58—UncaitT Farming. Saturday, Feb. 22. 1975 Public Sales Register (Continued from Page 571 FRI. FEB. 28 - 1:30 P.M. State Graded Pig Sale at the Westminster Livestock Auction, Westminster, Md. FRI. FEB. 28-Public Sale of Farm and Dairy Equipment located Just mile North East of Strasburg. Sale by Stanley Groff. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. FRI. FEB. 28 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Equipment,' Irrigation System, Trucks, Potato Equip., Bam located approx. IS mi. northwest of Allen town, Pa. along blacktop road between Lynnville and New Tripoli, Lynn Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa. Sale by Philip Snyder; Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Sale conductor. PUBLIC THURSDAY, Starting Time 9:OO A.M. To be held at the Richard L. Herman residence, located 3 miles south of Lewisburg and first farm west of Intersection of Furnace Road and Stine Lane, Union County. FARM MACHINERY Farmall 826 Diesel Tractor with 1316 hrs.; I-H semi mtd. 5-16 trip bottom plow with coulter and cover boards; A.C. Dl7 Tractor, motor recently overhauled; I-H No. 80 pull-type combine, p.t.o. drive and grain bin; I-H 1150 mixer grinder; I-H No. 1 PR 1-row corn picker; I-H No. 990 mower conditioner with hyd. cyl. and hoses; J.D. 2-row trailing com planter; J.D. 13-7 hoe grain drill on rubber; I-H No. 350 10 ft. transport disc harrow; 12 ft. 3-section spring tooth harrow; 11 ft. Chattanooga single cultipacker with 17 in. packers; 6 wheel Lely wheel rake; I-H No. 37 baler with bale thrower with hyd. hillside control; Brillion hay con ditioner; I-H No. 100 balanced head trailing 7 ft. mower with conditioner hitch; J.D. hay fluffer; Shultz 6 ft. direct throw flail chopper; 2 McCurdy gravity grain box on wagon gear; I-H No. 155, 2 beater manure spreader; 2-row rotary hoe, pull type; 12 ft. weeder; I- H 2 pt. 8 ft. grader blade; 32 ft. Mayrath elevator with motor, bale and grain; 16 ft. belt utility elevator with motor; Papec forage harvester, p.t.o. drive; A.C. forage blower with belt table with 40 ft. pipe; N.I. gear with 8 x 16 forage or bale bed with false end gate; Grove gear with 18 x 16 forage or bale bed with false end gate; N.H. No. 15 wagon with 8 x 18 forage or bale bed with false end gate; electric unloading unit; hydraulic cylinder with hoses; David Bradley wagon with feeder rack; metal feed cart; blacksmith forge; coal chick brooder; 5 gal. cans; 55 gal. steel drums; pump jack; plus other farm items. Farm Machinery In Excellent Condition 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN DAIRY HERD 34 Registered -16 High Grade Featuring such sires as Elevation, Kingpin, Lucky, Transmitter; Gent; Kingstead Ivanhoe; Charmcross; Crocker and others. This is a very fine hejd of home-grown Holsteins with good body size, proven production with records to 21,467 milk. Present herd test if 3.8 D.H.I.A. projection is 6 to produce 600 fat. This herd consists of 27 milk cows, 1 heifer due by sale time; 3 bred heifers, 19 from 3 mo. to breeding age. These animals are all calfhood vaccinated and T.B. and Bangs accredited. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Girton stainless steel 400 gal. bulk tank; 40 gal. G.E. water heater; double stainless wash vats; stainless steel strainer; 2 stainless steel pails with lids; 3 Surge milker units; No. SPII Surge vacuum milker pump; Sunbeam model 510 A cow clipper. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Double bed stead; wooden crib; egg basket; bassinet; -picture frames; plus other items. ANTIQUES Jelly cupboard; wooden table with shelves; 2 treadle sewing machines; apple butter stirrer; sauer kraut stomper; coal oil lantern; sad iron; earthern jugs from 1 gal. to 5 gal.; crocks, com dryer; butcher kettles; milk cans. Sale Order: - Household, Machinery, Cattle Terms-Cash Lunch Stand MR. RICHARD L. HERMAN, Owner Lewisburg, Pa. RDI HASH & HESS, Auctioneers FRI. FEB. 28 -1 P.M. Dairy Auction located at Sherman. Pa.. 12 miles north of Shenawken, Pa. Take Strarrucca to Shehawken Road or 5 miles off N. Y. Rte. 17 at exit 82 (McClure). Follow road to Guestward - Ho Campsites. Look for Beavan Auction arrows. Sale bv Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, owners; James R. Beavan, Auctioneer and Sale Mgr. FRI. FEB. 28-10 a.m. Public Sale of 70 Head of Livestock and Farm Equipment located on Belmont Rd. between Rt. 340 and Rt. 30 approx. 11 miles East of Lancaster, Pa. Sale by Elam R. Petersheim; Wilbur Hosier and Larry Martin, Auctioneer. SAT. MARCH 1 and MARC] CLIP ond SAVE SALE 27, 1975 FEB. 8-10 A.M. Each Day Public Auction Two Day Sale Going out of Antique Business everything must go in cluding Real Estate used as antique shop at 2 South Main Street in Stewartstown, York Co.. Pa. David W. Shrodes and James Sizemore, Auctioneers. Phil Deller, Owner, SAT. MARCH 1-10:30 A.M. - Early Spring Auction of Farm Tractors and Machinery, to be held at the Visscher Farm, New York Route 282, 1 mile South of Nichols, N. Y. Exit 62 Rt. 17 Expressway, also 20 miles North of Towanda, Pa. via Pa. Rte. 187. Howard W. Visscher and Ed Goodrich, Jr. Sales Managers and FARM EQUIPMENT SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 10:30 A.M. Sharp Location: Manheim, Pa. "One mile south of Manheim along Bucknoll Rd.” Watch for sale signs off Route 72. FARM EQUIPMENT ■ STRAW - HAY - CORN 1860 Oliver Diesel Tractor with weights; 1650 Oliver Manure Loader; 88 Oliver Diesel Tractor, 70 Oliver Tractor, Super 88 Oliver Tractor; 60 Oliver Tractor, 3 Gehl Silage Wagons with P.T.0., with roofs (like new), Allis Chalmers Silage Wagon; Gehl No 800 High Throw Blower; Oliver Disc; No. 270 New Holland Baler with attachments for corn fodder; Darf front mount Hay Rack; No. 575 3 pt 6 bottom Oliver Plow with Hyd. Trip, like new, 3 Pt. Oliver Chisel; 3 Pt. 3 bottom Oliver Plow with Trip; 2 Plow Packers; Rear Mount Sprayer, 2 McCuroys Gravity Wagons (1 like new) 10’ John Deere Gram Drill, No. 540 4 Row Oliver Corn Planter with attachments. 80-100 TON OF STRAW Brady Hammermill with Mixer, Massey Harris 12' Combine; No. 46 New Holland Haybme, like new; New Idea Flail Manure Spreader; 3 section Spring Tooth Harrow; 10’ John Deere Roller Harrow, New Holland Hay Rack, 14’ Bnllion Cultipacker; 3 Ft. Scraper; Wagon Elevator; 2 16’ Grove Wagons, 7’ New Idea Grass Mower, 2 18’ Flat Bed Wagons; 36’ Smoker Elevator, 6’ Bear Cat Flail Chopper; Wmsted Bale Shedder; Gehl Hi-Throw Silage Blower; John Deere Hay Flutter; Gehl Harvester with Forage Pickup Attachments, 22’ Cardinal Elevator; No 205 New Idea Flail Manure Spreader; No 364 Oliver 4 Row Cultivator; 2 Row Self Propelled Massey ’Harris Corn Picker; 10’ Fertilizer Drill, JD Rotary Hoe; Curtis Air Compressor, GMC Farm Cattle Truck; 2 Hole Corn Shelter, 20 Milk Cans; 2 Wheel Trailer with Cattle Rack; Weeder; Tobacco Lath, Platform Scales, Lumber, 3 Wooden and iron Tobacco Ladders; Gas Tanks; Hog Troughs; Bag Wagons; Feed Carts, Scrap Iron Piles, and other items too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEERS NOTE; All of the farm equipment in excellent repair with most of the equipment having new tires. “Farmers don’t miss this Sale l ” Terms Cash SALE BY MR. & MRS. JOSEPH C. GRAYBIU “Food Rights Reserved” Jay M. Witman 717-665-5735 Manheim, Pa. Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 1 - 10A.M. Bi a and Good upstate New York Auction at the Chas. Ewert Farm, just off Rte, 20A, on Rte. 78, 5 miles S.E. of East Aurora. For info or full list mailed you write Rumsey Sales, Bath, N.Y. SAT. MARCH 1-12 P.M. Bud and Jordan Keeney Dispersal, Middlebury Center, Pa. (Tioga Co.) 6mi. East of Wellsboro, Pa. on Rt. 287. Sale by Bud and Jordan Keeney, Owners; Ronald D. West, Sale Mgr., Robert Shaylor, Auct. SAT. MARCH 1 - 11 A.M. Farm Sale of Potato PUBLIC s AUCTION 7 TON SHELLED CORN 40 TON OF ALFALFA HAY Auctioneers J. Omar Landis 717-665-4806 Manheim, Pa. Growers Equipment for SAT. MARCH 1 • for Allen Hannan Bros, located on Zeiset, 2 acre lot with 2 Harmony Rd., Cohansey, story house, hog sty, N.J.; turn left at 3rd cross- woodworking shop and a road off Rt. 540 West. Watch sheep bam. along for signs posted. Follow Rt. Rt. 322 in Fcttcrvllle 2 miles 40 from Delaware • east of Blue Ball. Ncvin Z. Memorial Bridge to Rt. 77 Martin, auctioneer. South to Rt. 540 West. Wm. Bragdon, Auctioneer. | Continued on Pace 59| EARLY SPRING AUCTION FARM TRACTORS & MACHINERY SATURDAY, MARCH 1 AT 10:30 AM. At the Wsscher Farm, New York Route 282,1 mile South of Nichols, NY Exit 62 Rt. 17 Expressway, also 20 miles North of Towanda, PA via PA Rte. 187. 20 TRACTORS ARE NOW CONSIGNED. Also consigned much good clean Machinery for all your farming needs including a full line of like-new New Holland Machinery from one farmer. For More Information Contact; Howard W. Visscher or Ed Goodrich, Jr. Nichols, NY Johnson City, NY 607-699-7250 607-729-2866 ( SALES MANAGERS AND AUCTIONEERS PUBLIC SALE Starting Time 9:00 A.M. To be held at the Harry Miller Farm located at the Intersection of Rts. 405 and Old 45 or between Lewisburg Bridge and Farmers Best Restaurant. Northumberland Co 1915 Oliver 550 Diesel Tractor; Workhorse No. 42 full hydraulic loader, used on 550 Oliver; Oliver Super 66 tractor with hydraulic cultivator; 1956 Ford 350 truck with dump bed with gram and cattle racks; A.C. No. 66 Combine with bin and motor drive; Oliver No. 50 p.t.o. Baler; McDade 42 in. Mow Fan with 7M> h.p. electric motor; N.I. No. 7 corn picker; J.D. FB-B 15-7 grain, drill, single disc: Oliver Model 471 Tractor Manure Spreader (150 bu.); J.D. Cylinder Corn Sheller; 3 pt. N.H. 450 Dyna Balanced Head 7 ft. Mower with con ditioner hitch; Oliver Hay Conditioner; N.I. 4 bar Hav Rake on steel; Papec 5 ft. Flail Chopper; Papec L 16 Forage Harvester with Continental Motor and 1-row com head and windrow pickup; Papec Blower with pipe; 2 J.D. wagons with 8 x 16 Forage Bed with hydraulic hoists; Oliver Wagon with 8 x 15 bed with grain sides; N. I. Wagon with feeder rack; 2-wheel trailer with 8 x 14 ft. bed with hydraulic dump; G.P. Rishell wooden wheel wagon with box; Woods bale buster; 34 ft. Girton bale and grain elevator with motor; 16 and 21 ft. Mayrath 6 in. augers; antique fanning mill; Little Giant drag elevator; Contineltal power unit on wheels; steel cable or rope winch; 10 ft. lime and fertilizer drill; Iron Age weed spraygr with 8 row boom; Oliver tight bottom 'push hay loader; 2 sets of 4 x 16 forage wagon sides; 2 sets of 2 x 16 grain wagon sides; 3 pt. Oliver 3-16 m. spring trip plow with cover board and coulters; Oliver 2-14 T.N.T. plow; J.D. 12 ft. 3-section tractor harrow; Brillion 12 ft. single cultipacker with star wheels; Oliver 10 ft. double disc harrow; Oliver 3 p.t. 8 ft. deep tillage cultivator; 4-row rotary hoe; 3 p.t. double subsoiler; snow blade to fit work horse loader; 2-wheel trailer with 4xB bed; 12 ft. chain type harrow; David Bradley hammer mill; tractor chains for 28 in. tire size; platform scales; app. 50 bags 10-10-10 fertilizer; app. 5 bags 5-10-10 fertilizer; Richie electric stock waterers; Polan chain saw; hydraulic pump with reservoir; 2 sets cluster chicken nests; chicken crates, milk cans, stainless steel DeLaval sterling milker units; steel drum; 6 ft. cast hog trough; junk pile. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Zenith stereo AM-FM radio and record player; Kenmore electric sewing machine; portable electric ironer; 3 pcs. bedroom suite; 9 x 12 rugs; misc, \ dressers. Plus other unlisted items. ANTIQUES Dresser, wooden crib; 3 brass beds; gram cradle; wheelbarrow grass seed sower; ice tongues; standing seam roof crimper; balance scales; wooden pulley; 2 Pa. R.R. caboose lights; 1 Pa. R.R. signalmans lan tern; 2 Pa. R.R. car inspectors lights with reflectors; 2 ice cream chairs; hand made round back captains chair; single school desk used in Montana. Sale order: Household and Antiques followed by Farm Machinery Terms: Cash EARL EASH, Auctioneer New Berlin, Pa. CLIP ond SAVE SATURDAY, Selling Valuable MODERN FARM MACHINERY HARRY AND GLADYS MILLER 1975 MARCH 8, Lunch Stand Owners Milton, Pa., RDI
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