14—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 22.1975 Some South American Indiana believe that eclipaea are cauaed by a huge Jaguar attacking the aun and the moon. ORDER YOUR SPRING FARM SEEDS NOW Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa Cert. Saranac AR Alfalfa Cert. Cayuga Alfalfa W-L3OS Alfalfa H-L3ll Alfalfa Cert. Vernal Alfalfa Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa Thor Alfalfa Cert. Pennscott Red Clover Pa. Grown Red Clover Cert. Ladino Clover Cfimax Timothy Pennmead Orchard Grass GRASSES _Maine Grown Certified Seed Potatoes DeKalb torn Sudax We Carry a Complete Line of Vegetable Seeds. Write For our New 1975 Seed Catalog. P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown. Pa. jit to take the horses. To meet today s new speeds, Alhs-Chalmers has beefed up the iron Developed new, high-strength plow de signs Stronger hitches Bottoms Weve added more clearance, too And there s a wide choice of beams, bottoms and coulters to match your soil conditions and farming methods If you need big, rugged discs we ve got them Hydraulic fold-up Blades that weigh 60 to 400 lbs In 18 to 32-mch diameters So, for all your implement needs, see your Allis-Chalmers dealer the man with the beefed-up iron A ALUS-CHALMER BUM Farm Equipment, Inc. Anmnlle.ROl.PA 717-167-2211 Nissley Farm Service Washinflon Boro, PA 717-2*5 4144 Roy H. Bucli, Inc. Ephrata, R. 0.2 717-159-2441 Cert. Garry Oats Cert. Pennlield Oats Cert. Cfinlland Oats Cert. CRntford Oats Erie Spring Barley Cert. Orbit Oats Cert. Russell Oats Cert. Cutler 71 Soybeans Cert. WilDams Soybeans Cert. Amsoy 71 Soybeans !99-2S 717. Rising Powe m Farming A. i. Ness A Son RD#2, Oley, PA 215-9*7-6257 L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, PA 717-397-5179 Grumelß Fann Service QuarryvHle, PA 717 7*6 731* Pesticides First growers and other producers of agricultural products should not have any problems in purchasing and applying pesticides for their 1975 crops, Henry F. Nixon, director of the Agriculture Depart's Bureau of Plant Industry, told fruit growers at their recent annual Partnership Meeting Set The Garden Spot Adult Program will, present a study on DAIRY PART NERSHIPS for interested area farmers on Tuesday, February 25, 1975 at 7:45 p.m. in the agriculture classroom of the Garden Spot High School. Topics to be explored will be the ad vantages of agreements (either written or unwritten) for father-son operations and other working family agreements along with partnerships with no family ties. The aforementioned will include details in an agreement and ideas of profit sharing, incentives and bonuses. Featured speaker of the evening will be Mr. Jay Irwin, Lancaster County Associate Agent. Mr. Irwin has helped to plan many, partnership agreements . currently in existence in pur area. Along with the presentation, sample copies of agreements will be available to you. With the availability of farms decreasing in the future, especially in the Lancaster County area, more families will turn to partnerships for sustaining their lives on the farm. If you have a son or brother or are in need of a partner, it will definitely be to your ad vantage to attend this meeting. ELEVATION! 7H058 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation, Ex-93 GM r-- ASK YOUR NEBA MAN ABOUT THE NEW SIRE POWER SIRES NEBA (717) 836-3127 Sire Power 836-3168 Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Predicted meeting in Gettysburg. Nixon emphasized that anyone buying restricted pesticides after October, 1978 has to be qualified to use them. The Agriculture Depart ment is responsible for administering and enforcing the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973. Pesticide users will fall into two general classifications of private and commerical applicators. Private applicators are farmers who apply restricted pesticides to their own land or land which they lease for farming. To qualify, die farmer must prove competence in the use of such pesticides by some type of examination and then be certified as a private applicator and assigned a permit number. He must present his permit number to a dealer to purchase a 1263 Dtr., 486 Hds. Avg, PD 98% R +s96 HFA, November 1974 350 Dtr. Avg. 82.7 83.9 83% PDT +3.17 94% R ELEVATION HAS IT ALL Pedigree, Production, Type Popularity and Sales Value. A PD of +llB5 and a PDT of +3.17 makes Elevation one of the most sought after sires in America. is available from your NEBA Professional Technician for only $35 for first service, $3O for repeat service. Available ' restricted pesticide. Nixon described com mercial applicators as those who engage in the business of applying pesticides classified for restricted use. They will be examined to ' prove competence in the specific categories of comerlcal. applicators to which they belong. If a commercial applicator wants to be certified in several categories he may take the examination in as many categories as desired and one fee will cover all categories in which he is certified, explained Nixon. The cooperative Extension (Hi TRAMISOL’Fgn levamisole HCI most effective r££r swine wormer ■“ Uli TMC you can use I 1 <o> * i A NSKll«l MCTWQ CONTROLS LUNGWORMS, LARGE ROUNDWORMS, AND NODULAR WORMS. NO OTHER WORMER GETS ALL THREE. AVAILABLE FROM YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLIER USDA, November 1974 T Ephrata Ephrata Litrtz Reading Quakerlown 717-733-1224 215-445-3331 215-626-4369 215-373-1055 215-326-5700 A 15,622 3.55 562 +llB5 -.02 +4O _____________ ___j iMyerslown Ronks Hamburg Allentown PenAigyl Service of the Pennsylvania State University will be assisting the Department of Agriculture with the educational aspects of ap plicator certification. A correspondence course will be available for private applicator certification. In addition, training programs and conferences will be available to assist those desiring to become com merical applicators. Specific times, places or dates are not yet available. The county Extension office will be the source of information on these programs. Such in formation will also be made available to the media. 717-866-5495 717-687-6214 215-562-3684 215-797-4642 215-863-9722
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