-—LancitUr Farming, Saturday. Feb. 18.1 36 FOR TOP MILK PRODUCTION IN CHESTER CO. ON D.H.IA ROLLING HERD AVERAGE FOR 1974 32 COWS 17,684 LBS. MILK 672 LBS. FAT. Earl and Betty’s average in 1972 was 40.6 lbs. of milk per cow per day on ail cows. In 1974 their herd average was 50.9 lbs. of milk per cow per day on all cows. Most farmers don’t realize how much 10.3 lbs. of milk is worth. If milk is 8 cents per lb. this amounts to $300.76 per cow per year. Take your number of cows and find out how much an extra 10 lbs. of milk is worth to you. Southeast) George F. DeLong Regional Manager P 0 Box 683 Lititz Pa 17543 Call Collect 717 626 0115 Eastern Lancaster Co Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland Pa 17557 Ph 717 354-5977 Worth Western Lancasl Eart B. Binder RD2 Manheim Pa 17545 Phone 717-665 3126 Henry DeLong, Jr. RD2 Peach Bottom. Pa 17563 Ph 717-548-2580 "I was asked what I think of the AGRI-KING feeding program. I don't know exactly what to say everything is. important! You cannot look at any one thing and say that is more important than anything else. Protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and trace minerals at the right levels and percentages are very important to a balanced feeding program. I feel that if a farmer is interested in getting the most out of each acre of ground, each pound of feed and each head of livestock, he will have to test his roughage and fine out what is in that part of his feeding program. I started on the AGRI-KING feeding program in January 1973 with an average of 14,814 lbs. milk and 583 lbs. fat. We were having breeding problems, severe cases of sore feet and a Jot of abortions, and we were unable to find the reason for all these problems. AGRI-KING then checked and found that our hay had a very high level of nitrates, and Micro XX was included in our feeding ration. AGRI KING is the only one who ever helped us counteract these problems. By January 1975 our rolling herd average on D.H.I.A. is 18,593 lbs. milk and 693 lbs. fat. We have had 19 straight months in which our milking cows have averaged over 50 lbs. of milk and we didn't have to replace a lot of cows to achieve this record. Eleven of my older cows (with an average of their sth lactation) averaged 15,135 lbs. milk and 568 lbs. fat in 1973. In 1974 these same cows averaged 19,354 lbs. milk and 706 lbs. fat. My hope for the future is that we can fine-tune this program and follow it even closer than ever before." Southwestern Lane; Ben Greenawalt RD2 Conestoga. Pa 17516 Ph 717-872-5686 Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RD2 Pox 157 Annville Pa 17003 Ph 717-867-1445 Lehigh Co. Area J. H. Moore 1213 Zorba Drive Whitehall. Pa 18052 Ph 215-432-5987 Agri-King Congratulates EARL and BETTY WEIR ister KEY TO PROFIT PERSONALIZED FEEDING PROGRAMS COCHRANVILLE, PA SERVICEMAN BILL WINDLE, RIGHT. CONGRATULATES EARL ANJQ BETTY ON THEIR 1974 ACHIEVEMENT. Testimonial Montgomei Cy Arnold 739 Rosewood Drive Douglasville Pa 19518 Ph 215 385 6249 Chester Co William Windle ROI Atglen Pa 19310 Ph 215 593 6143 Northeast Berks Co. Roger Heller RD#l Robesoma. Pa Ph 215-693 6160 AGRI KING, & SE Berks Co ILTON, ILL South Central Penn; James L Yoder Regional Manager R R 1 Box 81 Chambersburg Pa 17201 Cal! Collect 717 264-9321 Bedford Co . Pa. Area (Kenneth |Sonny| Yoder RD#2 F V 150 Bedford Pa 15522 Ph 814 623 6856 Cumberland Co. Pa Area Marlin E. Ebersole RD#5 .•> Carlisle. Pa W«3 Ph 717-776-7324 Franklin Co. Pa. Area Eldon Martin RD#5 Waynesboro Pa 17268 Ph 717-762 3576 Franklin Co Pa Area Mark H Yoder 2004 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg Pa 17201 Ph 717-263-1808 Washington Co. Mri Area Earl H. Moyer RD#5 Box 2*7 Hagerstown Md 21740 Ph 301 739 5199
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers