Jt I A 't Mi CUSTOM HAULING for GRAIN and GENERAL FARM COMMODITIES 717-442-8206 or 717-442-8153 CUSTOM SAWING FOR SALE Locust Posts. Ix 6 Fence Boards. Oak, Poplar, Walnut and Wild Cherry Lumber For Sale at all Times. FREY BROS. MFG. Quarryville, Pa. Phone 717-786-2146 WATCH FOR OPEN HOUSE 10% off ON PARTS MARCH 3 thru 7 -COPE & WEAVER CO. ■■■ New Providence 786-7351 iS is U* is iS U* L H. BRUBAKER AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR ALUS CHALMERS & HEW HOLLAND FARM EQUIPMENT WE SALUTE OUR AREA CHAPTERS AND THE FFA * ? PROGRAM. * * * FEBIS-22 \ \ MOST HAY TOOLS AVAILABLE WITH WAIVER OF FINANCE DON'T WAIT! Have Your Equipment \ Brought in NOW to be Recondition* for the Spring Season. \ \ Full Line of Simplicity & A.C. Lawn and Garden Equipment SALES AND SERVICE - PARTS AND EQUIPMENT 350 Strasburg Pike Miscellaneous Rubber Stamps Made to Order Ink Pads Available. Richard D. Mylin RD2 Lancaster, Pa. 17603 Ph: 717-872-2855 Custom Work FFA OFFERS; Encouragement Guidance Understanding Achievement L. H. BRUBAKER, Inc. PHONE 394-3047 or 626-2191 Livestock For Solo Wants to Buy • Red St White Holstein Calves. Kenneth D. Myer, RD3. Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 717-367-3344. Custom Work Cold Storage Insulation Fruits - Vegetables. SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for temperatur and humidity control. Continuous coating - no seams - no adhesive. For free estimates call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 p.m. Call 872-2233. < FERTILIZER Are you tired of paying 5150 to $2OO or more per ton for fertilizer? Try poultry manure fresh from the broiler houses. Delivered and dumped on your farm in 8 to 16 ton loads. You can buy 8 to 100 tons. Next delivery in March. $25.00 per ton delivered. Write Box 27, Strasburg, Pa. 17579 Reg. Australian Shepherd pups $5O. Bom 12-26-74, Blue merles w-blue eyes. Stud Service; Penny Bell, RD3, 609-358-8589 is tS IS is , Inc PH. 397-5179 Experienced dairyman, family farm, registered Holsteins, pipe line, some mechanical feeding. House can be available. Bucks County. Please call 215-766- 8242 For Sale - 4000 bushel of Hi- Moisture Shelled corn, 1 Chem-Stor Treated by Agway. Phone 717-225-4565 Name brand, 22 ton lots, sacked, delivered, $2OO per ton while supply lasts. Heritage Supply Co. 717-569-3977 1000 bales of bright, clean Oats straw for sale. Call 1- 717-244-0662 For Sale - Home grown Pennscot Clover seed $6O. per bu. Phone 717-768-8026 For Sale - Home raised Clover Seed. Call 354-9436 Pets Buying and Selling Shelled Com. Phone 717-442-8153. Wanted to Buy - Feed Wheat, Barley, or Rye. Phone 442- 4632 daytime. V* is tS \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Help Wonted Feed & Seed 10-20-20 Lancaster, Pa. 31 Lancaster Farming Saturday, Feb. 15.1975 Help Wanted OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY!! Must have current dairy farm background Sell animal health products. Guaranteed salary, commission, profit sharing and benefits. Call Collect 717-266-5611 Animal Medic, Inc. Married couple looking for opportunity in farming. Have some experience in general farming, dairy, poultry and swine. Must be Permanent work with ousing, garden and fair wage. Can furnish references. Please call 1-717- 234-5728. Person for general farm work, drive tractor, generally handy, stable care of horses and cattle. Salary plus separate living quar ters. Call 215-827-7650 bet ween 6 and 9 P.M. or write Box 352, Glen Moore, Pa. 19343 Opening for individual who is acquainted with dairy far mers within 25 mile radius of their residence. One qualified to sell and manage direct Agri-Business Feed Supplement sales. Company established 25 years. Salary, commission, hospital ization, year end bonus. Write Box 2668, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Dairy farmer, experience required, house with heat and electric supplied in Oxford area. Write Box 266 C, co. Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543 TRY A CLASSIFIED Lancaster Farming Photos for Sale If you d like prints of any Lancaster Farming photographs we II be happy to make them for you To order, just complete the form below and mail or bring it to Photo Department, Lancaster Farming 22 E Mam St Lititz PA 17543 The photo 1 want appeared in the Lancaster Farming dated. begins I would like to order the following prints Number of Prints (Please add 6% Pa Sales Tax) Please send remittance with order Allow 10 days for delivery Warm Tow Help Wanted Couple - Caretaker Manor House Southeastern Penna. Assist farm manager during crop season. Au modern laborsaving equipment. No livestock. Wife can earn separate income assisting light household duties. Answers held in confidence. State full details age; ex perience; salary; availability, etc. Write Box 266 A, c-o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz, PA 17543 Good employment op portunity open for right man on registered Holstein Dairy farm. Preference given man with interest and experience with pure bred cattle. Modern dairy stall barn with liquid manure system, pipe line milking and mechanical feeding. Three bedroom home available in double farm house. Regular tune off, plus paid vacation and fringe benefits. References please. Caernarvon Farm, Andrew D. Stoltzfus, RDI, Box 19, Morgantown, Pa. Phone 215-286-9283 Equipment Salesman to sell Massey Ferguson and Case New and Used Tractors. Also need a mechanic, must be Ist class with Case and Massey Ferguson Tractor ex perience. All benefits to employees are available. Call for an appointment 215- 458-8525 ask for Bob Heitz man. It was on page. Cost of each Size $l5O 2 00 2 50 Bxlo TOTAL ORDER and the caption
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers