26-Lanca«ter Farming. Saturday.Aprll 26, 1975 Moil Box Mark#t Moll Box Mark#* Mail Box Market • Moll Box Market Moil Box Market Mail Box Markat For Sale - Int. No, 141 self For Sale - Yorkshire Boar FOR SALE • J.D. 2010 In For Sale • 4 Yorkshire ser- — propelled combine with 10 service age. For Rent ■ Sod good shape; Pull type vice age boars SISO. For Sale • 2 new 6 piece For Sale - John Deere FI4SH 5“ Brain head, good con- seeding drill. 215-4456959 manure spreader on rubber. Breeding age gilts York bedroom suites, oak finish. 4 bottom 16" d!w 717-362- dllion > c>u 215644-9287 717653-5814. Hamp Cross. 7176336530 Air conditioner 25,000 BTU's J 730 P —— FOR SALE - New Int, 450 used 1 month $275. Call after For Sale - I row Fox har- Auto. Reset plow. 717-442- FOR SALE - Used Pats For Sale -44 Massey Harris 5 P.M. 215-562-3778 No ForSale-Sllolox36Motless MlB ' liquidator for liquid trader and Nil. baler with Friday or Saturday Calls. Oregon fir 20 xl6 for staves, manure. 717-786-4158. motor. 717-442-1510 ■ cood shiDfi tAkcn down Gride Hoißteln hclferi. h, u. FOR SALE • Gripe vines* ~ For Sale-Twin row Iron Age ready for aellverv Harold G*rber & Sons, 387-2141 wine and table varieties, i SERVICES OFFERED ■ All For Sale-J.D. 490 4 row corn potato planter. Edwin Z. Kneckel 471 Indian Creek —> ml south of Rawlinsvillc on kinds of trucking. 6* xB' bed planter, New Holland 611 Shirk, Ephrata RD3 along r M( | Htrlevsvllle RD Pa F , O T * 1973 250 Ford Drytown Rd. w-racks, 14 ton capacity forage harvester with corn Grist Mfil Road, between imm’ naneysvu,e ' KU ' pickup PS, PB, and Auto Clayton Zelset, R.D.4, IJtllz. and grass heads, cultivators Martlndale and Red Run. Transmission 30,000 miles; FOR SALE - Nubian kid 1 Pa. 717-7336074. for Massey Harris 30 tractor. - TTT -" T For Sale - Heifers, some °f. a J ve ! y bUlles, $3O. Call 717-354-9815. - . 717-428-1731 Wanted to Buy -10 ft. grain registered and some grades riding tractor. Wanted to For Rent -64 acres of _ ■ _., _— ——: —; — head for I.H. 203 combine, one is fresh 4 days other are sU *ge- Lebanon FOR SALE - Two 4,000 gal pasture, water and shade FOR SALE -18 aluminum 20M5M003 SKpSdXSS Unta,.alUbtelor(W wAr 800. N«r StrMburg. 717- ™ — R Stoitzfus Kirkwood RDI ~ liquid nitrogen etc. 717-334- 687-6361 rear door, $650, good con- For Sale - 312 Oliver 2-row Box 196, Pa. 17536 ’ For Sale - 801 3 pt. hitch fits 1903. d iV O! i : ? tyP* corn planter, good condition. model A, B, 50 and 60 J.D. Custom com planting, new chisel plow, $600; J.D. A H. H. Becker, RDI, FOR SALE - N.H. 33 Crop Tractors. Daniel Hoover, FOR SALE -55 York-Hamp air planter with fertilizer tractorw-cultlvators, best Manheim, Pa. Chopper. 717653-1749. Leola, RDI feeder pigs. 717665-7809. attachment. 717-4426134 offer. 2156326943. % lh walsh sprakir ISSUER'S DM ; ♦ Rlght now IS SUNDAY MAY in i ♦ the best for less- MHI 1 Y STRONG FIBERGLASS 1 1 _ ___ fjf lia?| ♦ not poly H REFRIGERATOR ■ MIN < ▼ lal* pfe i i ♦ Used Rebuilt Weaverlme Cart and Chareer >» S% rMaslißl ‘ kk/® (Guaranteed) 11075.00 if* / J c£L { 4 New Equipment on Stock Used Equipment on Stock I 1 ATTSL* rißal 4 T MT 6 row Cornplanters nfl _ h „ Ch ,„. ».. ’ , • | Ml-sa -JLmJW 1 ♦ uVimVSLZ 700%%¥x-fl« tal!L Wfr 'if n , I sfr&sp, mMont/ Y Oliver 4 Boj_Plow V " ~ ▼ *************** Hitch & trailer 490 Disk Harrow 25 ft f 4266 D 4WD Tractor (Just Received) 710 5 Bot 20” Plow (Just Received) Trailer Load F 1066 D tractors CALI DICK BOMBERCER» BeWeHa#eIt INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Announces A Full Line of SHOP TOOLS Fully Guaranteed 11l REAR TRACTOR TIRES SIZES 20.8 x 38 & 24.5 x 32 ON HAND C B . .HO INTERCOURSE, HENNA. 11l w RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE GIRTON FarmM Cooling Tanks PRICED TO SELL GOOD USED BULK MILK TANKS 1 - 600 gallon - DELAVAL w/compressor $400.00 1 - 500 gallon WILSON w/compressor 300.00 1 - 420 gallon - ESCO w/compressor 450.00 1 - 425 gallon ESCO w/compressor 450.00 2 - 300 gallon - ESCO w/compressor 400.00 CHECK OUR PRICES AMD SERVICE PROGRAM BEFORE YOU BUY . 24-Hour Service - Contact Graft M. Suit at C. B. Hoober I Son, Phone 768-8231 After 5:00 P.M. Phone 768-8555 ODER & SON m 7M-1231 WE ARE NOW AN AUTHORIZED UPS STATION x Leading The In Performance Industry SPECIAL 3°? 9 al - Esco Tank SCAA>OO w-2 HP. Compressor «#WV VE 40% ON ELE *★★★★★★★★★★★★★ t WE DO THE t t COMPLETE JOB 4 * SALES * * INSTALLATION, ; t SERVICE f 1C Bill
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