Mall Box Market FOR SALE • Mixed Hay, Alfalfa 6c Orchard Grata. Ist cutting, s6o.2nd cutting, 370. 280 bales of each kina. 717* 693*1079. FOR SALE • N.I. 751 Hay Cruiher. Jonas E. Zook, R.D.3, QuarryvlUe, 1 mile west of Gerogetown. FOR SALE - Sheep. Ewes, spring lambs and 3*yr*old purebred Hampshire ram. 717*626*7852. FOR SALE-12" x 38” Atlas metal-cutting lathe, 12,000 or best offer. Norman Sauder. 717*684*6028. FOR SALE - Hay fan. 7% h.p.: Barn cleaner, shuttle 6c chain, 5 h.p. hydraulic pump; Surge pipeline milker, hvy. duty pump, runs 6 units. 717*696-7507. FOR SALE - Service age Duroc boar, weighing around 300 lbs. and out of Purebred stock. 717-569-1105. FOR SALE - Quarter horse. 5 Ks. old, mare, with saddle, anket, bit, bridle and halter complete, $3OO. Must be seen to appreciate. 717- 653-5530. For Sale • AKC Siberian Husky pups. Benjamin B. Stoltzfus, 186 Geist Rd., Lancaster. Moil Box Morket FOR SALE • Topline dum ping station w-dryer, used 1 yr.; 2,000 watt alternator used yr.; New Oak lum ber, One 16' x 10" x 10" and three 14' x 10” x 10". Elam E, King, R.D.I, GordonviUe, In ml. northwest of In tercourse along S. Groffdale Rd. FOR SALE - Used Grove forage box w-nmnlng gears; Int. 01 wagon w-running gears. 274-1436. FOR SALE - Alfalfa Hay. Jonas Ebersole, IV4 Ml. north of Bird in Hand on Stumptown Rd. FOR SALE - Tractor tire chains, about 10’ long, 325. 717*354*5601. FOR SALE - Motorcycle, needs minor adjustment 6c repair, $65; 1962 Chevy pickup truck, 3350. 717-546- FOR SALE - Alpine Nubian nanny goat, ready to breed. 717-284-2629. FOR SALE - N.H. 68 Baler; N.I. 324 2-row picker, both good. 717-872-2646. FOR SALE -1 Bray breeding calendar, excellent con dition, $75. originally $140; 1 walnut tree, highest offer. 717-867-1446. ■u Mail Box Market FOR SALE • 3 Surge electric Sulutlon unit* (late stylo); ) stallcocks; 110 volt timer ■ will sell pulsation alone or complete, Elam F. Lapp, R.D. 4, Box 240. Litltz, Pa. 17*43. FOR SALE • Topline dum ping station complete w-1290 washer-releaser, like new. 717-3044369. FOR SALE • Lincoln welder. 225 amp., electric; Feed cart. 717442-4074. For Sale - Registered Holstein Heifers due Sum mer and Fall. ABC Breeding, Abner K. Click, Box 257 Rl, Christiana, Pa. For Sale • Rabbit Pens; Auto Waterers and self feeders. 717-354-7460 Wanted to Buy - Farmall Super C, 200, or 230 with fast hitch. 717-7844359 Wanted - Swanns of honey bees for empty bee hives in Manheim area or neigh boring communities, Contact Paul Derstler, 665-3749 after 3:30 P.M. or Saturday or Sunday. Mixed Black Shepherd dog. Excellent cow dog, cannot be beat as a heeler. For the cows. Would like to use him for stud service to a female shepherd. Phone Man chester 266-2160 For Sale - Young beef herd. This herd consists of 11 head; 1 Hereford bull, 5 cows due this Fall and 5 calves averaging 300 to 400 lbs. Herd is priced to sell. 215-267- 3454. For Sale - 2 year old buggy, very good condition. Aaron L. Fisher, Bachmantown Road, Ronks, Pa. For Sale - Fox Harvester gas engine and 3 heads $l2OO. Irrigation pipes 5”, sprinklers, $1.25 foot, also Carver pump; Seamen Rotary Tiller 125 H.P. Diesel, also used for irrigation unit $l5OO. Phone 302-368-4159 For Sale - New Holland 616 Forage Harvester with 1 row corn and pickup heads in good condition, will sell pickup head separate. Call after 7 p.m. 717-899-7411 Wanted • 300 gal. Iron Age sprayer tank and hydraulic hit and P.T.O. adaptor for 1955, 1 ton Dodge truck. 215- 756-6070 For Sale - Clean Wheat Straw. No rain. 717-382-4450 For Sale -1972 Kawasaki 500 excellent condition, price $775.00 including helmet. 717- 993-2117 For Sale - A.C. Model B power units and late model crimper; Fisher’s Hay Tedders. Joe S. Stoltzfus, Box 204, Kinzer, Pa. 17535 For Sale - 2 new Grove 5 ton wagons 6 ply tires with 8x16x7% bale bodies. 215-678- 9717 Come to our Apple Blossom Tour! Blevins’ Fruit Farm, Stewartstown (York Co.) May 4th 2-5 p.m. Free prizes, refreshments, pony rides, etc. Rain Date, May 11th. 993-2885. Cowdog pups - Border Collie - Australian Shepherd Cross. Working parents. 609-358- 8589 72 Massev Ferguson Self Propelled Combine. Working order. Also 522 corn head and grain head for Oliver or Moline. 267-6427 For Sale - 475 New Holland Manure Spreader 175 bushel, good running condition. 215- 267-2251 Moil Box Market FOR SALE - One 3rd calf heifer due end of May; One fresh heifer, Ist cau; Six springing heifers, Ist calf. 717-520-2432. FOR SALE • Purebred Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) puppies, 3 mo. old, had their shots. 717-665-3840. WANTED - Used culvert pipe approx. 12” dia. Write G.n. Daniels, 110 Fruitville Pike, Manhcim, Pa. 17545. State length & price. FOR SALE - Purebred Landrace swine. All ages gilts St boars. Harpers Valley Farm, "Home of the Great White Breed” Delivery available. 717-665-4642. Jay D. Blatt, R.D.2, Annville, Pa. 17003. FOR SALE - New grass pickup head for No. 6 J.D. Forage Harvestor, never used. FredS. Stamm, R.D.2, Watsontown, Pa. 717-649- 4853. FOR SALE • Sauder high-lift manure loader, 2 yrs. old, like new; Sauder D. loader w-hydraulic dump; 1-row Hershey transplanter; J.D. KBA 24 blade disc harrow. 215-445-6802. FOR SALE - 2-row Corn planter; I.H. 130 Spreader; N.H. 276 w-thrower; Good used buggy w-new Levi King harness. Lebanon 273-8101. FOR SALE - Int. Cutaway disc harrow, heavy duty, has 23” discs, $475; Int. 4-bar side deliver rake on rubber, like new, $250. 717-354-0266. For Sale - Surge milker pipes and pump, 6 can cooler, water heater, Oliver 70 and cultivator, A.C. 60 combine. 215-488-1762 For Sale - Int. 209 A 3 pt. hitch 2-14” trip bottom plow; 8 ft. disc harrow no transport. Wanted - 3 pt. hitch post hole digger. 717-872-5712 FOR SALE - 4 yr. old ac climated mule $5OO. Daniel K. Fisher, RDI, Quarryville, Pa. Behind Robert Fultons Birthplace. Notice - Free, fill, dirt with stone. Bennie K. Lapp, Christiana Rl, Pa. Box 387, 17509 near Nine Points. FOR SALE - Slate roofing and easy lift hand pump with 25 ft. pipe. Enos. B. Stoltzfus, Christiana, Pa. Rl, Box 400, 17509. Trucks NEW FORD SPREADER TRUCK, new Willmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C.U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, Pa. 19543 215- 286-5146 1962 Chevy with 22’ flat or 1959 International with 18’ flat, both good condition. Call 215-942-3450 or evenings 215-273-2837. Automobiles For Sale - 1972 Chevrolet Impala, Custom 2 door hardtop, clean with climate control and cruise control, $2,450, phone 717-626-7665 DENTAL [SHIPMENT BACKHOES UNILOADERS SOIL COMPACTORS GARDEN TRACTORS PLOWS AG TRACTORS A BINKLEY & HURST < N BROS. Lititz REM, PA Phone: 626-4705 Lancaster Farmini Pats AKC Old English Sheepdog Stud Service by Proven Sire. Will pickup and deliver, $50.00. Phone 653-4645 after 6 P.M. FARMS FOR SALE Chambersburg 380 acres, dairy, 95 percent tillable, with 100 free-stalls, 2 sets of buildings, $1,400 per acre Gettysburg 215 acres, dairy, 98 free-stalls, parlor, $250,000. Also 156 acres, 130 tillable, with good home, no barn, only $llO,OOO Other Farms and Land VAN CIEVE REAL ESTATE New Oxford. PA 17350 Phone 717-624-8201 Anytime 163 acre dairy farm in Perry Co. about 100 acres tillable at $BOO-acre. 90 acre dairy farm in Perry Co, 10 acres woodland in Perry Co. 30 acres woodland in Berks Co. 5 and 10 acre lots in Berks Co. 60 acre dairy farm in Chester Co. Land borders property of Lake Strubble with gentle slope towards Lake. Four miles south of turnpike exit at Morgan town. 83 acres (about two-third wooded) along Rt. 241 on the south side of turnpike. Four miles from Hershey & Lebanon. 30 acres near Fredericksburg. Unusual property with brick apt. house, bam, brick mill and other buildings. 131 acre steer farm in Bethel Twp. Berks Co. 20 acres in Lebanon Co. No buildings. Adjoins railroad and has road frontage. 19 acres near Ephrata with house and garage. About 13 acres woodland. 148 acre dairy farm in Southern Lancaster Co. Has two houses. CHRISTIAN M. MOSEMAMN, REALTOR 734 Main Street, Akron, PA Phone Office 859-1004 or 733-1224 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL only $3,450.00 Hi INTERNATIONAL 140 • Offset design permits perfect visibility for rap id cultivation of valuable, young crops bed ded, flat, or furrowed • 23 7 Belt hp 1 —2 plow power • 8-1/2 ft turning radius accurate worm-gear steering. • Touch Control hydraulic system. plus4-speed transmission Optional Fast hitch GOOD USED EQUIPMENT SPECIALS 806 FARMALL Tractor $7,500.00 J D 12 3pt rotary hoe $ 780.00 I H 155 PTO Spreader $ 900.00 1 H 550 Forage Harvester With 2 row wide corn head $1,850.00 2 New Holland Forage Wagons Side & Rear unloading Roofs HOLLINGER & SON R. S. 113 West Main Street, Mountville Phone 285-4538 Monday thru Friday - 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Saturday 8 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. INTERNATIONAL QUALITY PARTS FACTORY TRAINED SERVICEMEN >rll 26.1975 !. Saturda; Purebred German Shepherd police pupa. Aaron E. Lapp. R.D.I, Box 187, Gordonvllle, Pa. 17529. between In tercourse & New Holland north of James High’s mill. ★★★★★★ 27 $2,100.00 each
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