82—Uncarter Farming. Saturday, Feb. 15. 1975 New Cobs An experimental system using corn cobs as a heat source to dry seed com is planned by Pioneer Seed Company, a division of Pioneer Hi-Bred In ternational, Inc. The in stallation at the company’s Marengo, lowa seed plant will cost an estimated $300,000. Pioneer is believed to be the first major seed com pany to attempt using cobs as fuel for drying seed in a system designed to meet environmental quality standards. Dr. Owen J. Newlin, division president, said that the use of cobs could result in sizeable savings in petroleum-base fuels and natural gas, which are now widely used by the seed industry to dry seed com. An industrial type furnace will bum cobs from seed ears that have already been dried and shelled. “This experiment has been under study since it became apparent in 1973 that the nation faces a serious shortage of petroleum and gas,” Newlin explained. “We knew that there was enough potential heat energy in cobs to dry at least as much seed as we removed from those cobs. However, at that time, there were no test results nor were there any large fur naces designed to utilize this type of fuel.” The company’s engineers and a seed drying consultant worked with an industrial System to Dry furnace manufacturer in designing the system. The most critical problem was controlling temperatures within a narrow range to preserve germination of seed com while maximizing drying capacity of the bins. Robert Dahlberg, production manager, ex plained that cobs will be fed into the furnace almost immediately after grain is shelled from them. Engineering studies con ducted for Pioneer indicate that the pilot project should furnish enough heat to dry WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS - IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT - WASHES OFF WINDOWS AND PIPELINES EASILY. Also BARN CLEANING SERVICE Available With Compressed Air With increase in business. I have put on another spray ng. We will take on work within 100 mile radius of Lancaster. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Spraying Since 1961 Witmer, Pa. 717-392-7227 If no answer call Wiljard Beitzei 717-733-6357 Barn spraying our business, not a sideline. Uses Com 25,000 bushels of ear corn at a time. The unit will generate a maximum heat output of 29 million BTUs per hour, or enough to heat about 250 average size homes in the winter, according to Dahlberg. Assuming that the dryer bins are in use throughout the five to six-week harvest season, Dahlberg believes about 200,000 gallons of propane could be saved annually by this one unit. The parent corporation’s 21 seed com plants in the U. S. and Canada have a total of 47 dryer units. The experimental system is expected to be ready for test operation when seed harvest begins this fall. The permits necessary for its construction and operation are being prepared for submittal to the lowa Department of En vironmental Quality. Legend has it that cats were created by Noah aboard the ark to take care of his rat problem. ERTH SOI CON MAXI LIQUID! FEED FEED-1 Vitamin & Mini and poultry. ZOOK & II RDl.Gap Phone 71 I 3IG I Hi I wm ANI S ym I Agr ir
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