ft—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 26. 1975 .jflib* the OLD APRIL 28-MAY ■), 1975 The wood* arc ready lo bud and bloom. You arc laic if >ou hu\cn'l started your spring cleaning ~ . Kmperor Hirohito of Japan horn April 28, 1901 . . . I,ant quarter of the moon Ma) 3 . . . Hees arc seeking first pollen now . . . Aserage length of day* for the week. 14 hours, .1 minutes ... If it rains May 1 it will he a fertile year . . . New York's 19.19 World's Fair opened April .10 . . . Twenty rent pieces dropped Mn) 2, 1878 . . . The question still re mains: did Hitler commit suicide April .10, 194.17 . . . Love know* no evil. H»m» Him*i VnrninHH aurfiicel ma> have n rough look if the finuhe* are applied in rooms *here dust hns been stirred up )>> people walking around . Riddle a tuner Because it was all ears OLD FARMER S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Early week fair with nice warm days, end of week rainy then clearing with normal temperatures. Greater New York-New Jersey: Week begins generally clear and warm, then quite heavy rain; end of week clearing and seasonably cool. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Warm and partly cloudy to start, then rain continuing to end of week and generally cooler. Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Clouding up at first, then showers; rain latter part in central and north, then clearing and warm. Florida: Partly cloudy to start, then thundershowers; end of week cloudy with showers in central and south but warm and dry in north. Upstate & Western New York-Toronfo & Montreal: Showers to start and warm spell, then fair in west but ram in south and east; end of week clear and cold, then rainy. Greater Ohio Valley: Week begins partly sunny and very warm, then quite rainy; end of week clearing and warm. Deep South: First part of week cloudy and warm; end of week sunny and warm in central and along Gulf, and inter mittent rain in north. Compare McNess Silage Booster: Only 38 cents per ton on corn silage; terrific for baled hay and haylage, practically eliminates heat damage; contains no chemical - not corrosive. Comment From A Customer: "We thought we couldn’t improve our silage until we finally tried McNess Silage Booster and today would not think of any type of silage without it.” CONTACT McNESS THE NUTRITION PEOPLE Garden Spot Office Box 140, East Earl, PA 17519 PHONE 215-445-6983 PLEASE CALL COLLECT Order Silafe Booster Early and Get Free Premiums Old Farmer'* Riddle: Why did the corn stalk hear »o much? (An swer below.) Ask the Old Farmer Where did the expression “smart Alec" come from? F. D., Alexandria, Louisiana. Our impression is that the term is i 'rry old, and that it originally indicated a person of unusual skill and sleight. We have a fragment of an old book, some .100 years old, in which there is a description of an entertainer of some sort. It calls him a "gay Alexander of exceeding smart ness.” Chicago * Soulhtra Great Lako: Early week warm with aomc Mattered shower*; end of week rainy. Northern Great Plaina-Gnat taken Heavy thunderalonna In eaat and aome anow in north and weal to atart, then clear and cold; atorm with heavy rain by weekend. Central Great Plalnai Week begin* cloudy with ruin in eaat and aouth, then clearing and cool: heavy thunderahower* In eaat and aouth latter part. Texas-Oktahomai Clouding un at drat, then heavy rain; end of week generally aunny and warm with occaalonnl thunder shower in north. Rocky Mountain Region: Week begin* rainy In central with anow In mountnlna, then clearing; week end* aunny and warm in aouth with ahowera in central and north. Southwest Deaertt First part of week clear and very warm; end of week alternately clear and cloudy with very light rain. Pacific Northweit! Light ahowera in north to atari, then generally clear and mild in aouth: end of week clear and cold in aouth and cloudy with light rain in north. California: Early week clear and pleaaant in north and cloudy in aouth; latter part generally overcoat and cool with aome clearing by weekend. (All Rl*hu Rmrvtd. Yankee, Ine.. Dublin, N.H. OtuO see our SPRING SPECIAL .FECIAL EQUIPPED PICKUPS AT SPECIAL PRICES 1975 VANS - SPECIAL PRICES 1970 • VAN - 6 CYL AUTO. >12881)0 PETTICOFFER DODGE. INC. Route 230 East, Next to Shopping Center Elizabethtown, Pa. PH. 367-1101 CORN FOR 75 NITROGEN • ANHYDROUS AMMONIA • LIQUID NITROGEN • UREA COMPLETE FERTILIZERS BROADCAST or STARTERS A Complete Line of Analysis f PROFESSIONAL CUSTOM APPLICATION OFFERED ON ALL MATERIALS. Call Us Now to Insure Your Supply if I BULK BLENDS f ORGANIC fiMM PLANT FOOD CO. 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 397-5152 Baltimore USD A Report 20.00- few yield grade 4- 5 17.85-20.00, Cutters 18.00- 21.00) Canner It Low Cutter 15.00- BULLS; Yield Grade No. 1 1050-1885 lbs. 25.00-28.50, High Dressing individual at 3U»; Standard bullocks 675- MO lbs. 22.00-26.50, individual Good 1100 lbs. at 34.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good 6 Choice steers 450-530 lbs. 30.00-32.50, 675-950 lbs. 30.00- 33.00, Good It Choice heifer calves 360-500 lbs. 20.00- 22.75; Good heifers 435-800 lbs. 17.75-19.50. HOGS 700; Barrows St GUts 50c higher. US No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 42.0042.25, 56 head 42.5042.00, No. 2-3 230 260 April 21,1*75 CATTLE 400. Slaughter steers itrong to 75c higher; ■laughter heifers steady; cows k bulls steady; few feeder cattle steady. Supply 40 percent slaughter steers and heifers: 3$ percent cows; -20 percent feeders, balance bulls. STEERS: High Choice & Prime yield grade 3-4 1075- 1200 lbs. 45.1XM5.5p, Choice yield grade 2-4 1050-1300 lbs. 42.0043.50, Good k Choice 40.00- Good 35.0040.00. few standard & Low good 29.00- HEIFERS: Choice yield grade 2-4 550-1025 lbs. 36.00- 38.00, Good k Choice 35.00- 36.00, Good 800-1200 lbs 28.50- 33.00, Standard 600-850 lbs. 22.00- COWS: Utility 20.50-24.50, several 24.75-25.00, Canners It'll burn fewer dollars with a Vent-O-Matic Watt-Watcher Package Fan THIS IS THE NEW VENT-O ' WATT-W fre re spells out the details... tells you how the 1975 Vent-O-Matic line can slash your electric bill while providing healthful, well balanced air flow. It includes actual per formance data on models of five major fan manufacturers. Vent-O-Matic's reputa tion has been built on outstanding perform ance. Now Vent-O-Matic Watt-Watchers deliver outstanding operating economy. Send today for your free copy. . AAr. Robert Mieczkowski, President I Tuscaroro Electric Mfg. Co. I | Tunkhannock, Pa. 18657 j I Please send your new . Cubic-Feet-Per-Watt performance I I report immediately v | J Name | I Street or Address. * CityorTowi My interest is { ) Dairy ( ) Poultry I ( ) Hog { ) Veal > VENT-O-MATIC OWNERS | Modification kits soon available for all 1962 , \ | and later models. Check here for information. \ J . H • 280 lbs. 40.50-41,50. SOWS: Steady. US No. 1-8 300-400 lbs. 33.50-34.50, No. 2- 3 400-600 lbs. 34.50-35.00. Wind tunnel research shows that ordinary fans can cost up to 58% more than Vent-O-Matic to move the same volume of air. In new buildings, or old, Vent-O-Matic Watt-Watcher package fans use less electricity every working hour, day and night. .State.
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