-Uncaster Farming. Saturday. March 29, 1975 66 Public Sales Register I Continued from h|i 651 Pennu. Guernsey Breeders' Assoc.. I’ 0. Box 458. Camp Mil). Pa. FBI. A PHI 1,4 •Pa Chester White Invitational Show and Sale to be held at the U'banon Area Fairgrounds. Lebanon. Pa. 1 miles South of Übanon. intersection of Cornwall and Evergreen Road. Show 5 P.M . Sale 7 .10 p.m. Sale sponsored by the Pennsylvania Chester White Association. FBI. APRIL 4 • 10:30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm equipment. Hay, Straw and cram to be held at Coble Farm. Route 441 at Mid dletown Area High School. Sale by Roy W. and Opal Coble; Dupes. Gerbench. !.ong. Auctioneers. FRI. APRIL 4 - 1 p.m. Winchester - Ist Spring Feeder Calf i Yearling Sale to be held at the Farmers Livestock Exchange. Inc located 11,I 1 , miles west of Winchester. Va on US. Route 50 FRI APRIL 4 - 11 a m Public Sale of Holstein Heifers and Farm Machinery located off Route 1 to Route* 41 At Chatham go East 1 mile Also at in tersection of 41 and 841 go East on East Grove Road. Terms by Elmer Young, J. Everett Kreider and Carl Oilier. Auctioneers SALE EVERY TUESDAY GRADED SALE Ist Tuesday each month 2PM HORSE AUCTION 2nd Saturday each month IPM I FAUQUIER I LIVESTOCK j EXCHANGE Marshall, VA 703 364 4861 PUBLIC MONDAY, MARCH 11:00 AM DAIRY CATTLE, FARM EQUIPMENT Located on the premises in the village of Bordnerstown, Lebanon County between IndiantownHap and Lickdale Turn South at Speck’s bar in the town of Bordnerstown to the first farm 20 Head Grade Holstein Dairy Cows Well-conditioned cows with good flesh in various stages of production. Some presently milking and some due to freshen by sale time. Cattle will have health charts and u ill be pregnancy examined. Plan to attend and purchase some of these cattle. l'»; d heifer 4 open heifers Corn-soi v im silage m a 10’ x 35’ silo, quantities of hay and . v 300 gal. Esco bulk tank 4 Surge pail units; S.S carrying pail; strainer, 80 gal elec hot water heater; John Wood 30 gal gas hot water heater, Int 4 can milk cooler Int and Surge vacuum pumps, and misc dairy items Farmall “H” Tractor Int 7 hay conditioner (like new), V 27 Int mounted mower, 2 bottom plow, 3 section spring harrow; plow beam; Int 8’ disc harrow; grasshead for JD har vester, and pull type 2 bottom plow Quaker oil heatrola; brooder stoves; antique egg boxes, berry boxes; peach baskets; large winch; milk cans; plus lots of misc. items too numerous to be mentioned Sale to be held because of the owner’s health Conditions by. PAUL HOUINGER Harry H. Bachman, Auctioneer Lunch by Trinity U M Church FBI APRIL 4 • 7:30 P.M. 1975 Feeder Cattle and Calf Sale at the South Branch Stockyards. Inc . Moorcficld, West Virginia. FBI APRIL4-6P.M. Public Sale at Gap Auction located off Route 41, Ijincastcr Ave. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Sale by Ira Stoltzfus and Son. Auctioneers. FBI. APRIL 4 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Valuable Modern Farm Machinery on the farm located 3 miles N. of Benton along Pa. Rt. 487, Col. Co. Sale by Matthew and Norma Raski and Alfonso ••Al” and Helen Raski, owners: Max Fraley and Son, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 A.M Wakefield Lions Club 2nd Annual Community Auction to be held at Fowl's Feed Mill along Rt 272. 17 miles South of 1 mile North of Wakefield. Pa To consign items call 786-2627 or 548-2803; J. Everett Kreider. Auctioneer SAT. APRIL 5 - 11 AM. Special Spring Consignment Sale of Equipment and Produce at the Victor Pirrung and Son Farm located 3E miles east of Wayland, N.Y. on Livingston County Road No 37. (Off N.Y. Rt. No. 21-245). Trucks, tractors, implements and produce to be sold Con signments welcome by prior arrangement. James P Pirrung and Victor J. Pirrung, Auctioneers and Sale Managers. Wayland, New York. Gerald A. Pirrung, Clerk, Ulysses, Penna. SAT APRIL 5-9 A.M Sharp Public Sale of Real Estate, Large Home with fireplace, Household Goods, Antiques, Collectibles and Steinway Baby Grand Piano located at Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa., just off Rt. 80. Sale for the Estate of John and Anna Lyle. John Autotore and Ronald Funk, Auctioneers. • • • •••••• #v« • * % • • ««••««« SALE 31,1975 SAT. APRIL 5 - 9:30 A.M. Public Sale of Modern Machinery, Feeder Cattle located in Mifflin Co., 1 1 mile west of Bt. 322 - Burnham Exit, Ist farm on the Ferguson Valley Rd. Sale by Wm. E. Shcaffcr, RDI, Pa.; Mark Click, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 and 12-Public Sale of Real Estate, An tiques, Household Goods and Garage Tools located 6 miles South of Strasburg West along Furnace Road in the Village of Georgetown off Rt. 8%. Sale by Amos J. Caskey: Lloyd H. Kreider. Auc tioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 - 12:00 Noon Public Auction of Farm Machinery located 8 miles east of Honey Brook, 1 j mile west of Guthnesville. on Route No. 322, Chester County, Pa. Sale by order of Frank Watters; Sale con- ROANOKE HOLLINS STOCKYARDS Ist SPRING FEEDER CATTLE SALE ROANOKE FEEDER CATTLE ASSOC. APRIL 10,1975 - 7 P.M. 1600 o 1800 HEAD STATE GRADED HEIFERS and STEERS 2nd SALE - APRIL 24th, 7 P.M. SALE HELD EVERY MONDAY 2 P.M. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE FARM MACHINERY 3 Tractors, 14 Bred Holstein Heifers, Sheep, Lambs, Produce, Small Tools On farm of the late Marlin Koch, 5 miles E of Benton. PA along Benton-Shickshmny Rt 239 Highway SATURDAY, APRIL 5,1975 Starting 10:30 A.M. Leyland Nuffield diesel tractor, WFE, 3 point hitch, 1430 tires, 1512 hours; Case 300 D tractor, WFE, 3 pt. hitch, good rubber; J.D. B tractor, power trol; J.D. 3- 14 3 pt. plows; Oliver 2-16” 3 pt. plows; J.D. 2 way plows; Oliver 20’ transport Harrow (very good); 9’ Transport Dbl. Disc; Ford 3 pt 7’ wide chisel cultivator; J.D 2-row cultivators; 5’ 3 pt. rotary mower; J D 7’ tractor mower; J D 40’ elevator; J D 8’ elev. drag; Case No. 95 spreader; 16’ - 14’ - 12’ wagons; 16’ dual wheel trailer, other trailers; Oliver No 5 one row picker 2 yrs old; J D side rake; Horn stalk cutter; cement mixer; 20’ grain elevator; IH 13-7 single disc drill on rubber; Ontario 11-7 hoe drill, 2 H P garden tractor with cultivator; J D crimper; PTO 3 pt. fert spreader; small 115 V DC generator; JD WFE; Metal miter box to saw, elec fencers, vises, small tools, etc. 30 tons ear corn, baled hay and straw, 300 bu oats Bee hive parts, bee smoker, grain cradle, R R lantern, other lanterns 14 NEB A (Bred) Grade Holstein Heifers due to freshen from latter April to Fall, mostly sired by Virgo Charmcross, Woodbine Ivanhoe Dandy. Health charts Several Ewes and I>ambs, bottle lambs, etc SALE BY: MRS. ELSIE I. KOCH Auct. - Max Fraley and Son 546-6631 Lunch ducted by Whitford Sales Company, L Robert Frame, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 a.m. Public Sale of Farm Implements, Household Goods and Some Antiques located along Bonview Drive, Denver, Pa., I,an caster Co., Pa. (near Swimming Pool). Terms by Doro Stuber, executrix of the John Stuber Estate; H. H. Lcid, Auction Service, Eaby and Eaby, Attys. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Good Used Machinery and Beef Type Cattle at the Dale Shields Residence, 1 mile west of Jersey Shore on Route 44- turn right at Pine Creek Exit. Sale by Mr. St Mrs. Dale Shields, owners; Si Pepperman, Auctioneer. SAT APRIL 5 - 11 A.M. Pa. Angus Association Spring Sale (50 Head of Registered on Conwlss'ion located 4 Angus Cattle will be sold) miles West of Mnnheim, Ideated 8 miles East of I .uncaster Co., Pa. Hershey on lU. «2. near Annvillc. Old Mlllardcn sat. APRIL 5 • 12 Noon Farm. Complete Dispersal of 46 'id ' 'glstr Polled SAT. APRIL 5 • 10 A.M. Complete Dispersal of 90 Beef Cattle and Farm Machinery located at the farm on the West Warren to Nichols Road No. LR 699, 8 miles South of Nichols, N. V., 8 miles North of Fcßaysville, Pa. and 4 miles East of Rt. 187. Sale by Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kolaga, RD2, Nichols, N. Y. Watson J. Dayton, Auctioneer. SAT. APRIL 5-9:30 A.M. C. H. Wolgemuth & Sons An nual AH Day Equip. Sale, Tractors, Farm Equip. Sold FAMKRSVLLE AUCTION nisMV now. am i, ins 6:00 P.M. In Farmersville, 3mi east ol Brownslown, Lane Co PA Thejollowing new items Bookcase and cherry bedroom suites, boxspnngs and mattresses, wooden-arm sofa bed with B F Goodrich vinyl armless sofa-bed, platform rocker, lamps, dry sink Used Blonde bookcase bedroom suite, single bed complete. Duo-Therm space heater Thomas elec organ New Perfection kerosene stove, wood chest, dressers, refrigerator, cedar wardrobe, depression glass. Serta firm mattress, gooseneck platform rocker, roll-away cot. table lots. etc. etc We sell on commission at 20 percent Terms by; Call 354-5095 - JoHll i. Rutt CONSIGNMENTS ARE NOW BEING TAKEN FOR OUR APRIL 29 ANTIQUE SALE Next Sale April 15, 1975 SHORT NOTICE JESSE GARDNER REGISTERED and GRADE DISPERSAL SALE IHMSMY, APR*. 10,1975 AT 12:00 NOON Sale to be held on the Farm Take Rt 187 north ol Rome, Bradford Co , 16 miles east of Towanda and 16 miles Southeast of Sayre, Pa 16 miles South of Owego, New York, along Battle Creek Rd Follow Sale arrow Due to the lack of adequate help, the following well bred, long established herd will be sold at public auction HOLSTEINS^^pEJf THIS HIGH PRODUCING HERD^*^ CONSISTS OF 63 HEAD OF MATURE COWS Well Uddered with Size and Style, many of which are bred back and milking like a Fresh Cow plus many Fall Cows are due May, June, July, August and Sept. 16 BRED HEIFERS, due June, July, August and Sep tember plus 17 OPEN HEIFERS with good size and type. Approximately 20 King Pin daughters and grand daughters; plus such top sires as Ivanhoe Dinah Charm, Kmgsted Ivanhoe and selling Rockman. This herd is on DHIA and are all certified and accredited and tested for interstate. Calves and Heifers are all vaccinated This top herd is the result of well planned breeding and has proven to be one of the top herds in Bradford County with a herd average of 15,602 lbs. milk - 602 lbs fat with 3 9 percent test Many cows milking from 16,000 to 22,000 lbs. in 305 days If in need of top foundation cows or milking replacements for your dairy, don’t miss this sale. All cows and bred heifers are pregnancy checked. Auct Note This extraordinary dairy dispersal is worth your time to attend. Sale Under Tent Sale at 12 00 Noon Terms by JESSE GARDNER (717) 247-7732 Randal V Kline, Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneers 717-626-4975 Carl Oilier, Pedigrees Lunch Available HcBl Registered i'ollcc Herefords and Machinery and Equipment at Mlllcrton, Pa.. Tioga Co., 10 miles West of Elmira, N. Y., 17 miles Northeast of Mansfield, Pa. Sale by Robert and Jcraldlne Wilcox, owners; Victor Kent, Auctioneers; D. 0. Rock well, Sale Manager. SAT. APRIL 5 - Feeder Pig Sale 600 Head. East Earl Twp., tancasterCo. Sale No. 1 at 1 P.M. 250 Head by Paul M. Zclset, Sale No. 2-2 P.M. 350 Head by John J. Zciset, Elton Horning, Auctioneer. | Continued on Page 671
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