—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 1. 1975 16 Horse Population Increasing A record eight million horses inhabit this country according to estimates from the American Horse Council in Washington, D. C., and the number Is Increasing rapidly. P L ROHRER & BRO., INC. The horse population has more than doubled since 1960, In fact, there are more horses now in the United States than before the birth of the automobile, when horses were used as a primary source of tran sportation and power. Again from American Horse Council estimates, equine events drew over 105 million spectators in 1973. And in a 1970 survey, sixty percent of all horse-owning families made less than $9OOO annual income. Why the sudden interest? Part of the growth is ex plained in an announcement from the U. S. Extension Service, which administers the nations 4-H program. At the end of 1974, 320,767 4-H members were enrolled in horse projects, compared to 160,846 in beef cattle and 106,526 in swine. This compares to 30,000 horse projects 15 years earlier. But that’s only part of the increase. The 12 largest breed organizations recorded 36 percent more horses in 1973 than in 1960. Don Jones, Executive Secretary of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), the world’s largest and fastest growing equine registry, explains the growth in this way. “Many people are searching for sources of recreation, an ‘escape’ from the everyday routine, or perhaps a new business venture. Our society has a great deal of affluence and leisure time to offer the individual, and, likewise he desires to get away from the hustle and bustle of the modem, mechanized world. This outlet, more than ever before we are pleased to say, is becoming the horse.” Growth in the American Quarter Horse Association is exemplary of all breeds of horses. AQHA year-end figures illustrate the phenomenon. On November 8, 1974, the AQHA officially registered one million American Quarter Horses, which is quite a feat for an association only 34 years old. The AQHA closed out the year with 1,038,559 horses recorded in the Stud Book, registering 76,559 new animals in 1974 alone at the headquarters office in Amarillo, Texas. Transfer of ownership, considered as the barometer of any industry, also reached a new high in 1974, with 153,230 American Quarter Horses changing hands. A total of 51 foreign countries have imported the American Quarter Horse, but a large percentage of them are being purchased by people in the upper midwest and along the Eastern seaboard. Thus, the American Quarter Horse is returning once again to the place of his origin. For it was in the early 1600’s, in the Carolina and Virginia colonies, that settlers developed this animal, by crossing horses brought from England with those left in America by the Spanish Explorers. These animals, known as “Quarter Fathers” were raced against each (Continued on Page 25| Order your new bulk tank by April 30, 1975... We’ll send you up Cash on the line. It’s this simple See your Bou-Matic dealer between February 15 and April 30, 1975, and get his best price on a brand new direct expansion bulk milk tank When your tank is delivered, send us the verification form We'll send you our check for up to $lOO, depending on the size lank you buy (See Cooler-Cash Savings chart) Best of all, these savings are on brand naw 1975 modal tanka. That means they're loaded with many new features that make these proven, professional-quality tanks even more reliable than ever You'll be saving right off the top, while you get the milk cooling, storage and protection you can really depend on , So, discuss with your Bou-Matic dealer the size that is right for your operation, while you can still take advantage of this special Bou-Matic offer Cash on the line COLEBROOK ROAD gr^jsive with a new combination of Power-Packed Ingredients • GRAIN DISTILLERS SOLUBLES • AMMONIUM POLYPHOSPHATE • CONDENSED FERMENTED CORN EXTRACTIVE Get "Lucky”-Go Liquid! PARTS SALES SERVICE CARL L. SHIRK RDS, LEBANON, PA TRY A CLASSIFIED AD FORTIFIED So what????' Recent College Research Showed +12.8% Weight Gains! + 5% Feed Efficiency! Both Benefits at No Extra Cost in Hoi-Mix m Z. MARTIN New Holland RDI Phone 717-354-5848 v Right whan you naad it moil: Bou-Matic Cooler-Cash Savings* WHEN YOU BUY WE LL SEND YOU 2,000 ] 1,500 I gallon tank 1,200 j 800-1,000 gallon tank 450*600 gallon tank * ow>f »*»« fcilwMn Fakruary 15 art* 3O r <\> V V *lOO * 75 S 50 PHONE 274-1436
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