DS ARE ON THE MOVE!!! Mr. Independent Commercial Eggman HERE ARE ADVANTAGES OF FEEDING BEACON EGG FEEDS. 1 Beacon Milling Co., Inc. is a non integrated Northeastern • Regional Feed manufacturer we do not contract any poultry we do not compete with you in the egg markets; We try to assist you!! 2 Beacon encourages cash payments on feed because we feel • that lending institutions other than feed companies can meet your needs at a cheaper rate this in turn allows us to lower cost per ton of feed to you. 3 We operate with a minimum number of marketing per • sonnel (this is why you do not see a Beacon Marketing Representative very often) thus reducing the cost to you, our customer. 4 All our personnel are marketing oriented; Mr. Jim Camp • bell, our Production Superintendent, does his very best to produce top egg feeds. 5 Beacon as a company is service minded (not labor minded) • meaning we give you outstanding technical service through Olm Rowoth, Vice President and Director of Research and Technical Services. Along with this, our delivery service is the best. Beacon was the first feed company east of the Mississippi w to have their own computer department thus giving you “least cost” formulation. 7 olin Rowoth, Vice President and Director of Research and • Technical Services, is one of the country’s outstanding poultry nutritionist helping you with your individual problems. Q # We value you, our customer, as our most important asset Why Not Call Collect Today and Ask For Your BEACON MARKETING SPECIALIST: R. E. RUDISILL RICHARD B. KENOIG CHESTER WEIST Phone 854-2281 Beacon Feeds, York, PA Phone 717-843-9033 Phone 302 478-3051 BEACONFEEDS I UP*. 1 . Phone 741-2600 Raising Yorkshire hogs has been competed in one of many FFA projects for Dwight. competitions. An avid livestock judge, Dwight Lancaster [Continued from Page 1| Livestock Judging contest at FFA State Days and went on to place first at the Eastern Regionals Expo held in Springfield, Mass. Dwight’s livestock judging has earned over into his 4-H work as he was also a member of the senior Lancaster County Livestock team last summer. In a recent competition held at Penn State Dwight judged with the 4-H team as an alternate. For his outstanding work in FFA over the past four years, Dwight was presented with several awards at the Chapter’s annual spring banquet which was held recently. Dwight was presented with the Dekalb Award for being the outstanding senior and also received an award from the county banker’s for his FFA work. The youth was also a recipient of the Keystone Farming Degree presented at the FFA Mid- Winter convention in January. Dwight is the fourth son in his family to have received the Keystone Degree. As a 4-Her, Dwight has been a member of the Red Rose Baby Beef and Lamb Club and the Garden Spot Community Club. Along with his many successful beef and Lancaatar Farming, Saturday. April 26,1975 Youth swine projects, Dwight has taken projects in sweet corn, strawberries and vegetable gardening. Although his FFA and 4-H activities have kept him rather busy, Dwight has also worked as a stage crew member at the high school and is chariman of the project committee for the youth group at the Willow Street Mennonite Church. He is also a member of the Lampeter Fire Company, the Pa. Yorkshire Coop Association and the American Yorkshire Club. FORD TRACTORS 2000 Gas CL 20 Loader 2000 Diesel C L 40 Loader 3000 Diesel g N 4000 Gas N A A 4000 SU Gas goo 4000 SU Diesel goo 5000 Diesel v 3000 n 6Se | 5000 6 X 7200 Diesel s qoo 6 Y 3400 Diesel 4500 J L B 5500 TLB KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. Buffalo Springs Call (717) 949-6501 10 Miles North of Lititz both 4-H and FFA Following his graduation this spring, Dwight will be working as a co-herdsman for the dairy herd of Robert Hess in Strasburg. “I like working with livestock and on the farm, so this will be what I wanted,” Dwight commented. Dwight is currently working at the Hess farm part-time although when summer comes he hopes to be a “full fledged” farmer. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! 9
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