IN NEW JERSEY AND EASTERN PENNA. FOR DARI KOOL SALES and SERVICE HOCKENBURY ELECTRIC RDI, RINGOES, NJ 201-782-5950 Answering Service Same Number. Used 515 gallon Sunset Vacuum Tank without compressor Used 600 gallon John Wood Ice THIS TWO LEVEL THERMOMETER BELONGS IN YOU FARROWING HOUSE Chilling can really hold pigs back In many farrowing houses, the tem perature at piglet level can be a good 15 degrees colder than you feel at eye level This chilling difference can trigger a break of pneumonia That’s why many good managers use Tylan® Plus Sulfa in their starter feeds, to control pneumonia. When pneumonia strikes feeder pigs or hogs of any age use feed containing Tylan® Plus Sulfa to control pneumonia caused by Pasteurella multocida or Corynebactenum pyogenes Tylan® registered trade mark Blanco Products Co For details on how to receive a contact YOUR FEED SUPPLIER Bankers Look At New Liquid Manure System IT'S LICENSED heard from William La Cour, a planning analyst with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources solid waste division. La Cour explained some of the problems farmers will be facing from tighter en vironmental controls in the next few years. Although Pennsylvania law requires permits for handlers of solid waste, La Cour said farmers are specifically exempted from the permit requirement. He did say, though, that farmers may have to develop plans for the disposal of animal waste, and that these plans would have to incorporate methods of controlling runoff, odors, and flies. The department, La Cour said, is trying to keep from interfering with normal farm operations. “We’re working very hard now to try and define exactly what is a ‘normal’ farm operation,” he commented. “An average dairy farm or beef operation would certainly be con sidered normal. A large feedlot might not be con- Free Hog Comfort Zone Thermometer serviced by New Holland Supply Co. I For more information on Tylan® Plus Sulfa j I mail this coupon to • Tylan® Plus Sulfa FOB 184 New Holland, PA 17557 NAME I ADDRESS ; MY FEED SUPPLIER IS I Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 1,1975 A group of bankers looks over the Slurry Store installation on the Myers Brothers farm in Penn Township, Lancaster County, during a special tour for bankers on Thursday af ternoon. The installation, erected by A. O. Smith Harvestore, is the first of its kind in the East. sidered normal, and they might need a permit to operate. “DER is trying to stress recycling in all areas of solid waste, including animal wastes. There are 20 million tons of animal wastes produced every year in Pennsylvania, so we could have a problem. We’d like to see manure kept until the ground isn’t frozen. We’d like to see manure applied to the soil at a rate that does not exceed the soil’s capacity to hold water and nitrogen. “Traditional methods for spreading manure are going to work fine as long as they don’t conflict with en vironmental considerations. At DER, we’ve worked out some general guidelines for spreading manure. Spread evenly and at the proper rate; subsurface injection may be necessary sometimes. Don’t spread on land with more than a 25- percent slope. Don’t spread on snow-covered or frozen ground, or within 100 feet of a well or stream. Don’t spread in the areas of sinkholes. And store manure so runoff and drainage don’t discharge into surface waters.” Frank Possessky, sales supervisor for Penn-Jersey Harvestore, told the bankers that the Slurrystore could eliminate some of the FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K. Fisher) SANDBLASTING and SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop 667 Harfm * OJ Residence - 2322 Old PhiUn,. Lancaster, Penna For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 problems La Cour referred to. “And with nitrogen selling for 30-cents a pound,” he added, “manure becomes more and more valuable all the tune as a fertilizer. This king of liquid system can help to preserve that fer tilizer value.” Carl Brown, manager of the Lancaster office of Production Credit Association, told his banking comrades why they financed the project. “We’ve got clients out there just as you have,” Brown said, “and there may come a time when livestock farmers will need more sophisticated manure handling equipment if they want to stay in business. I know manure storage doesn’t relate to dollars right away. But a farmer who’s operating a big dairy farm, for example, might be forced to shut down some day if he doesn’t have the equipment to dispose of his manure in a way that meets legal requirements.” AIRCRAFT FUEL Aircraft presently account for nearly eight percent of the total petroleum consumption in the United States Demand for jet fuels is increasing with the growth of air transportation Present commercial jet engine fuels are grades of kerosene tailored to air transport industry specifications 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers