RENTAL tUIPMEHT BACKHOES UNILOADERS SOIL COMPACTORS GARDEN TRACTORS PLOWS A BMKLEY& * BROS. Lititz RD4.PA Phone; 626-4705 CALL US FOR "OIM -THE-SPOT'* FARM TIRE SERVICE N-THE-FIELD! )N-THE-ROAD! )N-THE-FARM! fully equipped farm service k brings you fast on the spot REPAIRS REPLACEMENTS HYDRO ELATION VHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED IT Our trucks are radio dispatched for faster service when you need it! SWEIGART Formerly Sweigart Firestone 677 W. HIGH ST. PHONE 665-2258 MANHEIM, PA HOME 665-3603 CROPSTORE SYSTEM THE NEW Oxygen Limited Glass Lined Steel Cropstore 20 x 30 COMPLETE CROPSTORE UNIT, ERECTED WITH UIDIG JR. UNLOADER Only *12,560-°° Concrete 4 Backfill Not Included For Those Who Care Enough to Want the Very Best Representatives DANIEL K. FORRY RENE D. PFALZGRAF DONALD UPPERMAN Columbia, PA Lancaster, PA Chambersburg, PA 717-684-8780 717-393-2390 717-264-6007 PENN VALLEY CROPSTORE INC. Box 75 R.D.I Schwenksville, PA Phone 215-287-9650 287-7315 Automobile Service Tips _ jf- tne Rctucroc INTERRUPT THE MAGNETIC FT CLP OF THE P/CKUP COM ANP IFF PERMANENT MAGNET THESE INTERRUPTIONS ARE TRANSMUTE? FROM IFF PICKUP TO A CONTROL UNIT THERE PULSES SIGNAL A TRANSISTOR TO BREAK /HF LOtN VOLV&E SUaC/RCU/T ANP RELEASE H/ON VOLTAGE FROM tee COIL, yo the spark PLUGS. TIRE SERVICE mm P WITH POW-R-SWEEP AUGER! Unloads All Grains ... with High Moisture Content, Shelled corn, and Ground Ear corn ★ Easy to Operate ★ Durable and Dependable The Laidig Name has become w e I I ■ established as a manufacturer of one of the finest bottom unloaders in America • Complete Feedlot Planning to Feeding Programs Systems on the Farm Service Roskamp _ PATZ Roller-Blender Mill G “ tter Cleaners' Conveyors Material Movers - Feeders IP COIL. LECTRONIC IGNITION .<5 THE ItmiTiONAL ipkcpuclzvic me Announce... New 4-H Horse Program Aids “Ilt»isos have not been outstanding on limited intel ligence tests .illhong’ll they do complex things routinely when turned.*' s.iys Dr. Mel vin Dudley, aulhoi ol a new lesson. Practical Hoise Psy chology lor 4-11 inemheis. Protect leader .md exten sion hoise specialist at the University ol Missoun. Col iimbu. Dr. Dudley also points out thJt “hoises usual ly aie consideied to have memories second only to elephants. Thus a well-trained young horse nevei forgets Ins training.'* The lesson is one ot 10 iccently completed foi na tional distribution by a 4-H horse program committee ol state extension specialists. Development ot the lessons, including visual aids and a worksheet, is made possible by the support ot Purina Horse Chows, Ralston Purina Company, and the National 4-H Service Committee. Chi- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 5,1975 cago, is cooidmaling pioduc lion and dislnhulion ol the new aids, With plans lor the eventual development ol some 75 sepaule topics, the ciinently available lessons run the gamut ol young horse own eis' interests Individual les sons tieat-bieedmg. nding. health, salety. training, hoot care and horse shoeing. Assisting Di. Bradley in the development ol the edu cational aids ate leading ex tension horse specialists from across the nation. They in clude William Culbertson. Coloiado State University, hut Collins. Dr. S. W. Sabin. Cornell Univeisity. Ithaca. N.Y.. Gary Poller and B. F. Yeatcs. Texas A&M Universi ty. College Station,and Dixon Hubbard, U.S. Department ot Agriculture, Washington, D.C. These and other experts are sharing the authorship of the educational aids sponsored by Purina Horse Chows. BOTTOM GRAIN UNLOADER Accoidmg to liguies re leased by the Cooperative ex tension Service interest in hoises is expanding rapidly among 4-11 members, enroll ment in 173, the last avail able figures, approximated 326.000 membeis, a 10 per cent increase over 1072 And in the past live years, 4-H hoise piogum enrollment lias mcieascd a whopping 45 pei cent While the new educational mateiials have been develop ed toi youth, adult horse enthusiasts may Find them equally useful, say develop ment committee members. For information about local 4-H horse program activ ities and participation oppor tunities contact the county extension office Inqumes regarding the new educational aids may be directed to the National 4-H Service Commit tee. 150 N. Wacker Dr.. Chi cago. HI ,60606. Superstar Headlines (Continued from Page 26] composer), was honored as “Male Vocalist of the Year” and “Songwriter of the Year” three times. A Billboard Magazine poll recently named Bill as one of the “Three All-Time Greatest Country Music Songwriters.” With him will be country songstress Mary Lou Tur ner, formerly with the Wheeling Jamboree and rising fast in country music ratings. The show also features Jimmy Gately, who has been singing country and folk music since 1951 and is one of the circuit’s premiere singer - instrumentalists. Providing background and harmony for the stars will be “The Po’ Boys,” a quintet of musicians and singers who have also recently become recognized in country music circles as outstanding. The show at Miliersville will be the only appearance of the Bill Anderson group in this area. Advance tickets are priced at $3.50 (they will be $4.00 at the door). They are on slae at Camelot Music, Park City; Shenk Bros., Lancaster; Student Center, Miliersville State; and Turkey Hill Minit Markets at The Buck, Quarryville and Gap. ERTH-RITE SOIL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry ZOOK & RANCH, INC. RDl.Gap.Pa. 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 15
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