallon - DELAVAL w/compressor $400.00 1 500 gallon WILSON w/compressor 300.00 1-420 gallon ESCO w/compressor 450.00 1 - 425 gallon ESCO w/compressor 450.00 2 -300 gallon ESCO w/compressor 400.00 SPECIAL 30Q 901. isco Tank arciiHL w 2 H p Compressor Jvv CHECK OUR PRICES AND SERVICE PROGRAM BEFORE YOU BUY . 24-Hour Service Contact Gratz M. Suit at C. B. Hoober & Son, Phone 768-8231 After 5:00 P.M. Phone 768-8555 OFFii * WE DO THE i * COMPLETE JOB -S ■k SALES t INSTALLATION, t SERVICE * * *
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