Use the Farm Calendar To Publicize Your Meetings. PUBLIC AUCTION 3 Tractors, Truck & Farm Machinery The undersigned having discontinued farming will sell the following on the premises located at 4111 Madonna Rd., 2 miles north of the intersection of Md. 146 iarrettsville Pike I Md. 23 Norrisville Rd., Harford County, Jarrettsville, Maryland on SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1975 at 11:00 A.M Farmall 826 Diesel Tractor wide front end with 16 speeds live P.T.O. power steering - 3 pt. hitch, 18.4 x3B - ply rear tires - radio only 1,700 hr., I.H.C. Model 700 Auto reset 4-16” semi mounted hitch plow with hyd. cylinder, Farmall 450 Gas tractor row crop, live P.T.O. - powersteering torque amplifer - hyd. hookup.- Belt & Pullies, Farmall H. Good rubber - hyd. belt pulley & lights, with circular saw. New Holland 469 Hyabine 9 ft., J.D. 1600 - 10 ft. chisel plow wheel type, Grove heavy duty running gear adj. tongue with Grove self unloading wagon with right & left unload cross con veyor, 2 MH I.H.C. 2 row mounted picker group lub with husking bed - VG condition, John Deere 1240 - 4 row plateless planter with fertilizer attach., John Deere 17 disc grain &-fertilizer drill with hyd. pickup, New Holland Flail chopper Model 36 with 6 knives & swivel spout, New Idea 213 P.T.O. flail manure 'spreader, 16 ft. Alum. Cardinal Jr. Portable elevator, New Holland No. 55 - 5 bar rolla bar rake, New Holland 8 ft. corn elevator drag with elec, motor, I.H.C. wagon running gear with 16 ft. body & hay racks, John Deere F-125 - HD - Mounted plow - 4 bottom, Case 28 ft. Elevator for hay & grain, New Holland Model Super 69 Hayline P.T.O. Baler with engine bale thrower, J.D. 10 ft. 32 disc pull type harrow, 3 sect, spring tooth harrow, N.I. running gear with 16 ft. body and 12” racks, Century 200 gal. Fiberglass pull type sprayer with 10 row sprayer & roller pump 4 way controls, Cun ningham hay Buffer, New Holland Model 23 Hopper P.T.O. Silage blower with 40 ft. 9” pipe & goose neck, Brillion 10 ft. single culipactor, I.H.C. wagon running gear with 16 ft. body & hay racks, Case 28 ft. com & hay elevator, Grove running gear with 14 ft. bale body with adj. tongue, tractor com sheller, Tractor P.T.O. Cyclone seeder, 2 hole corn sheller, Wards grain buster hammer mill with bagger & belt, triple tree hookup, 900 x 20 tire, 4xB steel body dump trader 750 x 20 tires, 300 gal. water tank, single horse cultivator, 3 false end gates with flench winch, pickup racks, sand grind' stone. Truck; 1955-1-ton Chev. BVa x 10 ft. bed with cattle - 6 cylinder - 4 speed. Dairy Equip: 38 Station Standard barn cleaner chain with clay drive unit, 15-10 gal. milk cans, 5-Umversal Milking machine complete, strip cup, 2-SS strainers, dairy soap, can host, fork, shovel, some small tools, Steward clippers. TERMS: CASH - ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE. Jarrettsville, Md. WILLIAM H. AMOSS, Auctioneer Complete'Auction 8 Appraisal Service 2037 Pieasantville Rd., Fallston, Md. (301) 877-7005 or 838-3000 OWNER; George L. Kegley Public Sales Register (Continued Irom Page 561 Pa. Carl Dillcr and J. Everett Krclder, Auc tioneers. WED. FEB. 26 - 9:30 A.M. Complete Dispersal Sale of Dairy Herd, Dairy Equip ment, Farm Equipment, Truck, Some Household, etc. located in York Countv. Pa. 4 miles east of East Berlin or 8 miles west of York on Route 234, turn north at Shadydell Rd., mile. Terms by Paul H. Myers, Jr. and Virginia L. Myers, Owners, Thomasvllle, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auc tioneer. WED. FEB. 26 - Day Horse Sale at the Paul Z. Martin Sales Stables, located 2 miles East of Intercourse, Pa. along Route 340. Horses Hitched at 10 a.m.. Horses at 12:30 p.m. Sale by Paul Z. Martin, Blue Ball, Penna. 17506; Martin Auctioneers. Tickner’s Complete THURS. FEB. 27 - and SAT. KortheSt MARCH 8- 10 a.m. 2 Day Sc? on rS M 9 18 Sale of Dairy Cows; Feeds, JJg NortWest of Trov Grains, Farm Machinery & Pa Household Good located 1 m v mile east of Olcy, along Rt. t® KS„ T K/h 2 - e vSKe^ferS, mostly Hols, dairy cows, tv C elt O o!r r Troy RO Pa kW Sail Milk equipment. Feeds and y ’ ’ Grains. To be sold on Sat. Managers ' March 8 - Farm Machinery and Household Goods. Sale by George S. Schlegel; John D. and George D. Frey, Auctioneers THURS. FEB. 27-Dairy Dispersal and Farm Equipment for John S. Martin, RDI Denver Pa., THURS. FEB. 27 -12 Noon along South Muddy Creek Penn-Octo Farms Public Road. Randal Kline, Auc- Sale of 85 Head. cows in tioneer. herd due Dec. 1 to April 1 and PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1975 10:00 O’clock A.M. Located Off Interstate 83 at Exit 12, Strinestown, York Co., Pa. First road turn right, go South to Bowers Bridge Rd., turn left first farm on left. [Sale signs will be posted] MM G 950 Diesel, like new; Farmall M with remote control; Allis Chalmers WD 45 - Motor overhauled; MM 4 bottom Semi-Mtd. plow; 1959 Ford T Tag Truck with cattle racks; Allis Chalmers 4 row corn planter - like new; John Deere FBIS Grain Drill, real clean; Fox Forage Harvester Model FA 1 row Com Head & pick up; New Holland 269 Hay Baler with PTO Thrower; New Holland 36 ft. Elevator with gas motor; New Holland Drag & Motor; Massey-Harris 60 pull type Combine with 8 ft. Head; New Idea Mtd. Picker with 8 roll Husking Bed; New Holland 33 Flail Chopper; New Holland Blower and pipe; John Deere RWA Wheel Disc 10 ft.; John Deere Killifer Disc; John Deere 4 Section Rotary Hoe; New Idea Lime Spreader; New Idea No. 7 Com Picker; Bear Cat. PTO Hammer Mill (Portable); New Holland PTO Manure Spreader; Field Sprayer on wheel with tank; John Deere Hay Fluffer; John Deere Hay Conditioner; John Deere Hay Rake; Grove 3 pt. 7 ft. blade; Grove Wagon with false end Gate & Sides; New Holland Wagon with false end Gate & Sides; Harvester Aluminum Elevator -14 ft.; New Holland Corn Shelter; John Deere No. 5 Mower; Sub Soiler; Com Workers for WD 45; Grain-O- Vator Auger Wagon. Molasses Tank with pump, 80 bu. Auger Mixer on wheels, Forney Welder, work bench and vise, hydraidlic cylinders, New Idea Snow bucket, cattle and hog feeders, Silage cart, Farm trailer, log chains, chain tightners, grain fan and heater, unloading unit, truck scales, wheel weights, Agway portable heater, air compressor, flat bottom boat, nuts, bolts, oil and usual small items. Term: Cash or Good Check Manchester, Pa. AUCTIONEER: Blaine N. Rentzel Box 222 Emigsville, Pa. Ph. 764-6412 THURS, FEB. 27 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Farm Equipment, Milking Equipment and Trucks. Take Rt. 611 south for 9 miles from Easton toward Ricgclsvllle, turn right onto Spring Hill Rd. to Ist farm, in Durham Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. Sale by Young Bros.; Ralph W. Zettlemoyer, Auctioneer. THURS. FEB. 27 - 9 A.M. Public Sale of Farm Machinery, 50 Head Holstein Dairy Herd; Dairy Equip ment, Household Fur nishings and Antiques at the Richard L. Herman residence, located 3 miles south of Lewisburg and first farm west of Intersection of Furnace Road and Stine Lane, Union County. Sale by Mr. Richard L. Herman, owner, Lewisburg RDI, Pa.; Eash and Hess, Auctioneers. THURS. FEB. 27 - 11 a.m. THURS. FEB. 27 - 5:30 P.M. Public Auction at the Hat & Gavel Auction Co., located one mile North of Lititz along Rt. 501. Wilbur H. Hosier and Jay M. Witman, Auc tioneers. MISCELLANEOUS LEWIS FORRY, JR. RDI Unmttr Farming. Saturday. Feb. 22,1975 all bred heifers. Sale to be held at the Charles C. Myers Black and White Sale Bam located just West of Lan caster on Dairy Lane. Take 283 West of I Lancaster, exit Just beyond the ABC Stud Barns at Flory's Mill Rd. Turn left after exiting go right around mill to sale bam. R. Austin Backus, Inc., Auctioneers, Mexico, N.Y. FRI. FEB. 28 - 12:00 Noon Sharp Special Consignment Horse Sale at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522, 3 miles East of Middlebum, PA work, driving, Riding & Meat Horses. For information call 717-922-1490 or 717-837-2222. Larry Long, Auctioneer. C° EVERY WEDNESDAY IS \ mm dairy SSL DAY AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES. NIC. New Holland, Pa. SPECIAL CMSHMENIS FOR FEB. 26 SALE 17 Springing Holstein Heifers for Lester Bros, from cows with DHIA records to 20.799 M, 648 F. All due March or April. 4 Stock bulls from 1 herd with DHIA Records of 16.908 M, 704 F. 3 Guernsey Cows, fresh and close from 1 herd. Consigned by Fite Bros. 1 load Franklin Co. and Canadian Holstein Cows. Consigned by Marvin Eshleman. Wisconsin cows consigned by Dale Hostetter. If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price. Mostly fresh and close springing Holstems. Cows from focal farmers and our regular shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Gordon Fritz, Blame Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, Bill -Lang, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller. SALE STARTS 12:30 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & OjL Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon. i W 6 I TUES., MARCH 4,1975 Located on Hunsicker Road. Travel Route 23 to Bards Crossing between Leola and Eden, turn onto Snake Hill Road to Hunsicker Road. FARM EQUIPMENT, DAIRY COWS, MULES 24 Holstein Cows in all Stages of Lactation. 2 Heifers 1 Pair of \ oung Sorrel Mules, 1 pair of Black Mules, 1 odd White Mule. McD giam binder, McD. ground driven corn binder, McD gram drill; McD. #9 7’ grass mower; McD 24 disc like new. 2 David Bradley ensilage cut ters with pipe, N.H 410 fertilizer drill; John Deere Manure spreader; JD. 5’ grass mower; J.D. spring harrow, N.I tobacco planter; N.I. side delivery rake; 999 corn planter, 3 J.D cultivators; log land roller; Oliver Raydex 14” single bottom plow; 2 farm wag ons: 2 fore carts; 2 wiard 106 plows; 2 spike har rows. antique tobacco wagon; tobacco lath; bale boxes; 2. 3. 4, 5 horse hitches; harness; collars; brid les; Briggs and Stratton engines. MILK EQUIPMENT—2 DeLaval units; 3 Surge units; carrying pails; 25 milk cans. There will be some household and small items at barn. Sale by JOHN M. ALLGYER Wilbur H. Hosier, Auctioneer 717-626-5943 Galebacb and Hosier, Clerks FRI. FEB. 28-6 P.M. Public Sale at the Gap Auction' located off Route 41, Lan caster Avc. opposite Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross Rft Bridge. Antiques sold at every auction. Ira Stoltzfus and Son, Auctioneers. FRI. FEB. 28-11 a.m. PubUc Sale of 80 Head of Reg. Holstein Dairy Cattle, 2 tractors, other equipment, hay and corn located 5 miles East of Lancaster, x k mile South of Rt. 23 from Meadow Brook Farmers Market at 2453 Creek Hill Road. Sale by Mark T. Stoltzfus, owner; Norman Kolb, Pedigrees and Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer. | Continued on Page 58] 10:00 A.M. 57
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