Arctic Gas to Spend On Pipeline Studies AllSfnn url d! n he P*?® ll "® Project in president, Robert W. Ward. r?mn.nJ P ? 1™ 1975 ’ brin 8 in 8 the total in- Arctic Gas has filed with mS?n In $3 ? v p st f, d b y Arctic Ga » in the U.S. and Canadian Ihi fi^n 'o aV of P l P eli ne project to nearly authorities for permits to the firm s proposed Alaskan- $lOO million, according to its construct a 2600-mile, large- DO YOU NEED USED PARTS FOR FARM TRACTORS and FARM MACHINERY CALL HARRY STOHLER AT WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY South Race St. Myerstown Pa. Ph .717-866-2138 Now, <|t far less than you'd pay for an ordinary structure, you can give your pigs the royal treatment they survive and thrive on The new STARCRAFT Pig Castle 'gets your pigs indoors under controlled conditions where you can save more of them and also save feed and labor by getting them to market faster The STARCRAFT Pig Castle can easily pay for itself in saved pigs, saved labor and saved feed And what you get in the is a big boost in your morale Because while you’re improving your pigs' living environment, you're also improving your own working environment Your STARCRAFT Pig Castle nursery building will be delivered to you ready ’o use When it's delivered by flat-bed truck it s placed in any convenient location you choose All you do is provide a crushed rock base, or preferably a 4-inch See Our Calf Castle on Display of: 1 > STAHCFtART agri Pflooucra o/x//S7O/v s 3fl Million This Year SSRSMBf t ' --L ... a factory-built that lets you cut pig raising costs concrete slab then hook it up to water and electricity and turn in the pigs It comes complete with slotted floors, manure pit, ventilation system (that pulls air over the tops of animals, down thru the pit, and out, for virtually odor-free conditions), choice of LP Gas or electric heater, feeders, waterers, wash able interior walls of Fiberglas® real redwood exterior walls, full insulation, and lots of other features Heres the pig raising system that can make the job almost a pleasure' c or complete and speedy details, use the coupon No obligation, of course I. M. HERR mm, INC. R.D.I, Willow Street SSCALGARY ( / SAN francisco; IDS ANGELES' diameter pipeline to bring prolific natural gas reserves at Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and Canada’s Mackenzie River Delta area to major market areas throughout both countries. “We will be spending nearly $l6 million to further 717-464-3321 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 1,1975 ARCTIC GAS PIPELINE with proposed and existing systems owned or serviced by participating firms f LEGEND , ARCTIC GAS SYSTEM I proposed companion systems existing systems j our studies on engineering and construction,” Ward noted, .“with an additional $2.5 million to go to further environmental and socio economic studies.” Ward said engineering monies will go to complete work on applications before federal authorities, further documentation on previously performed work as well as geotechnical studies, a pre construction engineering program and final site locations within the pipeline route. “Our efforts in the con struction area will include detailed construction schedules and cost estimates, plus pipeline construction planning and final documents for federal authorities,” Ward added. Ward, in noting New York state officials have ordered several utilities to stop ac cepting new gas customers because of gas shortages, said the $5.6 billion Arctic Gas Pipeline has a planned carrying capacity of at least 4.5 billion cubic feet per day without expansion. He also discussed a 1600- mile companion pipeline proposed by six Arctic Gas supporting members called Northern Border Pipeline. The pipeline would meet the Arctic Gas line at the Canadian border in Montana and run east into Penn sylvania, distributing gas as it moved eastward. Other pipelines would take gas from the Arctic Gas line and move it from the Idaho- Canadian border to the western states. “The Arctic Gas system would cost hundreds of millions of dollars less an nually and use 75 percent less fuel in transportation than an alternate proposal,” Ward said, “thus offering the most efficient, economical, and direct means of tran sporting the maximum amount of Alaskan gas to U.S. consumers throughout the nation.” ONIONS The average American eats about 13 pounds of onions a year Ancient Egyptians took sacred oaths with their right hand resting on an onion The bulbous onion and its many relatives belong to the lily family Onions were grown by early colonists 17
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