•••••*•••••*•*•••**••*****•-»***mm Public Sales Register SEM-HMHI OPEN CLASS FAT STEER SHOW & SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1975 NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. FOUR Phone: 354-4341 CLASSE? mnrcn ALL CATTLE CL AnBUS S JUD . GE ° FEEDERS Hereford SO & LD Mupri Breeds . , .Judging -10AM Mixed Breeds In Lots of 6 Sale-3PM 26 Trophies Awarded To Seilers & Buyers Entries may be registered with Abe Diffenbach, Manager SPECIAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT SALE OF FARMER OWNED EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 5, Sal; to be held at the Pirrung Farm located on Livingston Co Road #37, oft RTS 21 245 between Wayland and North Cohocton A partial listing of consignments from throughout New York and Pennsylvania include: DOZERS CRAWLERS Cat. “D-2” w-angle blade and new rails, A-l cond.!! 1959 Oliver “OC-15” 6 cyl Diesel Dozer w-rear wench' Terra-trac crawler w-blade' 1964 Ford 4000 w-Selecto-speed! J.D No. 60 w-wide front, 3 pt. hitch, good rubber and cultivators, A-l cond! I.H. No 300 Utility Tractor w-loader. A-l! 2 - Ford “9*N” tractors, 1 w-rear dirt scoop Ford “8-N” w-Sherman Trans. I.H. Super “M”, WFE, Live Hyd and Fire Crater Kit' I.H “H” w-loader, new tires, and Fire Crater Kit! AC “WD” Tractor, Tractor. 1969 I.H No 1800 Full 10 Wheeler, Twin Screw, 5 Speed Trans., w-4 Speed Aux ' 1965 Ford F-750 10 Wheeler w-5 Speed Trans. REO 6x6 Army Truck 1967 I.H Scout 4 wheel drive. Ford F-6001 T w-14ft.body and hoist. 1962 I H. 190 w-hoist. I H. KB-6 Stake Body I.H. K. 8.-7 Water Tanker. 1955 Ford Pick-up Dodge Stake Body w-hoist HAYING EQUIPMENT ABSOLUTELY BRAND NEW Hesston No 5600 Round Baler, 1500 lb bale output, the only piece of dealer owned equipment in the sale' J D 14-T baler, New Holland “Super 66” Baler; Hesston PTO, No 10 Windrower; A.C No. 829 Haybme; Case Hay Elevator, J.D. Hay Conditioner; I H 7 ft Tractor Mower, 2 bale loader GENERAL EQUIPMENT & IMPLEMENTS Nearly New Kasten 3 beater forage wagon w-heavj duty running gear and 14 ft box' Lamco Feeder Wagon. Haines Stone Picker w-hopper, used on only 10 acres'' J D Rock Windrower, I H 10 ft Mobile Disc, 5 ft. Rotary Mower, Ford Bean Pullers; New Holland Feed Mixer-Grinder on Wheels w-unloadmg auger, Ford 2-row cultivators w-fert. attachment, 3 pt. hitch New Idea No. 323 1-row corn picker; Stone 16 ft Bulk Fertilizer Body w-hyd. drive; Horn No 500 Manure Loader for wide or narrow front tractor; Haines Bag Elevator; Easy-FlO lime sower; J D Heavy duty disc harrow, Several sets of plows, 2-5 bottom. MISCELLANEOUS Levy hyd. front wheel drive for J D 4020, complete' Hobart Arc Welder-Generator w-Wisconsm Motor, Kellogg American 5 H P. air compressor, 3 P H ; Clay “BARN BOY” Electric Feed Cart, Model EFCSB, used only 1 year 1 7 Clay Ind. Calf Stalls; 2 Good Chain Saws; Olds “88” 2 door auto.; 1966 4-door Comet Sedan; etc App. 200 Bales of Good Hay; Quantity of Timothy Seed. Please Note We feel that we have put together a large sale of equipment that is in demand The equipment is good and we urge your participation in the sale either as a buyer or seller' ALL EQUIPMENT IS TO BE SIGNED IN BY 5-00 P M WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 TERMS- CASH OR GOOD PERSONAL CHECK DAY OF SALE! LUNCH AVAILABLE' LATE CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME TIL WED NESDAY, APRIL 2nd. SALE MANAGED BY VICTOR PIRRUNG and SON, WAYLAND, NY 716-728-2520 11:00 A.M. WAYLAND, NY TRACTORS: TRUGKS PRODUCE (Continued from Page 661 SAT APRIL 5 - 12 Noon Auction of all Tillage, Planting and Harvesting Tools at the Huge D & L Farms Farm Equipment Auction located 7 miles from Penn Van, NY off Rte. 14A, or off Rte. 364 on Havens and Voak Rds., 20 miles from Bath, NY. Sale D & L Farms, owners. Sale managed by Rumsey Sales, Bath, NY. SAT. APRIL 5 - 11:30 A.M Marlu Farms "2 In 1” Sale to be held at the Charles C Myers Black & White Farm located just east of Lan caster, Pa. Exit off Rte. 283 just west of I Lancaster at Flory’s Mill exit and follow around mill to farm Sale by Marlu Farms, Maurice Poliak, owner, Lmcroft, N. J. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers, Mexico, N. Y. SAT. APKIL 5 - 10:30 A.M Public Sale of Valuable Farm Machinery, 3 Trac tors, 14 Bred Holstein Heifers, Sheep, Lambs, Produce, Small Tools on the farm of the late Marlin Koch, 2 For Further Information contact • • ORANGE LIVESTOCK MARKET, Orange VA (703) 672 4688 • J HAYWOOD DARNELL. Barboursville VA (703) 832 3950 • • LEO OWNBY - (804) 231 0818 • «••••••••••••••••••••• MH 44-6 (Farm Sold) LOCATION Millerton, Pa . Tioga Co 10 miles West ot Elmira, N Y *l7 miles Northeast of Mansfield Pa 26 Brood Cows and Heifers (10 Fresh Now -16 due b\ June 15, 75), 6-1 year old Heifers, 9 - Started Heifer Calves, 5 - Registered Bulls (2 Breeding Age, 3- 1 yr old) Service Sire - RHF Rolette Mac, Sire’s Sire - FLF Advance 3 (Reserve Grand Champion of Pa 65 1 Interstate Tested - Charts Sale Day MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 4 Tractors - J D 440 Log Skidder, Int WlB Log Loader w-Bucket and Forks, A.C WD4S Diesel, A C WD Gas Tractor; N H Baler w-bale thrower; 2 N I Mowers; A C Mower; Rake; 3 Hay Wagons w-flat beds; N.I spreader; A C 60 PTO Combine; 2 Sets A.C 3 bottom plows; 2, 3 section Drags; 1 Farm Trailer; Hay Elevator; Hammer Mill, Snow Plow for WD4S; Corn Crib; Breaking Cart; Creep Feeder; 3 Metal Gates; Cast Iron Roller; Gasoline Engine w-electnc starter; Buzz Saw; 1 Wood and 1 Metal Watering Trough; 4 Overhead Doors, 150,000 BCT Master Heater; Wagon Seats; Single and Double Harnesses; 5 bales Baler Twine; Grass Seed; Combination Gas and Wood Stove; Show Case and Halters; Locust Fence Posts; and many other items sell at this auction. 1967 Dodge - 2 Ton Log Truck, 1957 Ford -I I .* Ton Log Truck (Both m Good Condition) ANTIQUE Auctioneer - VICTOR KENT Clerk - JEFF WARNER Sale Manager - D. O. ROCKWELL Troy, Pa - Phone 717-297-3460 Orange Livestock Market, Inc. WED., APRIL 2nd - 3:00 P.M. ALL WEIGHTS & ALL KINDS No Special Requirements ROBERT AND JERALDINE WILCOX COMPLETE DISPERSAL SATURDAY, at 12 o’clock 46 HEAD REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORDS 46 DOMINO BLOODLINES 1 Democrat Wagon, Excellent Condition TERMS Cash or Good Check Sale Day Owners - ROBERT & JERALDINE WILCOX 0 miles K of Benton, Pa. along Benton-Shickshmny lit. 2:)9 Highway. Sale by Mrs. Elsie I. Koch, owner; Max Fraley and Son. Auc tioneer. SAT. APRIL 5- 9:30 A.M Public Sale of Feeder Cattle, Machinery, Butcher Tools, Household Goods located 4 mi. South East of Carlisle, 1 j mi. South of Rt. 74, 3 i mile North of Allenberry. Sale by Robert B. and Robert C Noss, RD6, Box 482, Carlisle, PA 17013, Gibble and Foreman, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Goods for H & L Farms. Location - On the Wmdcrest Road, Marlboro, NJ. From PA come over PA Turnpike Bridge, get off at Exit 7 at New Jersey Turnpike go south on Rt. 206 to Rt. 537, follow 537 all the way to Freehold, NJ. Pickup Rt. 79 and follow sale arrows from there. Donald A. Worrell, Sr , Auctioneer, Mount Holly, NJ. SPECIAL SPRING SALE APRIL 5, TRUCKS SAT. APRIL 5 ■ I:BO P.M. Feeder Pig Sale bv Norman M. Martin, Rl, Myerstown. Pa. located (i miles North of Myerstown along lit 501. SAT. APRIL 5 - 12;.'10 Penn National Red 4 White Holstein Sale at the Farm Show Building. Harrisburg, Penna. SAT. APRIL 5 - 10.30 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Misc. Items located along Kagey Road between Trappe and Graterford, Perkiomen Twp., Montg. Co. From Trappe (Route 422) go North on 7th Ave. to Kegey Road, first farm on left. Conditions by Perkiomen Farms; Nelson C. Weidcnbaugh, Auctioneer TUES APRILS -11:45 Noon Raymond B Leaman Public Sale of New Machinery, 1974 Machinery, 1973 Machinery, Used Combines, Used Tractors and Used Equip ment location - Take Rt. 222 to Refton, midway between and Quarryville (take Brenneman Road North at Graybill Bros. PUBLIC AUCTION (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) FRIDAY, APRIL 18,1975 AT 9:30 A.M. 50 Farm Tractors, 200 Pieces of Farm Equipment, 50 Pieces of Industrial Equipment. Excellent Selection. Dealers & Farmers: You are urged to bring any consignments you might have to our sale and you are also welcome as a buyer. Sale Held Ram or Shme. Make your arrangements now to come to our sale - you will be glad you did. Refreshments on Sale Site. Sale conducted by and located at* WENGER'S FARM MACHINERY INC. South Race St, Myerstown, PA 17067 Phone 717 866 2138 days or 717 866-7147 nights Just off Route 422 and Route 501 in Myerstown Sales Manager, Auctioneers, Lloyd Wenger Blaine Rentzel Paul Z. Martin 1975 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1975 AT 10 A.M. Located at the Old Dover Feed and Hardware Building on Park Street in Dover, PA, off Route 74 8N Ford; 3000 Ford; 5000 Ford; H Farmall; Pony Massey Hams; Int. Cub Lowßoy w-mower; Ferguson 20; homemade tractor w-Wisconsin engine & mower; Lowßoy trailer; used steam jenny. New Int Model 128; Int. Model 129 w-mower; Int 70, Int. Model 72; Int. Cadet; Int. 123 w-mower; Int. 125 w mower; Int. 147 w-mower; New Ford Models 70 and 100; Ford Model 85 w-mower; Bolen w-mower, wheel horse w-mower, 10 h.p.; J D. tractor Model 112 w mower & blade; Moto Mower; Case w-mower; Sears w-cultivator; A.C Model 812 w-mower, and various mowers Walk-behind snowblower; walk-behind hand-tiller. McCullough chain saw Model 1010; misc chain saws, snowmobiles, Yamaha and Moto Ski; Honda motor cycle 160, and misc items too numerous to mention Sale b v Straley Farm Supply Inc. 1760 East Canal Road Dover, PA 17315 Phone 717-292-4443 Terms Cash or Prior Sale Day Credit Approval Auctioneer Blame N Rentzel Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 29.1975- Garagei Terms and Con ditions by Raymond I-caman H. Rentzel, Auctioneer. TUBS. APRIL 8 - 10 A.M. Dispersal Sale, Farm Equipment, Dairy Herd, Feeds located 10 mile North of Gettysburg on Old U.S. Kt 15, or 1 mi. North of Hcidlcrsbcrg, Turn West two mile on Rock Chapel Road to sale Sale by Harold Man sberger, owner; Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auctioneer. WED. APRIL 9 - 10 A.M. Public Auction (Con signments Welcome) 50 Farm Tractors, 150 Pieces of Farm Equipment and some industrial equipment by York Co. Farm Si Industrial Equipment Co., Inc., Exit 10 or 11 off 1-83 4 miles North of York, Penna. on Route 181, Emigsville, Penna. Blame N. Rentzel, Earl Mohr and J Larry Hollmger, Auc tioneers, and managers. THURS. EVE APRIL 10 - 7.30 P.M. Public Sale of Machinery, Feeder Cattle, and Grain located along Rt. 103, approx. 13 miles South West of Lewistown, Mifflin '(Continued on Page 68; 67
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