—' "ATTmiON"" I ' 0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN OUR SUPPLIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE AT THE DAVID GOOD SALES, LEOLA Men's WORK SHOES BOOTS • RUBBERS and VITAMINS Black Mulching Plastic For Strawberries. Watermelons & Cantaloupes HIGH PRESSURE \u„ WASHER iiour own cleaning jobs fast Blasts dirt and grease away Farm mcnl Dairy Calf Barns RE OFFERING A PORTABLE UNIT 600 TO 700 PSI 3 GPM IER GUN. CHEMICAL INJECTOR pproximately the Same Price Yon Would Pay lor a Smaller Unit ’SI 2 GMP GIVE US A TRY BEFORE YOU BUY IHMERMAN’S Animal Health Supply I, Lilili, Pa 17543 FREE LICENSE TAGS When You Come Into Fulton Bank To Finance Your Car! In these-days of inflation, Fulton Bank's free license tag program can save you money! When you come into any Fulton Bank office and finance a 1975, '74 or 73 model car or station wagon—any make, any size, any price—Fulton will buy the license tags for the length of the loan. This offer ends May 15 —so don’t delay. Here’s what I —finance your car by coming into any Fulton Bank office and arranging for a low-cost auto loan. Here’s what Fulton does—send you a check to cover the cost of your 1975 license tags. Then Fulton continues to buy your tags for the length of the loan, providing all monthly payments are paid when due (Total number of years, in cluding 1975, not to exceed three). Hurry . . this offer ends May 15 Not to exceed $l4 per year for passenger cars or $l6 per year for station wagons QRilton SERVING LANCASTER AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES Store Phone 717 733 4466 Offer Ends May 15 r ou do- Paul F. Corpelsen, executive vice president, Ralston Bradley heads a committee of specialists developing M H A il u Purina Company, and a member of the National 4 H the visual and printed materials which are expected Service Committee (right) views slide for the new to deal with up to 75 topics Purina Horse Chows is * 9-30 p.m. - Vegetable 4-H hors* program educational series, as Dr Melvin underwriting the developmental costs.of the educa gardening meeting at the Bradley, project leader and extension horse special tional aids. Central Chester County ist. University of Missouri, Columbia, looks on Or. VO-tech School in East Lincoln Highway near Coatesville. Member F D I C Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 5,1975 Calendar (Continued Irom Pan 10) and moving to the Ag center at 8:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. - Eastern Lebanon County’s Welding School Elco High School. Friday, April 11 7:00 p.m. - Pa. Egg Marketing Association monthly meeting at the Sheraton-Conestoga in Saturday, April 12 10:00 - 12:00 noon Pa. Nut Growers meeting in the Grange Hall at Kutztown. Tuesday, April 15 7:45 p.m. - Ephrata Area Young Farmer’s Monthly meeting on soybeans in the Ephrata High School ag room. Wednesday, April 16 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. - Vegetable gardening meeting at the Pickering Valley School, Byers Rd., Eagle. Noah W. Wenger Wenger Is Appointed Pa. ASCS Chairman (Continued from Page 1] acre gneral farm in Lan caster County where he produces com, alfalfa and wheat. He also has 150 head of beef cattle and 12,000 laying hens. Wenger has been farming since 1958. He is a member of the Lan caster County Farmers Association, The Penn sylvania Poultry Federation, and the Pennsylvania Farmers Association where he has served on the Legislative Committee. He and his wife Barbara have three children, Nancy, Brenda and Pamela. ASCS is responsible for administering production adjustment, commodity loans, and conservation programs as assigned by the Secretary of Agriculture. Current programs include the Agricultural Con servation Program, Price Support Loans for farm gram commodities, the Crop Disaster Program, and Price Support Program on wool. The Pennsylvania State ASC Committee is responsible for ASCS policy and administration within the State. There are fifty seven county ASCS offices in 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers