—Lancattar Farming, Saturday, April 26, 1975 20 Bovine Beauty "Hillglen Dixie Fashion" won the Senior and Grand Championship, April 19, at the Twenty-Second Annual State Holstein Show at Harrisburg. Her owner, Linda Lou Kauffman, Elizabethtown Rl, received a special trophy from Limerock Farms, Myerstown. Mr. Hubert Miller, owner of Limerock Farms and a veteran breeder of Holsteins, made the presentation. Layer Production Down Pennsylvania layuig flock produced 287 million eggs during March, eight percent less than a year earlier, according to the Crop Reporting Service. The March average of 13.7 million layers was 11 percent less than during March 1974. Egg production per 100 layers during March totaled 2,099 eggs - up three percent from a year earlier. TRY A CLASSIFIED Milking Parlor Aids to Easier, Cleaner Milkim • Trust Clay to give you products you need for better milking parlor operation Stainless steel metal curbing cleans up fast protects you and saves in parlor con struction Gutter and floor drains for easy cleaning Special Clay grating is non splashing non slipping available in 14’ i 38 sec tions Easy Action doors speed movement of cows in and out May be locked open if desired Galvanized metal clad construction for long life Clay has been developing ac cessones for more efficient parlors for more than 30 years Call us today Let us know what you need ™UR (^DEALER JAY M. HORST RDI Lebanon, Pa Ph (717)274-1242 Commercial Refrigeration 24 Hr. Service Nationally, the 5,500 million eggs produced during March was down five percent from a year earlier. Layers on hand during March averaged 279 million, down five percent from a year earlier. The average rate of lay during the month was about the same as a year earlier. MR. FARMER ARE YOU INTERESTED IN COMPLETE FARM SERVICE PROGRAMS? YOUR INDEPENDENT REQ ROSE DEALER LISTED BELOW OFFERS THE FOLLOWING IN FEEDING PROGRAMS—SUPPLIES AND SERVICE. COMPLETE SELECTION OF RED ROSE DAIRY, BEEF, POULTRY, SWINE, HORSE AND PET FOOD NEEDS. iAGRICO —The Finest m Fertilizers Bag— Bulk , Spreader Service Available. AGRICULTURE CHEMICALS Aatrex Lasso Insecticides (Left to right) Sue Howes, Steve Kauffman, Robert Kauffman, Miriam Kauffman, Linda Lou, Hubert Miller and Linda Cornman, breeder of the champion cow. OXFORD, PA. • FEED and GRAIN • GRINDING and MIXING • ANIMAL HEALTH and FARM PRODUCTS • HORSE and PET SUPPLIES WEIGEL BROS. 245 Commerce Street 932-8763 A PROGRAM TO FIT EVERY FEEDING SITUATION DAIRY CLEANERS, SANITIZERS AND MEDICATION SUPPLIES FIELD SEEDS— Pioneer Northrop King & Beachly, Hardy Seed Corn. Complete Selection of Alfalfa Clover Grasses and Seed Oats. GRAIN BANKING and Custom Drying Service. For The Home Gardener Garden Seeds Fertilizer Peat Moss Sprays & Dusts. BROWN & REA, INC. ATGLEN, PA. 215-593-5149 vm ii - lift 7 EXCAVATING LOADER SERVICE TILING AND DITCHING mShoe service dump truck hauling GRADING FOUNDATION FOOTERS COMPLETE SEPTIC SYSTEM BINKLEY & HURST BROS. Phone 6264705 / Jjtl\ Lititz R 0.4, Pa Rothsville Station Road i. i SCHULD BULK FEED BINS and MECHANICAL FEEDING SYSTEMS From *“ 3 Ton - fesCHULO To IT" 125 Ton bi Capacity j*- 2 LOCALLY XV/TU MANUFACTURED n\ - A/>£sJ| • AVAILABLE " FOR DELIVERY M FROM LANDIS FARMSTEAD L±rl AUTOMATION V m y RD2, Milton, PA Phone 437-2375 FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE GIVE YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT RED ROSE DEALER A CALL! RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY Div. of Carnation 27 N. CHURCH ST. QUARRYVULE, PA. 786-7361 BUCK, PA. . 284-4464
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