Farming, Saturday, April 26, 1975 Mail Box Mark*! For Sale - Oxen yoke in very good condition $55.00; Training yoke $49.00; single ox yoke very old $49.00. Paul B. Flory, Pcquca, Pa. 717- 284-4236 For Sale - 1 point hitch Massey Ferguson cultivator <new) $275; Also an antique roll top extension table. 717- 285-6672 For Sale - S. C. Case tractor, 12A Manure spreader, 4 MF wheels, MF cultivator, A.C. Harvester, A C 7 ft. mower. Titus Nolt. East Earl Rl, Fivepointville. Wanted to Buy - 25 laying hens, heavys. preferrably pullets. Call around 3:30 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. 215- 942-2143 or 942-2596 For Sale -1962 Metro 12’ with dual wheels with Styer Meat Display and freezer cabinet 220 V. with or without unit. 717-637-8446 For Sale - Palammo horse and saddle $350. Also wanted wheelrake, grain wagon and one row com picker. Ph. 284- 2424 anytime For Sale - VP 4D 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine without clutch with starter, like new. Wanted - 12 to 16 ft. narrow type com elevator. Benuel M. Fisher, R 2, New Holland, Peters Rd. For Sale - N. H. Silage unloader for 16 ft. silo with cable end tripod. 5 H.P. motor, good condition. Holstein bull, service age sire, Elevation Dam, classified at 89 points, records to 24,000 milk. Call 215-286-9343 For Sale - 16 Disc Ontario grain drill, excellent con dition, $6OO. Phone 656-7013 For Sale - Oliver crawler Model HG, 68” tread with snow blade, good condition, York Co. 717-244-3415 Wanted • Local man to trim cow’s feet. Call 529-2314 Wanted to Rent - Pasture for 4 steers and three horses. 717-949-3259 For Sale - John Deere 28 disc; land roller; 2 section harrow; 7 ft. McCormick Deering mower. Call Jonestown 865-3964 For Sale - 3 ton Speltz at $6.00 CWT. at farm. 717-354-5710 For Sale - Whirlpool 2 door refrigerator, working condition. John Z. Lapp, Centerville Road, R 1 Gor donville, Pa. For Sale - Good solid potatoes $l.OO for 50 lb. in your bags, $1.25 in our bags. Emanuel S. Lapp, New Holland Rl, Amishtown Road. For Sale - Herd of Holstein cows, James Ruhland, Spring Grove, RDI, York County, no phone number. For Sale: John Deere disc offset type, A-l shape. Also, horse cultivator. Call 215-267- 5345. For Sale - 500 Brown Egg layer hens, for meat or laying, $1 each, phone 717- 626-7665 FOR SALE - Oats and Barley, a front and rear cultivator, also a Myers Jet sprayer for com. 927-6580. FOR SALE - Picnic tables with benches. Extra sturdy. 34” x 72” $50.00 (or any size). Made to disassemble for storage. 215-777-4705. FOR SALE - D 2 Sauder manure loader and 6 ft. snow bucket all for $350. 717-653- 5709. Mail Box Market For Sale - 2 section John Deere spring harrow in good shape. Jonn S. Lapp, Strssburg Rl, Box 334, Pa. 450 gal. heavy steel open end tank. Tiger transplanter, 9 x 7 overhead door, new. Ivan Hurst, Ridge Ave. Rl Ephrata, Pa. For Sale - Cultivator for VAC Case, J.D. harrow 3 section. Lloyd H. Martin, New Holland Rl, Pa. near Red Run Park For Sale - Stauffer 8 can cooler and milk cans. Enos L. Beiler, 73 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. For Sale - 2 bottom Genius plow, 400 lb. Holstein Steers, Chicken nests. Wanted • Wheel weights for D-17, Beehive, Cnicken picker. 684-5352 For Sale - Detroit Standard Computing Scale. Also grape stalks. Amos L. Lapp, close to High’s Mill, Goraonville, Honey Place For Sale - 175 Massey Ferguson tractor with hydraulic 2200 hours $3500. Hart cups and pipes. Bramco drive units. 717-3544)338 Wanted - Kitchen range in good condition. Ivan A. Weaver, Box 324, R 2, Mif flintown, Pa. 17059 Wanted - Two or three hole cedar post and rail, new or used. Kuchler, Rl, Box 116, Coatesville, Pa. 19320 215- 383-5280 For Sale - Sears 10 key electric adding machine. Total to 8 digits on paper $30.00. Phone Frystown 933- 8764 For Sale - 4 bottom 3 point hitch semi-mounted plow, John Deere Disc, John Deere Hay rake, small lime drill, Bradley chopper, cylinders, hillside hitch, pulley for Farmall Tractor. 717-739- 4630 For Sale -1 platform scales - 700 lbs. cap., 2 Jamesway battery brooders each 1,000 chick cap; 4 A.R. Wood Gas brooders, 2 iron fireman stokers and 3 circulators. J. Warren Shearer, We rnersville 678-9943 (215) Restored 1936 John Deere A. Good condition, reasonable price. 938-2997 after 4:30 p.m. FOR SALE - 40 lb. DeLaval milker pail, good condition. Elmer F. Fisher, 1468 Pond Road, Ronks, Pa. IVi mile west of Intercourse, Pa. FOR SALE - Tapered boards and wooden conveyors for Sale. Also 36 ft. 1350 Starline Conveyor For Sale, good ccondition. 717-786-7654. For Sale - 1972 Ford Mini Home Mobile, self contained, sleeps 6, loaded with extras, phone 717-933-8655 For Sale - 2 Reg. Holstein bulls sired by Apollo and Bonus, Stephen R. Click, RDI, Leola at Millport For Sale - 6 year old buggy horse, sound and well broke, Elam B. Stoltzfus, Inshtown Rd., RDI, Ronks For Sale - JD KBA 20 disc; JD late model hay crusher; NH roller bar hay rake; NI one row tobacco planter; Oliver 2 way riding plow. Call 717-786-3618. For Sale - Oliver Disc Drill $250. Lapp Elevator hydraulic lift, motor $3OO. 66 New Holland Baler with motor $550. Good condition. Frank S. Russell, CoatesvUle, Pa. Phone 384- 7842 Moil Box Morket FOR SALE • John Deere 16" 2 bottom roll over plow 1450.' Phone 717-548-2034. FOR SALE • House trailer axles. 60 ft. house trailer frame with 3 axles, tires, and elec, brakes. 12 ft. J.D. lime drill. 3 axle tag along low boy trailer. Ear com and ground car com from a Harvestore. Can arrange transportation. 717-458-6629. FOR SALE - Reconditioned 10 H.P. 3 phase Industrial motor, reasonable 717J92- 9062. FOR SALE - York - Hamp Cross open gilts, healthy, vaccinated for Erysipelas. John S. Nolt, RD 1 New Holland, Pa. 717-354-9370. FOR SALE - 500 Ih year old laying hens for butchering, 25c each. 717-354-9366. FOR SALE - 4 year old standard bred driving horse with lots of snap. Also pleasure horse to ride and drive. 717-656-9548. One pair of steel wheels for N.I. 206 manure spreader $5O; one steel wheel flat bed wagon $250; N.I. 30 trailer mower $l5O. Elam B. Stoltzfoos, Hess Hoad, RD 1 Leola, Pa. FOR SALE - New Holland B% ft. cut, excellent mechanical cond. Wanted -1 pair good used tractor tire casings size 12 or 13.6 x 28, tread not important. 717-548- 2877. Wanted - Bee Swarms. For Sale - Mulch hay 60c per bale. Abram K. King, 2194 Horseshoe Road, Lancaster, Pa. (FERTILIZER Are you tired of paying $l5O to $2OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try dry poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 ton loads. You can buy 8 to 100 tons. Next delivery in May. $25.00 per ton delivered. Write Box 27, Strasburg, Pa. 17579 Help Wonted HARVESTORE SALES Lancaster County territory available to right person. Far ming background and sales experience necessary to deal directly with area farms. Good income* and company benefits. For ap pointment, call 717- 354-4051. PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE New Holland, PA Suburban hospital has im mediate, temporary openings for the following trades Electricians Plasterers Roofers Painters Positions call for a minimum of 4 years experience or completion of a formal ap prentice program The wage is $4 53 per hour Limited openings for: SEMI SKILLED LABORERS with 1 year experience in the building trades. Wage is $3.66 per hour. Apply Norristown State Hospital Personnel Office Building #4B Real Estate 91 acre farm, dairy or beef, handyman special, 69 acres tillable, new roofs on house and bam, possibllles are unlimited with the farm. Located in Rchrcrsburg area. Old Heritage Inc. Realtors 717-354-4071. Services Offered Ixwklng for work, Willing to paint farm buildings at a reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2350 Masonry work, lay brick, block and do concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509. CaU driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976. Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 388, 17509, Call driver 717-529-2992 or 215-932-2976. INSULATION. LOAFING SHEDS - DAIRY BARN SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for eliminating condensation. Perfect for irregular surfaces. For free estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m., call 872-2233. CUSTOM DRYING AND BUYING GRAIN CONESTOGA VALLEY GRAIN Phone 717-354-9258 300 GAL MOJONNIER The Mueller Models "OH" and “MHL” with HiPerForm make all other bulk milk coolers obsolete. If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don’t check all the advantages of the Mueller Models “OH” and “MHL”, you may be buying an obsolete cooler. USED BULK TANKS 425 gal. Esco 250 gal. MS 300 gal. Mojonmer New 18 can (Can 500 gal. Mojonmer Coojers)' 400 gal Girton (Used 4 Yrs ) 300 gal. Jamesway QUEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17534 OR Answering Service 354-4374 24 Hour Service We Stock Hess* Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications Moil Box Market For Sale; John Deere LS 10 Fertilizer spreader. In good condition. Phone 215-445- 6073. Feed & Seed If you need any more seed com. . why not try some Doeblcr’s Penna Hybrids. Still some popular numbers available. DANIEL F. ESH Mile East of Strasburgon Rt. 741 HAY WANTED IN TRAILER LOAD LOTS Any type hay CALL FRED MORRISON 617-475-2241 after 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK sr, After 5 P.M. JOHN D. WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M. GROFF 354-0473 GID DIENNER 768-8521 AUCTION Collegevllle Equipment Co. Inc. Collcgeville, PA South on Route No. 29 from Route No. 422, Two Miles from Perkioman Valley Airport. May 3,1975 10:00 A.M. to Completion PARTS: New International farm and a few truck parts with an estimated value of $45,000.00. TRUCKS: Internationals; R-195 Dump, 1600 Dump, 1800 Dump, VF -192 Dump, R-183 Dump, 1600 Refer., 1100 Pick-ups, (1974) 200 4x4 Pick-up, (1974) 100 4x4 Pick-up with Snow Plow, 1210 Pick-up with Snow Plow, DCF-405 Tractors & Dumps, DCO-400 Tractors, 1600 Van, 1800 Van, and Fl9OO Flatbed. Fords; N-750 Van, N-950 Dump, and N-950 Tractors. Many other trucks not listed at this time! INDUSTRIAL & FARM EQUIPMENT: Internationals; 2444 Loader, 3616 L-B, 3514 L-B, 2504 L-B, 3800 L-Bs, 3820 L-B, 3400 L-B, 3500 L-B, 3444 L-Bs, TD-8 Dozer, 500 C Dozer, 1-444 Tractor with Loader, 354 Tractor, and 560 D Tractor. (L-B means Loader- Backhoe) Schramm 250 Air Com pressor. 3-5 ton Ferguson Roller. Many other pieces not listed at this time! LAWN & GARDEN: Cub Cadets from 7 to 12 H.P. also other makes, models, and sizes received by Auction time. AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Inspections A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday - Friday at Com pany. Lunch Available. USED DIESELS (1) DVA 2200 Slanzi 10 H P Ruston (1) SR2 Phone /17— 768-7111
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